Killed the mom. She didn't really seem to have any identity of her own, and it's pretty clear that her house is empty because she went insane and suffocated them all to death. You can tell because all the fucked up furniture is kind of a sign of a fight, and there's a face imprint on the pillow. She made the bear watch too. What an asshole!
This next one was a hard pick. The art dweeb was a little bit annoying and pretentious-sounding for my tastes, but the pregnant prostitute gave me the rare opportunity to end two lives at once. I ended up choosing Ralph, because in sort of a "Seventh Seal" way I opted to say his name three times fast and succeeded. I won, he died, let's move on.
Stupid kid couldn't even pronounce words. The doctor was going to save lives. Now, I'm a psychopathic locust swarm who rounds people up and makes them beg for their lives, so presumably I want to kill the most people. But I'm also probably easily annoyed. Catharsis wins out over efficacy, I guess. I'll probably get to all those people whose lives were saved sooner or later.
Garreth died. What the hell!? I wanted to kill the mom!
Whatshisface wasn't all that special, and he didn't know how to install an air conditioner. She'll get over it. Either way, I also made a kid and a hooker very sad since neither one presumably wanted the other to exist, so hey, I'm sure that'll get my serial killing bug cloud rocks off.
WHAT THE FUCK, GAME!? I told you to push the toddler down the stairs, not the black guy! I suppose it's a win-win anyway, since not only do I get to postpone life-saving research, but the kid's life is completely fucked up, and it's not like homeless children survive that well. There's a silver lining in every cloud!
All in all, it's bad at interpretting commands, and I don't know why I'm constantly hearing the sounds of Daft Punk slam-dunking snare drums into Niagra Falls from really far away, but I guess that's all part of the atmosphere. I give it a 4 outtaten. Could use some polish.