Rosebreeze14147, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

5/27/2015 10:23 AM

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Duel Stats

2 wins / 0 losses





    Hello, I'm Rosebreeze14147. I don't know about you, but I love to write! I write because it makes me feel relaxed, invisible, and clever. I also love Warrior Cats, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and most of all, fan fiction. If you have any questions about my storygames or myself, feel free to shoot me a PM (private message), I will answer any questions you have for me.

Keep writing,



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StormClan Warriors Needed! on 4/14/2015 8:51:56 PM

How about Whiteheart? He was a loner named Snowy, but wandered off to explore the territory of StormClan. He stumbled upon the camp, and became fascinated with Clan life. He joined StormClan, and was given the apprentice name Whitepaw. His mentor was Sparrowheart, a clever senior warrior. His warrior name was Whiteheart, and he fell in love with a beautiful silver cat named Whispersong. Whiteheart died in a battle between StormClan and (insert Clan here) from a fatal blow to the head, which he hurt a few days ago. He always remained a loyal StormClan warrior, even in StarClan.

I hope you like it!