I'm just playing a bit around with the editor, and on the first script I've already come up with some problems. The script seems very simple, and like it should not be giving me issues. I even copied the syntax from the "advanced scripting" article to make sure I didn't fuck something up.
Here's my script:
$PAGETEXT := "Yeah, yeah go to your seat John. blah blah blah...
As you're heading for your seat, blah blah blah." + $PAGETEXT
I've placed that in the := button in the "link" to a new page. But the page in question remains unchanged no matter what I do.
I've turned on the advanced editor in the story options. It seems simple and it's annoying me that it's not working.
Edit: And while I'm here already, another probably very dumb question: How do I go "back" to the page with all my other pages (in the editor, not talking about a page with all other pages in the story) while editing a specific page? The only 3 buttons I have on screen are "save changes", "add link" and "add link to new page". Not seeing any "back" button or anything, and the "navbar" I have otherwise disappears.