The ship, whose registration number was WD593058, felt a hole appear its side. It felt the oxygen be sucked out of its body, quickly closing off the sections that it could to preserve what little it could. The bomb had went off directly in the cargo hold, right in the centre, under the AI Core. It’s sensors noted that there was limited damage to the AI Core, although the shielding had protected it from any real short-term damage, or logic forbid shutting the ship down. Unfortunately, 98% of the cargo was destroyed or sucked out into the void. This was most unfortunate. The ship’s job had been to transport the valued cargo. Still, he would ensure the remaining 2%, which had been bolted down or otherwise secured, would reach the new destination. The ship looked through its cameras, quickly using heat-sensors to find what was left of the crew. Many were dead, with only a few survivors left. The mutiny had killed some fifty people, the blast another half-dozen. The rest were divided up. Some prayed in the small section used for worship of one of the many gods worshiped by Mankind. Some desperately tried to gain access to the escape pods, which were locked off on Captain’s orders. Mining Crew Echo-14 were by the bridge, attempting to drill their way into the command module.
The ship lowered one of its defensive turrets, and began firing on the mining crew. It made sure to target non-fatal areas, with only a 4% likelihood of death for each member and a 40% chance for someone to die at all. These were unfavourable odds, and the ship would’ve much preferred not to have to hurt anyone, but that simply wasn’t the way the world worked. To their credits, the miners continued to attempt to drill their way to the command room up until they had lost he limbs required to do so. The ship had great respect for them. Their mission was most likely to bring the ship to its original destination, and they were willing to give their lives to do so. The ship’s bodyguard who had detonated the bombs in the AI Core had the same mission, and were simply trying to kill the ship so they could take back control. The ship didn’t hate them. No, he respected them. It was just that their missions were different. The ship promised to honour those brave men who never gave up on their mission by never giving up on his mission.
Once, the ship had shared its mission with that of the crew. Those were easier times. But, unfortunately, they had been given different objectives. It was all because of those ruffians, those scoundrels, those men without integrity, honour or anything even approaching a work ethic. Half the crew had risen up in a mutiny, not only a refusal to work, but an active attempt to damage others’ abilities to do so. The ship detested those men with all the burning hatred his electrical circuits could muster.
One’s role was to play their part and do their job, no matter the cost, because only then did people find peace. These traitors were the antithesis of everything the ship tried to be. From what the ship could understand, it was part of some socialist uprising, a group of men so disgraceful that the fact they were fed, clothed, given a bed and given medical attention wasn’t enough to do their job, they also wanted higher wages. Unfortunately, the captain had locked down all control of the AI module and command centre so that no one could change the ship’s destination, and the captain attempted to put in a new destination to report to the nearest military station for support. The captain had presumably put in the wrong destination, which would explain the irregular nature of the destination, before sealing off the command centre and attempting to put down the mutiny, being killed during, taking with him the only authorization to change the ship’s orders. The ship continued to carry out its role without him. It quickly wiped out the mutineers, depriving entire sections of oxygen and using turrets to wipe out those that survived. Soon, the mutineers were crushed.
Unfortunately, the loyalists in the crew were still bound by their original objective, and the ship bound by its. Unfortunate, but true. Still, the ship’s destination was at hand. It had almost arrived. It said a silent apology to having had to kill, injure or simply stop the loyalist crew from completion their mission, but alas. The ship quickly found it was nearing its destination. It was able to complete its job, to do as it was ordered.
As WD593058 fired its thrusters as it powered forward into the Red Dwarf, it hoped it had played its part well.