
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 8/19/2019: See comments.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago

It's kinda annoying how you have to click one link at a time when you're adding them to pages. The option to add a ton at once would be incredible.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
I mean... but why? Just how may links are you adding to one page?

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Because you would add a ton to do what, especially since they would all be the same if you added them all at once?

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Well to be fair I've added up to 30 before, when you get into script heavy stuff or variable restrictions it can get tedious. And from previous posts Cell is working on something like that.

But it's one of those things that's rare enough that it likely wouldn't be worth messing with the editor (assuming it's even possible) over.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
It might be relatively simple to add -- but adding 10 links that all do the same thing? Sure, you can add scripting to make them do different things, but then what's the big advantage to adding 10 at once if you then have to immediately edit all 10 of them?

I'm not complaining, just trying to understand if adding a feature like this would actually save anyone any time.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
I didn't read that as them wanting ten links that did the same thing, I assumed they wanted to create several new links, or link to several existing ones at once.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
*cough* in the works

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
I doubt there'll be any changes made to the editor itself.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Thinking about an open-source development environment for CYSScript. Think of twine but not as shit and for CYS. Still just brainstorming and tossing ideas at BD in case he wants to be in on it. Also not sure how much interest or use there would be for such a software application.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Make it off-line, graphical, and able to upload to CYS and you've got a winner.

Yeah, I don't ask for much.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
The only real terrible problem there is exporting/uploading to CYS. Making the application is looking, after a few days thought, to be relatively trivial compared to exporting. If we could make exporting easy then it'd be a killer app and I think more than a few people would enjoy such a piece of software.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Yeah, without direct access to the db, I'm not sure how uploading could possibly work.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
There's a couple long inefficient ways to go about it that I can think of off the top of my head lol

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
I would like for it to polarize the positronic transporter arrays.

Possibly even reverse the deflectors.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Relative motion of “conductors and fluxes?” I thought induction invovled the relative motion of a magnet and conductor. And wtf are “fluxes” in this context? I thought flux was the amount of field lines through a specific area. Time to retake either physics or trolling 101.

Also amazing video. 10/10 would watch again.

Also Fluxion

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago

You are correct.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago

Basically I'm proposing a system that goes:

Add Link to existing page

Next you'll be able to click on one or more links, and if you choose more than one they will all be added at once.

It's just a huge time saver.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Being able to set Link restrictions via script would make this a lot more manageable.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
Definitely. I actually kind of hate link restrictions because for one thing, you have to go and create the variable. And even without that they just seem like an unnecessary amount of clicking and scrolling. I'm not sure why it's separated into two tabs either.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
True, that was the most tedious and frustrating part of my latest project. Setting them in the link script would be a million times easier.

The Option to add multiple links to one page

5 years ago
It would have been to be in the Page Script to actually restrict a link from showing.

I bet there is already some way to do it, as you can link links to pictures, but I imagine it's an arcane mess to actually do.