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Judging Fruits

one year ago
I know you guys love taking stupid quizzes. Well here we have an important one. Rank all the fruits and veggies according to deliciousness, and subject your tastes to the inscrutable judgement of the masses.

Be warned that certain items on this list, when placed incorrectly have been known to tear apart friendships and destroy lives.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
nah. can someone make a better thread? thanks.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

This is why you're an F-tier fruit.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

I was surprised by the number I hadn't tried or didn't recognize from the picture.  I was also surprised that it wasn't just a bunch of avatar photos from the forum.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
The jalapeño rating is outrageous.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

my digestive system is akin to that of a little babe.  I cannot handle spicy stuff, particularly spicy peppers.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Why yes, I DID lump a bunch of dumb leafy green stuff together, why do you ask?

Judging Fruits

one year ago

I was shocked and horrified by your deranged rhubarb hatred

Judging Fruits

one year ago
You sound insane, rhubarb is way too unpleasantly sour and tart to be enjoyed.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

The only thing here too unpleasantly sour and tart to be enjoyed



Judging Fruits

one year ago

If it's cooked right it can be pretty good.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
I cannot understand, for the life of me, this adoration of pineapple. Sure, the flavor is fine, but the texture and structure is so unpleasant.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

I find the texture to be fairly pleasant and the smell to be amazing. While the rind can be difficult to work with, there are coring tools you can get that not only hollows out the pineapple for reuse as a drink, but simultaneously rings and cores the whole thing in about a minute.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

This is the way of things, I won't be told differently.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

Based on the other fruit you like, you should really try the starfruit.  I think you would really like it.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

I will be sure to do so at the next opportunity!

Judging Fruits

one year ago

It is akin to a sweet lemon with a smoother texture than most citus fruits.  At least from what I remember.  I haven't had one in about a decade.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Of course you love artichoke. You probably like scraping the flesh off of the leaves with your teeth, similar to what you do with the bones of the innocent in the middle of your jaywalking and stealing from small businesses.

EDIT: Wrong penguin, sorry.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

It's a wholesome vegetable! And when fried or served with proper accompanying lipids, it becomes a meal to which nothing compares! In fact, frying artichoke is a beloved and long-standing Jewish tradition, so I'll hear no more of your VILE CANARDS about jaywalking and stealing from small businesses, because I know what agenda you're really trying to push!

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Hey >:(

Judging Fruits

one year ago
I don't know why we ever cared so much about your absolute clown tier Europoid stance on avocadoes when you're the kind of FOOL that can't even identify an onion or an orange.

Not even a nectarine? Christ.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Although honestly the avocado thing is nothing compared to your general hatred of citrus. And pineapple. And kiwis.

You should be in prison.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

Oranges and grapefruit suck donkeycock and I feel no guilt whatsoever about saying it. You can't make me! I also love lemonkind and Tangerines or clementines or whatever they're called are literally just oranges but good, so I like those. Your claims of my out and out citrus hate are sensationalist strawman lies and SELF-EVIDENTLY FALSE! Pineapples are cloying and gross, invariably fibrous slime-plants that are absolutely more trouble than they're worth to butcher except if you're some kind of deranged addict like too many people clearly are. Kiwis are the same, also absolutely more trouble than they're worth, with shitty throat-stingingly-sweet-yet-vegetal flavor and foul texture. They're also full of tiny seeds which is really gay.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

The onion was on a very small screen so the rings were indistinct, and there are a lot of hard white ball-shaped root vegetables, (Like the one literally right next to it) and all orange citrus looks invariably the same when it's all the same size and shape because it's 2D and like 12 pixels. I've also only had a nectarine but once in my life! This was all already discussed!

Judging Fruits

one year ago

I always wondered why Sent had so many good takes without any bad ones to balance it out. Now I know where all the bad takes went

Judging Fruits

one year ago
He only likes flat soda too.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
That's a big list. The gist is that Apples are the best, followed by grapes. Essentually, citrus is the best flavor.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

Typical Ace, simultaneously too indolent to muster up the bare minimum effort that everyone else made to actually complete the chart, and too cowardly to reveal the full breadth of his true opinions because he knows he will be mocked for being an obese clown who doesn't even know any of the fruits outside the one he just named, and retches at the sight of any non-potato vegetable. If he is at all aware that "vinala" is a plant, he certainly lists the pint of buttered ice cream he has in the morning as a salad.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Hm, well it is true I haven't eaten half of these by themselves. Maybe in something, but I've never had just peas for example. Or avacodo. If you want a little more about my non citrus thoughts, asparagus is really good the few times I've had the pleasure of trying it. I loved carrots as a child. Broccoli can be good, even better with cheese, which I assume is a fat person southern dish. So yeah, it is mostly I don't feel like putting half of these into the haven't eaten tier. If you have any suggestions of some good foods on this list though I can try and make them and post my thoughts.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

Now I'm not autistic enough currently to actually go through with this, but if you don't know what something is supposed to be right click the image and open the new tab. The URL will probably tell you. For example an apple

Should be obvious, but I had no idea what the fuck that second thing is supposed to be. So I found out it's an

Acorn squash.


Judging Fruits

one year ago

@Celicni @MrAce321

I'm invoking the contest rule, you posted in the thread and now you must properly participate. Your lists are required, for bants, and maybe bullying. Think of the bants!

Judging Fruits

one year ago

I don't recognize well over half of these, my list would be very barren.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Judging the produce impaired is half the point. But you at least know you'll do better than Ace.

Judging Fruits

one year ago
Someone explain mangosteens to me.

Judging Fruits

one year ago

More importantly, I'd love to see a CSY-type tierlist. Maybe something with putting all the members into a based tierlist? That's bound to start some angst. I can make one if you guys are interested...