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5 years ago

Hi! I'm Nehal, a (usually) normal girl, tripping here and there in search of good stuff to read.  It's been a few months since the legendary tales of CYS reached me, and I'm glad to join the community.


5 years ago

Hello, Nehal.  I am not certain I believe your claims to normalcy, but welcome to the site.  

Whoever told you about this place is someone you should thank heartily.  


5 years ago

Ah, I know! I really should thank Corgi and Wibbons.


5 years ago

Oh, it was them, eh?  Yes, you should make a special post thanking them and showing great RESCECC to Sir Corgi.  That's what we do when someone else introduces us here.


5 years ago

Welcome! Good to have ya.


5 years ago

Thank you, Sir Corgi! With much respecc, ofc


5 years ago

Welcome to the site! Readers are always needed, especially if they also review the story afterwards. Check the articles in the Help & Info section for general advice, and if you still have questions feel free to ask us.


5 years ago

Thank you! I'll make sure to do that. :)


5 years ago

Welcome Nehal hope you enjoy the site.


5 years ago

Thank you!


5 years ago

Welcome! I think both of us here are the only two relatively normal people. 



5 years ago

Why aren't you always this funny?


5 years ago
Well we certainly don't need two of those. Thank goodness you're not normal at all or she'd be your replacement.


5 years ago



5 years ago

You sure about that?


5 years ago
Normal people aren't allowed here. Sorry.
Hey Nehal, welcome to CYS! Reading is great and it's wonderful to see people are still doing that sometimes. Planning on writing something, too? If not, that's fine too, no pressure. Don't be an idiot and have fun! :)


5 years ago

The wise Mayana!


5 years ago

Hello and welcome. What's something good that you've recently read?


5 years ago

On here? I'm currently reading Necromancer. Which one is your favourite?


5 years ago

I meant in general, but that definitely counts as a good read. I'll be a basic bitch and say my favorite is Eternal, although Rogues is a close second. I liked the branching better on Rogues, but nothing can compare to my initial, mesmerizing play through of Eternal. 


5 years ago
Welcome to the site. You admit to knowing Corgi? I'm sorry.


5 years ago

He's an innocent doggo. Usually. I think. I Hope XD


5 years ago
Hey Nehal! I'm glad to see you made your account... though I knew about it for a while. I just didn't see this thread since I normally don't go into the Newbie thread. Anyways, you already know that rating and reviewing is always appreciated around here. I hope you'll enjoy your time around here!


5 years ago

Psshhh, staying away from the noobie central, I see


5 years ago
Most newbs have a bad case of the retards. Like aids, I wouldn't want to catch that (moreso than I already have).