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A very, very short story

11 months ago
(I'm taking a break from the second storygame I'm creating)

You sit in the soft sand near the peaceful water. You're enjoying yourself just sitting there. Then a person touches you and BANGS you in the head with a metal bat he got outta nowhere.

"Hey!", you say. Visibly hurt in the head.

"Get off there!", the person says.

Then the person gets frustrated and drags you out of the beach with average hands. The end.

(This is a silly story and is just... Bad?)

A very, very short story

11 months ago

Yes, it is bad. 

A very, very short story

11 months ago
Thank you for hating my story :)

A very, very short story

11 months ago
What makes them average hands? Also unsure if BANG is the noise a metal bad would make if it clocked you in the back of the head. Maybe more of a thwonk.

A very, very short story

11 months ago

Did an AI write this? Cause here's what it reminds me of.

A very, very short story

11 months ago

A very, very short story

11 months ago
That was really short.

Thank you.