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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

{I’ve gathered you here in the study to announce that one of you among us is “the killer”!}


{Oh, brother, here we go again…}


{It’s just a matter of time before the meds run out and ‘subject X’ goes completely apeshit!}


{BZ sure is a suspicious old bastard.}

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

I fear for your life BZ. How's your wife going to react when you aren't able to use your brain, and just start drooling all over the place?! 

Cryptic Post

11 years ago


But really, there is hidden meaning to this post. I'll give it a week and then point it out...

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Your game is coming out soon? 

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Yeah, not too much longer, but this post has nothing to do with it.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

I don't know what this about but I like 3.

Lol 1 sounds like its from CLUE

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Clearly Berka is a cyber-terrorist and this is his way of saying there's a bomb somewhere on CYS.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Very close, if by 'bomb' you mean...


Cryptic Post

11 years ago

It burns! Kill the troll!!

Cryptic Post

11 years ago


                      SHE's Baaaaack....

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

So, I've been asked about this little bout of paranoia and here's the deal –

It was in reference to my suspicion that FateGas had once again returned to the forums in the guise of yet another username.

The clues that lead me to this conclusion where the way the “new user”:
1. ‘Sounded’ a lot like the way FateGas posted when ‘she’ was in a good mood.
2. Has (as FateGas did) insisted on pointing out her excessively young “age”.
3. Had an original Avatar Pic very similar to the form FateGas used (the pic has since been changed though)
4. When Googled, the username popped up in other web profiles with more FateGas-esque Avatar Pics
5. The other web profiles also claimed to be the same young user, but one of them was set up as a ten year old boy rather than a girl.

And for anyone not familiar with FateGas, she went off her meds in a big way and totally blew up, claiming everyone on the site had raped her and posted pornographic pictures in her profile and them spammed the hell out of all the forum threads and people’s PMs.

So, when seeing all the similarities, I was sort of sitting back and waiting for the inevitable… I could be wrong of course, but where is the fun in that?

Damn shame we still don’t have an IP tracking tool on the site yet (or do we?)…

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Wait, FateGas might be back? I remember the three day flame war we had. Mind PM'ing me who you think her new account is?

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Oh, that's so not fair! Maybe everyone on the site DID rape her. You can't prove they didn't! Personally I'm inclined to believe her, and I think you guys should all be ashamed of yourselves. cheeky

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

That's something FateGas would say...

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

This whole FateGas thing is getting me really paranoid

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

It could be anybody... It could be you! It could be me! ... I really hope it's not me, that'd suck. I dun wanna go off my meds. They taste like gummy bears ^_^

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

That is impossible because of many factors.And it should be her responsibility to prove everyone on this site did rape her not the other way around.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

My previous post was replying to Briar_Rose's first post.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Uhh... I think the moral of the story is, never put sarcasm in writing :p

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

The moral is only expect those with a base level of intelligence to understand it.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Oh, that's not good. I only just convinced my parents to let me on this site! If something like that happens again, I'd be banned FOREVER! (My parents are really paranoid about being online) No-one wants this site covered in pictures like THAT!

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

The troll doll is coming a little close...

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

FateGas was a troll-doll?


Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Close as in on this thread? And you said that in reply to my post? You don't think I'M the troll, do you?!?

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Haha, you said you didn't want the pics he/she posted on here cuz your parents would be mad, and I made a joke about the troll doll BZ (I think it was him) posted above

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Oh cool, I was worried you saw through my clever diguise for a second there! (Jokes, it's not me, I don't know who it is.)

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

I'm reading the council vote of FateGas now, I tell me where the flame war is at. oh yeah whos bob

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

"I tell me where the flame war is at"

Do you want us to tell you where it's at, did you tell yourself where it's at, or did you find where it's at? Grammar is important, Frank.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Sorry Bo. I was interested in the council vote.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Hanging participle...


Cryptic Post

11 years ago

You have revealed my true identity Berka, now I shall come after you.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Just leave the white one at home when you do. He's creepy.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

FateGas? Oh that was a fun time.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

always missing the good stuff.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

May I spamz ze new accounts of ze Fate?

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

And on top of that...

Where's Legion, I kinda miss him.

(He wasn't a really bad guy at all, other than his fails at keeping up a discussion in a civilized manner, and failing to prove his points on debates...

Pretty much like me but more mature.)

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Other then the fact that you are a bad guy. :P

Cryptic Post

11 years ago
A tight-knit community full of notorious outlaws (FateGas), mysterious phemonema (white pages), and used-to-be members who are now only remembered by the old mainstays (Legion), their stories to be passed down to youngsters (Briar_Rose) in old whispers... Deep stuff. I'll keep tracking this, or my name's not Trish 'Scoops' Una, the one-and-a-half-years-with-varying-activity member-slash-suddenly news reporter.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

^i vote Trish is new forum news writer/watcher.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Second =)

Cryptic Post

11 years ago


Cryptic Post

11 years ago


Cryptic Post

11 years ago


Cryptic Post

11 years ago


Cryptic Post

11 years ago

6th! ... I have no idea what I'm voting for, I just like counting ^_^

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Twelvetyfirst! Wait, did I already vote?

Cryptic Post

11 years ago


Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Oh I missed the Porn stuff. I bailed around the time FateGas was first put on the tribunal.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago
CYS BUGLE, FIRST EDITION, ISSUE ONE: BerkaZerka suspects return of FateGas; possible assumed identity remains undisclosed. Dark background of new website look is putting JJJ in a state of trepidation. Dr. Lucky to invite guests, prostitute to explode. Also, Ally recommends Jitterbug!

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

Amy May, guest reporter for the CYS Bugle, brings you an exclusive with an INTERVIEW WITH AN EYEWITNESS

Amy2 (in no way related to Amy May): I (sob)... I don't know when it happened. (sob) All I know is, I came to the site one day (sob) to find that... that...... there was an update to the site's look posted in the news section. (sob) So I clicked on it, my heart full of hope, and then... then... (bawls eyes out) I'm sorry, it's just so hard to talk about.

Amy May: Take your time. Don't rush. Do you want a tissue?

Amy2: Thank you. (blows nose). Well, it's not that the site's new look looked bad. It was actually quite good.

Amy May: Then why are you so upset?

Amy2: Well, I (sniff) couldn't find where anything was! Everything had moved! (sob) My confidence is shattered! (burst into tears again)

Amy May: There there. It's ok. No one blames you.

After that outburst, Amy2 had to be removed from further stress. She is being held in a safe location until he confidence and mental stability return. In closing, I would like to say that I myself looked briefly at the 'new look', and have faced the same trials as Amy2. But I know that with time, both Amy2 and I will grow used to, and maybe even fond of, the new look.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

^_^ good stuff, hehe.

Cryptic Post

11 years ago

No mention of the LC thread?

Cryptic Post

11 years ago
Fireplay asks Buglers, "No mention of the LC thread?" See our exclusive behind-the-scenes interview with him at eleven.