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So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Normally I don’t give a shit about the Marvel Universe movies, but I randomly decided to watch this one since I heard so much bitching about it.

Keep in mind I haven’t even seen a good portion of most of the movies. I know I’ve missed most of the Avenger related movies in general (Thor, Cap, Iron Man, etc) I’ve seen enough of them though and know enough about the plots and characters to piece together shit.

I just knew it was based on the comics where Thanos is being a genocidal dick as usual. What I didn’t know about the movie is he was practically a villain protagonist in it, since it focused on him more than the rest. Which makes sense since they already had a shitload of movies about the rest of the heroes.

Started out pretty promising when it shows that he’s already completely horse fucked Asgard and he kills Loki. (Never liked him as a villain, Loki was just really unimpressive) Him later on fucking up Wakanda was also pretty cool.

I also liked his motivation a lot more than the comics. Instead of killing a shitload of people just to impress some goth chick like a big purple incel, he was doing it for a more noble purpose.

Probably the saddest bit is where he has to sacrifice his adopted daughter in his pursuit of his goals, but y’know these things happen and it had to be done.

The ending was perfect though. I know they’re going to fuck it all up with more movies, but as far as I’m concerned, Thanos won and lives out the rest of his days in retirement.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

There’s a little bit more back story in the other avengers movies, and the latest Thor movie, but you seem to have got the jist of it. I personally think that the worst thing about the movie is all of the terrible memes that spawned.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Personally i think the mcu version doesn't make sense and has a lot of plot holes guess all of the budget went into special effects, if you want examples why doesn't thanos use the infinty gauntlet to double the resources of the universe? Also history has shown time and time again that whenever you kill a large amount of people a baby boom happens.


So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
Um... those aren't plot holes. Those are just reasons you disagree with his decision.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Why the hell would you double the universe’s resources? Seriously, if you got the option of killing half the universe there’s really no reason not to take it, noble cause or not.

The only major plot hole is why Dr. Strange didn’t just do the time loop trick like he did to the other dude in his movie. Other than that it was more like the heroes just constantly holding the idiot ball.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

You do make a good point with strange but if thanos really was trying to prevent the universe from running out of resources just double the size and resources of the universe also you seemed to forget that i mentioned a baby boom would happen and also why don't some of the tree's die? just my opinion


So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

There's no indication that a baby boom is going to automatically happen, because it doesn't always happen, and you're only going by humanity's breeding habits. Other races might no be as active in that department.

Even if there is a baby boom, it's still going to take centuries before the population becomes a problem again, and when that happens, well time to wipe out half the galaxy again. Easy.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Give me one example where a large amount of the population died and a baby boom didn't happen also i do agree with your argument about alien races

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

WW1, Black Plague, the native Americans certainly didn't have a shitload of kids after most of them got horse fucked by the various diseases the euros brought over, etc.

Not sure where you're getting the idea that a baby boom automatically happens after a bunch of people die. I mean yeah babies are always going to be born, but not necessarily enough to automatically replenish the population to what it was immediately. (And in some cases never)

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Okay admittedly now that i think of it that argument wasn't rational

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
A bunch of people died, and everyone else that's left suddenly had a ton of resources and no competition for them. It's fine to like Thanos but please don't defend anything about his retarded logic. The only thing he has going for him in this movie is not being an incel anymore.

And hell, Marvel keeping to the source there would've been more topical.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I'm not so much defending Thanos' logic so much as I'm endorsing genocide over giving people more free shit to make them happy.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
Oh, well that makes more sense. Carry on then.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Yeah, that just doesn't happen. It can, but it's not some rule. My country lost a bunch of people in a famine, and we still haven't got back to how many people we had in two hundred years.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
To be fair, it's entirely possible he DID try the time loop trick in one of his iterations, and just realized it wouldn't work. That Thanos wouldn't give up his goal, even if it meant fighting Dr. Strange forever.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I totally agree with that considering he had the space stone which would probably just stop rhe portal from closing oh wait it's the time loop trick not the portal trick


So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

It doesn't make his choice logical just because it's "not a plot hole" killa_robot 

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
Neat. I don't recall saying it was a logical choice.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

True. Either way thanos still serves his purpose as a great villan just as many villans with flaws do.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

 Oh and killa_robot what do you mean "Neat"?

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
Actually Logan it looks like you were saying his actions were plot holes because they weren't logical.

Thanos was an unimaginative dumbass and his actions reflected that, that's not a plot hole at all.

Strange meanwhile is acting on more and better information than anything anyone else possesses. Yes the 'only one solution' bit was groan-worthy but it still is the writers identifying and plugging up the major potential problem there in a way where we're just forced to take their word there.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Oh then i should probably find some examples of plot holes

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Oh and sorry about my punctuation errors

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

"Oh then i should probably find some examples of plot holes"

Or recognize that a movie about a wizard, a Nordic god, a super soldier frozen in time, a guy bitten by a radioactive spider and such trying to save the universe from an alien warlord and keeping him from his magical stones isn't going to make sense all the time and just enjoy it for what it is, a collection of cool funny characters with colorful powers putting on big action spectacles.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Good point, i'd have to reject comics entirely.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

That one solution was awful, and definitely a plot hole. There were plenty of opportunities where Thanos could've failed had the good guys done things differently.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I'm going to side with Lemons, it might be. Someone being concerned with a resource crisis and having the ability to double all resources, yet deciding it's better to kill half the people is an idiot, yet the movies continue to show us that Thanos isn't an idiot, so... sort of.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Damnit they were right, i'm not lemon i am his brother we are different people

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I'm just playing the odds, kid, and it's much more likely that you're Lemons than anything else. I won't hold it against you, the dude strangely had the ability to be pretty cool as his Mormon alt.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I'm not him i'm his brother and unlike him i actually like this community and I don't ####ing disrespect people's lost family members 

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

OK, cool. But you have to see my dilemma, which is that is exactly what he'd say if he was trying to sneak back here.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Why would he put on a charade of a completely different personality just to get back into a community he doesn't even like? He's not going to influence people's beliefs if he has a different personality and beliefs

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I don't know, but he did it before, with Charaxes, so it is something he does.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Wh.. why would you do that? Also i know what your arguments gonna be but i'll say it anyways. I do not have good grammar, my brother has amazing grammar.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I do not know why your brother pretends to be other people on a website he hates. But it is something your brother does. Therefore, it's likely that you are him, given it's his MO. Also, he would've known to worsen his grammar to help us believe that you two are different people.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Called it. Something off topic story name any suggestions? I currently changed the name to home invader

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

The Late Night Visitor or A Knock at the Door.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Thanks i appreciate your help and the community's

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago


So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
So I see Steve has a new toy, AND it squeaks when you squeeze it. Fancy.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Are you insulting me? Also what do you mean new toy just asking

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
Sure, why not?

And I don't have to answer any questions from you, bitch.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Why are you being so rude? Nevermind sadly you probably won't answer my questions

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Okay... what just happened? is this a joke or do you think i'm lemon

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Hush, boy.  You are supposed to be reading Eternal.  

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I know i only looked at my messages for a split second and i saw this

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

It was a good movie, with an arc focusing on Thanos. I'm kind of hoping that they keep his arc going in the next film so that he can become more than just a grossly delusional villain. The comic motivation sounds like it makes more sense to me, though that doesn't make it any less crazy or omnicidal. I guess he could go out and live the rest of his days in retirement, still somehow oblivious of the tortured logic behind his actions. He seemed like a relatively sane guy, aside from that motivation. And with the power of that gauntlet, couldn't he do other much more meaningful things to bring about his dreams of utopia?

I'm worried that they'll ruin it with Captain Marvel and they'll just turn him into another Ultron, stuck on his own delusions. If he would take a step towards Loki's territory I think he would have potential to compete with him and even replace him. I think a Loki vs Thanos movie could be quite interesting, with both of them dancing between cooperation and betrayal of each other while the rest of the Avengers try to stop them both. 

I know they'll never do it, but I think it would be cool if they make Captain Marvel exactly the overpowered Superman that she already looks like she's going to be, but then they throw in a twist where she becomes the villain, betrays the Avengers, and they need to go to Thanos for help to defeat her, and at the same time convince Thanos that his idea of balance isn't going to work, but not enough to keep him from trying other routes that also cause mayhem. 

We can both dream though, right?

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
You know it's just going to be about the original Avengers figuring out how to go back and time, defeat Thanos and undo all the deaths from the Snap, right? Most likely they'll sacrifice themselves stabilizing one of the stones because it's time to move the aging actors drawing huge page checks out of the universe.

The second half is actually the Marvel movie I'm least looking forward to out of all that have come before, the end result and basics of how they'll get there was pretty obvious walking out to of the theater at the end of the first one and there's really nowhere for it to go but the completely predictable.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

In Antman and the Wasp they told us about time vortex and how they will suck you back in time. Well I think Antman is gonna use the vortex stop himself from going quantum realm and bring the avengers together. Then save tony stark with the help of pepper potts. The avengers will then take on thanos and some one will use the infinity stones to bring back their friends including gamora.


So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
Tony Stark is on another planet.

With people who build and fly space ships. Somehow I think the writers will figure out a way to get him home and that it probably won't involve Pepper and Antman building Earth's first FTL capable ship.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Did you forget that the suits can work in space also your right about Antman and the others but pepper knows about tony’s Suites 

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
How is Pepper going to know what planet he's on?

And she's going to fly for how many thousands of years to get there?

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago
They called the planet Titan, so maybe it's our Titan - only slightly more teraformed than we thought haha!

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I think in the comics it is supposed to be Titan the moon orbiting Saturn...or was it Neptune...One of the bigger planets in our solar systems. Dont remember if it was specified in the movie whether its that Titan or if it is supposed to be a planet in a different solar system.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

Judging from the trailer for Endgame, looks like he’s sending messages to Pepper through the suit. It’s going got be Captain Marvel that saves him though.

So I just watched Infinity War

5 years ago

I was never a Loki fan either. Never understood why he's got such a massive following. Infact, I think Marvel really missed a trick with him... I mean... The guy's the fucking God of Mischief! They could've had so much fun with him! Instead, they went for... Misunderstood anti-hero? Really? frown

Still, can't be too hard on the guy. After all, no character could ever live up to the greatest Marvel villain of all time... ... ... Taserface! ^_^