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Two-sentence horror stories

10 months ago
Sometimes it's the small things that are the most terrifying, like an unexpected spider in the bathtub, for instance, a creaking floorboard in the dead of night, or Donald Trump's tiny hands. Those are the real-life horror stories that give us an adrenaline rush. Here are some two sentence horror stories. Please add yours as well.

My sister says that mom killed her. Mom says I don't have a sister.

Two-sentence horror stories

10 months ago
"I'm a bit nervous around sharp objects," I said to my friend.
Then Pointy McStabknife appeared.

Two-sentence horror stories

2 months ago

I hate being alone. Especially when you just think you are alone.

Two-sentence horror stories

10 months ago
Everything in the OP including the introduction is copy and pasted from No second sentence needed.

Two-sentence horror stories

10 months ago
That was a second sentence, Mizal!

Then she banned him.

Two-sentence horror stories

10 months ago
Hey' I didn't say they were original! I'm using too much brainpower on my story and AP classes to make up some!

Two-sentence horror stories

10 months ago
The title clearly states two sentences. Too bad CaptainCool broke the only rule in his OP.