Racer6, The Reader
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Double Woo hoo on 2/17/2006 7:50:14 PM

New faces on 1/31/2006 7:58:02 PM
You know me, I'm all over faces, and I came up with a few new ideas. An example, the "funny face" might be good. It us a smiling face (like the basic one) but its tongue sticks out and it has two white-gloved hands next to the head, one on each side. I'll think of some more, so don't accept it too quickly, please.
A super tribute to the Marchbot on 12/19/2005 9:09:01 PM

A super tribute to the Marchbot on 12/18/2005 5:47:17 PM
I know, it should have something to do with march- and it doesn't. It's mainly about the site creators> march is one but still... Yay for march!
A super tribute to the Marchbot on 12/18/2005 5:43:37 PM
If we have marchbot and chocobot, shouldn't we have an alexbot?lol *_*
PNGs not allowed on 12/18/2005 5:39:59 PM
I cant get it. It's a BMP and it can load, but i tried uploading it 2 times and it wouldnt load. The slow load bar went to the end, then i waited 4 what seemed like 999999999999999999999999999999999999999 years and it didn't upload the crappy picture. Either this web was attacked or my computers are crap.
A super tribute to March on 12/18/2005 5:04:30 PM
It is march, the one and only,
When with march, you won't be lonely,
He's a nice guy, through and through,
That's why he's kind to me and you.
It's weird, I hardly know the guy but I'm suspecting he's a nice guy.
faces, links and "blocking popups" on 12/18/2005 4:43:45 PM
But every time I try to click on almost anything, I get the window thingymabobber. And ever since I made my account here I keep getting stupid viruses! And at my mom's house, the (rich) text box never appears, but it's the only computer I can add linx to gamez!
faces, links and "blocking popups" on 12/18/2005 10:01:23 AM
On my dad's laptop, it shows a "blocking popup" bar at the bottom of the screen. When I try to insert a smiley, a "blocking popup" appears in the "blocking popup" bar. When I look through the popups, I see "myadventuregame.com" then it says "URL not available". The same thing happens with links for games, inserting pictures, and I keep on getting viruses. Why is that?
Cysid on 12/18/2005 9:32:57 AM
Lol! You're real darn funny! Ha!