firestorm78, The Wordsmith
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Hi i'm firestorm I'm just your regular adventure game fan. I like playing the drums, video games, acting, legos, hockey blah blah blah... I love this site and im planning a game right now which I will hopefully write soon. later
Favorite games
Zombie Flesh Riot by Fishpaste
Welcome to Pablo's! by delebb
331 Oakmount Drive by Yunakitty
Braak the Briton by Redstorm
A Day in Hell by madglee
The Object by tsmpaul
Choose Your Own Misadventure by Kieran_M
Magus: Betrayal by Karcan
Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight? by madglee
ULYSSES: The Pegasi Incident by Tsmpaul
Finals Week! by march5th00
The Free Hand by Ashen_Snake
Snow by Sethaniel
Light Space by Tsmpaul
Fight to the Death: The Game by Miccy2000 and chris_zelda
Internets: The Dark Abyss by hardforhardpower
Postie Rips It Up by Freebooter
WWII Grand Strategy by Rommel
A Magventure by JJJ the banisher
The Coast or the Chase by Miccy2000 and Chris_zelda
Haunted by Sethaniel
The Devil's Fire by Ashen_Snake
Ducky Park by Donteatpoop
Mechanised Assault Unit by Tsmpaul
Ground Zero by EndMaster
Paradise Violated by EndmasterNecromancer by Endmaster
RaylathotepRepression by Endmaster
Warlords: Strategic Conquest
Trophies Earned

Recent Posts
Holy Crap this site is still on?! on 2/10/2010 5:31:13 PMHoly Crap this site is still on?! on 2/7/2010 1:50:15 AM
Three Word Game (I think IV) on 9/17/2008 1:45:23 AM
Three Word Game (I think IV) on 9/16/2008 8:27:24 PM
he then went
Burn After Reading on 9/15/2008 8:16:57 PM
Hey guys long time no see
I watched Burn After Readng last saturday and it was freaking hilarious, I mean funnier then Tropic Thunder, Step Brothers and Pineaple Express combind.
The plots about these two gym emplyoes, who find a disk in the locker room that belongs to an ex CIA agent, and decide to blackmail him, it eventully bulids into a massive clustfuck as more pepole get involved and as the chaos grows.
anyway here's the trailer, I highly recomend it, the acting's great, the writing's great, the score's great, the editing's great, everythings awesome, oh and did I mention that its funny? properly.
Three Word Game (I think IV) on 9/15/2008 7:24:12 PM
causing JJJ to
Wanted on 7/3/2008 9:35:44 PM
I'm suprised as you are about its quliaty, I thought it was going to be some crappy genric matrix knockoff, But it just blew me away how good it was this movie kicked the matrix's sorry ass.
The action sceanes are amazing and breath taking and all thouse hyperboles, its not relistic by any means but it works because it never gets to the point were it feels stupid, oh @ Zero but others too if like crank I think you will defently like this, it has that same over the top kickass constent action, With a sorta meta tonguein cheek vibe.
So yeah I defentily recoomed it.
Wanted on 7/3/2008 1:55:09 AM
Sorry but man I am in love wiht this movie, I have never felt this way about a film before, it is love and awesome and bullets in some form of delicous movie juice, it is a mindblowing blody awesome brutal greatastic fuck you of badassness
Okay time to cool my fanboy jets, I just came back from seeing it and I'm in a rush, Point is it fucking rocks, I want to get into detaile but I think it would be total doucebagy of me to spil anything, The less you know about this movie the more mind blowing it is, I'll talk more about it later when I manage to calm down and gain some prespective.
I'll just say that this movie has ruined every action movie Ive ever seen for me, There all gonna suck in comparison to Wanted, oh and Best. Final. Lines. Ever.
You're in Bad Company now! on 6/30/2008 4:24:01 AM
Forum Puppets II on 6/30/2008 3:48:08 AM