Serage, The Reader


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Last Activity

1/28/2020 7:56 PM

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0 wins / 0 losses





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c a n   d e p r e s s   y o u.


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y o u   c a n    d o   a b o u t


t h a t.

Recent Posts

Hi! Quick banning... on 1/22/2020 8:09:37 PM



Hi! Quick banning... on 1/20/2020 8:02:36 PM

Woah, End, control yourself.

Hi! Quick question... on 1/20/2020 6:54:40 PM

Well, I don't know all the EXPERT stuff. I'm just decent.


Hi! Quick question... on 1/20/2020 7:11:03 AM

Well, it's OK, the forums can wait. I just really want to create a storygame but I have no good ideas. At least I have good grammar.

Hi! Quick banning... on 1/19/2020 8:44:22 PM

I also have another question. How do you create a forum?

Hi! Quick question... on 1/19/2020 4:11:09 PM

Yeah, I agree, a newbie won't get much attention on their first day.

Hi! Quick question... on 1/19/2020 4:02:28 PM

It's a contest to see who can rewrite a fairy tale that's already been made and change it into the weirdest but funniest story ever.

Hi! Quick question... on 1/19/2020 3:21:29 PM

Because I have a event idea in mind and I really wanna share it. But, I don't know how to.

Hi! Quick question... on 1/19/2020 1:36:36 PM

I really want to create an event or like a contest but I don't know how!