TheAmazingWilson, The Reader
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Salutations, I'm Dafod! I've been around here and started plenty of stories, none really going anywhere. I decided I'd change my name. I'm working on a bunch of stories.. Hoping to finish one someday. Feel free to message me if you simply want to talk, I'm up for helping anyone think of ideas or write stories. I also have a steam account just message me if you'd ever like to play a game.
You are Sven. An average man, living a average life.. or so it seems.
Recent Posts
Roleplaying on 4/24/2017 6:57:19 PMIf your speaking of me, That was not me.
Roleplaying on 4/22/2017 7:34:26 AM
Hello! Me and friend, PcGenie have begun chat roleplaying on Steam (A strange place to do it) And we're asking for fellow comrades to join us in our RP. Considering this site is full of writers and readers, I thought here would be a good place to do it. If you want to be apart of this Roleplay, just post on this thread your Username (on Steam) or link your profile. You can also private message me if you'd prefer. Thank you for your time reading this post, and I hope you consider joining us.
Needs Help With Title! on 4/4/2017 11:24:06 AM
So, I'm working on a story right now, about a story when superheroes, and powers exist. It takes perspective from a villain, I'm not going to put much of any detail, because I haven't worked much on it. The Villains name is "Bones" which I was initially going to call it that, but apparently theres a crime drama called Bones, do you think its fine, if I call mine "Bones" even if its very different genre and story? Or should I just go with another title? I need answers for this, thanks.
hi!!! im new! on 4/1/2017 10:06:16 AM
Alright, well I'm glad this matter is settled. I was afraid you were going to ban me, which is a problem considering i've spent alot of time writing and reading on this site. Thank you, End.
hi!!! im new! on 4/1/2017 9:54:08 AM
Like I said, I only saw the post, and I didn't think of that. He already has seen inappropriate content with stuff like that, which I consider a problem, but he insisted on going onto the site. I had also just gotten up, so I was still tired.
hi!!! im new! on 4/1/2017 9:48:35 AM
Alright, truth here it is: My brother saw me on the site, and he was interested in it. And I told him he could go on the site if he wanted to. Hes 7 years old, and he was either trying to be funny, or being serious his intent I do not know. I'll ask him when hes done doing what hes doing. I'm sorry for what happened, I honestly thought he would be serious about it if he was joking. He tends to take things too far, and his spelling and grammar isn't good. But honestly, I don't really see anything he did wrong, I don't know the password or anything so I can't really see what he did other than ths forum post.
hi!!! im new! on 4/1/2017 9:39:21 AM
This is my brothers account, hes new to the site, if you wish to ban me for letting my brother be on this site, then feel free. Hes only 7 years old, so please, cut him some slack.
Need A Co-Author on 4/1/2017 6:55:05 AM
Need A Co-Author on 3/31/2017 1:24:43 PM
Alright, sounds good I'll PM you about it.
Need A Co-Author on 3/31/2017 12:56:55 PM
So, I have one story idea down, but most people on this site have several stories going on at once, so I wanted to start another one. Since I'm still new to the site, I like having coauthors help me with my stories, so I'm asking if anybody would like to be a co-author for maybe a magic, or horror modern adventure. I don't have any ideas, but once I get a co-author, we can work on that. Thanks.