Yuisawachelsa, The Contributor
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I am a Warden.
It is my duty to make sure that all the rules of cystia are followed.
I will do what I think is necessary.
I am a Warden.
Long I will reign.
If you're feeling nice,bored,lonely, or just really wanna chat, please I beg you pm me :D
Meanwhile, here's some Taylor Swift quotes (yes I love her; got a problem?):
"Hey, Stephen,
I can give you fifty reasons
why I should be the one you choose.
Those other girls?
Well, they're beautiful,
but would they write a song for you?"
-Hey Stephen, Fearless
"Say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams" -Wildest Dreams, 1989
"Drop everything now.
Meet me in the pouring rain;
Kiss me on the sidewalk,
Take away the pain.
'Cos I see sparks fly
whenever you smile"
-Sparks Fly, Speak Now
"Someday, I'll be living in a big old city, and all you're ever gonna be is mean." -Mean, Speak Now
"And they tell you that you're lucky but you're so confused
'cos you don't feel pretty, you just feel used;
And all the young things lined up to take your place~
Another name goes up in lights;
you wonder if you'll make it out alive."
-The Lucky One, Red
Trophies Earned

My version of Beauty and the Beast, in honor of the upcoming movie :P
(Could be a part of a series. Depending if this gets popular enough >.<)
Ghost story.
Kinda inspired by a tumblr post and a short story.
You're a girl, still in school.
You play a boy crazy girl.
Can you get the boy?
It all depends on you.
A quiz. On Taylor Swift. Need I really say more?
Hey folks!
I've decided to make a quiz on something I know a lot of information about; (yes, of all things it's Taylor Swift, I know, it's sad.
I can't really make a Disney quiz because I took a quiz and only got 8/30 (I think we all know which one) and that kinda lowers my credibility;
I can't make a quiz on Star Wars, Star Trek, Movies, YA Books because I know literally nothing about those;
I could make a test about history, science, math, and all that boring stuff, but I'm too lazyyyy at best it will get a 4/8.
So now we have a Taylor Swift quiz.Lol no don't buy that crap this is just a secret ploy to see if there are some actual swifties on this site What the heck that's crazy no one on their right mind would even do that And get this: Under that secret ploy, there's even a more secret secret ploy: To get random unassuming people that are probably here for points to like Tay Swizzle That's enough of you, honey. -breaks strike-through button-
But stop reading this. Go play.
Warning: This product contains a lot of Taylor Swift. If you are in anyway, allergic to random bursts of Swiftie fangirling, random Taylor Swift trivia, or just have a thing against Taylor Swift, then I suggest you don't take this quiz.
Recent Posts
Draw My Attention (War of the Orders) on 1/13/2017 7:58:15 AM(I was mocking the comments though, but anyway, I'll stop)
I was just having fun :P Sorry for the trouble I've caused though. I'll be more responsible/considerate/mature next time.
Draw My Attention (War of the Orders) on 1/13/2017 7:20:09 AM
1) "He usually monitors his stories’ comments anyway." Usually monitor my foot. I just found a duplicate comment:
I've always wanted to fuck a cow
-- Anonymous on 5/14/2016 1:52:15 PM
I've always wanted to fuck a cow
-- Anonymous on 5/14/2016 1:52:09 PM
in "A Very Special Choose Your Story". (Seriously tho, love that story.) Oh, and please still give me a point?
Zag's Collaborative CYOA - Born Among a Hundred on 1/13/2017 6:48:01 AM
guys, can't you at least make him just the tiniest bit selfish?
Zag's Collaborative CYOA - Born Among a Hundred on 1/13/2017 3:54:30 AM
1) Follow the rest of the group.
Zag's Collaborative CYOA - Born Among a Hundred on 1/13/2017 12:48:13 AM
Fair enough.
Zag's Collaborative CYOA - Born Among a Hundred on 1/13/2017 12:43:54 AM
You has no creativity.
Well someone had to do it on 1/12/2017 11:25:43 PM
where do you get this deep shit though;fortune cookies?proverbs?tumblr? jk
Well someone had to do it on 1/12/2017 10:26:16 PM
I'll bite. So what exactly leads to cosmic understanding?
Well someone had to do it on 1/12/2017 10:14:04 PM
how many freaking masters are in this site
Well someone had to do it on 1/12/2017 10:11:15 PM
not that again