Misaki, The Reader

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8/2/2015 9:21 PM

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1 win / 5 losses





 I've been interested in writing from a young age (I learned to read at three), so I've decided to make that my life's passion. I've been writing for close to fifteen years now, but have never had a book published, nor have I tried. But, through this site, I do hope to have some people look at my attempts and help me to improve. Lord, I know I need it. Aside from original stories, I also write fanfiction. I LOVE getting comments and messages, so I just thought I'd throw that out there. I'll ALWAYS do the same back if you comment or message, so no worries on that :3

 As for personal interests, I am a gamer. I love manga, anime and other things.  I like yaoi (boys' love) and yuri (girls' love), but I would choose yaoi over yuri anyday. I like to draw anime-style, but I'm not too good. Also, I'm a huge roleplayer, which is why my grammar and writing overall has improved since I began. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, so it seems that I annoy people. And, yes, I'm weird. Concerning music, I'm not really picky about it, but I do prefer hard rock over anything.  Though, I do like Japanese. I'm trying to learn the language, you see. It's kind of hard to do.

 By blood, I am a mixture of Native American and Irish heritage. I'm blond haired and blue eyed, though my eye color tends to change to green. It's weird, really, but kind of cool. I live in America, but I know a bit of Japanese and Spanish. I hope to learn Japanese fluently before I hit thirty, or else my memory will be too bad XD I know that's probably not interesting, but whatever floats your boat, right? And, yeah, I'm a little bit of a redneck sometimes in my accent. I live in Kentucky, so go figure. But, I'm not the stereotypical redneck or Kentuckian. Just to throw this out there, most of us aren't dumb, incest alcoholics.

 Somehow, I'm engaged and I have been for a little more than two years now to an amazing man who's five days older than me. A little off topic maybe, but I am bisexual. I don't do anything with girls thanks to him--because I love him so much!-- but I still consider myself that way. Anyway, back on track!..over there. --> Before too long, I do hope to marry him. I like to stay close to my friends, family--as small as it may be-- and my pets. And, hey, don't go telling me blonds are stupid, because I am one. :p I'm nice--or I try to be-- and helpful. I do, however, have a really bad memory to compliment the touchy temper of mine, but I try to control it. I'm a bit (okay, more than a bit) of a procrastinator.

 I like vampires but absolutely hate Twilight. I don't know why, but I just do. . I've always loved to get down and dirty, but not in the perverted way most of the time if you get my drift. ;) I can be a pervert if you can't already tell, but I don't go and mess around. No, I'm not a gay hater, so don't worry about that. I'm not racist, either like a lot of people I know. I'm very, very open-minded and willing to talk about anything.

 Er.... I'm a high school gradute. As for favorite food....I like food... Colors? Blue is the main one, especially aqua. Second, I would have to say red. I've never cared for pink, but I do have a few articles of clothing with that color. My favorite pajama bottoms are pink, but they have white skulls on them. :D I like things to be colorful instead of dull. Ugh..I can't stand not having colors somewhere, so I try to mix it up. Um...I want a Pomeranian someday or another Chihuahua. My favorite dog was a Chihuahua and he passed away not too long ago. He was my best friend ever... T.T But, I think I've moved on pretty well. Plus, I think I've talked enough, ha ha.

 Um...I can't think of anything else, so message me if you want to know anything about me that's not listed up there, or even if it's just for a chat. If not...have a good day.


unpublished , coauthor

You want to be a country, but you have no allies and nothing to start one. Now you must find a country to be allies with.

Hopefully you'll do better than Sealand.

Persona 4

As the title suggests, it's Persona 4. However, in this world, YOU are the main character. Decide the fate of Inaba for yourself and see where you land! Who will be your friends? Who your enemies? Will you be good or evil? Take charge of your destiny and follow it to its end.