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Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
For cursed number 13, I would like @Ravenic_Virtue, @superteller, and @Alienrun to battle for supremacy.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I don't have any points for battling. Also what is battling? How do I do it? 


Another thing, Alien is on a trip until sunday. :/

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I read what the Thunderdome is. Thanks DB. :)

...And now I'm terrified.... :,)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
@Mizal Chess 960?

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

No, Thunderdome.  See above.  

I am not confident of your chances of survival based upon your extreme ineptitude in that Debate thread you started.  Plus, since I posted in the message above a link to the explanation of thunderdome, you seem to have not even comprehended that.  Please do better, your incompetence is really starting to be unfunny.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Also, Chess 960 is gay and pointless at the amateur level

I much prefer regular chess.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I have points now. Some one gave me some. Thank you person who gave me those point! ToT It was very nice of you! I can't thank you enough! T^T

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Why do I feel like this is going to be a draw -- because not one sentence will be submitted?

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Oh ye of little faith. I am up for the challenge and I believe my schedule is too. We just have to wait for Alien to return from being on a trip. 

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Do you know Alien in real life or did he just randomly tell you he was going on a trip in a message or something

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

We are friends on here! :D I don't know Alien irl. He messaged me one day asking if he could help me with writing the original idea I had for the Crisis Contest (medieval fantasy themed) right after I switched it (Chaos's Game). Alien is actually really good at writing and we plan on working together to finish his passion project as well as a story he is working on about two sisters facing dinosaurs and aliens. :D

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago


Well I guess Alien needs all the friends he can get. Actually that was surprisingly strategic of him to befriend a new member just coming in since he’s pretty much annoyed all the older members here.

Guess we’ll see if it works out for him.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Lol, I guess we think alike (kinda). I was trying to befriend other people I knew were new for a little bit, but then I got so caught up writting to try and appease Miss Mizal and chatting with DBNB, Ogre, and Ford (and a little with DireRyse) that I stopped reaching out to other newbies like myself. (Mainly cause my irl life take priority and I do that stuff any chance I can get in between college work and work, so I don't fall behind with writing my Crisis Contest story.)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Well, if Alien shows up there might not be actual sentences, but perhaps words and phrases.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Alien is an excellent writer. You haven't seen his work, I have, and it was spectacular. :)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
We have seen several thousand words too much of it, actually.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Please explain to everyone why exactly you think my writing is "spectacular"? From what you told me in private (and what I sent you) I can't help but feel your saying my writing is good on the basis that you like the premise rather than you actually think the writing is good (though it wouldn't surprise me if you liked what I wrote on a personal level).

I'm bothering to ask you to say this in public so people don't get the wrong idea of what to expect from me. As simply saying my writing is "very good" is way too vauge and doesn't properly convey why its good in any meaningful way.

Or you could just not...that works too! ;)

(Needless to say I appreciate the compliments! lol :P)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Well, part of the issue is that we have already seen some of your writing from the last contest.  Your writing, and whining in posts, is how you were able to get triple shamed from just one contest.  That seems like some kind of record. So, although raven may be able to give her opinion, it wont really carry much weight until you demonstrate something different.

But there is hope.  You are already scheduled to take on the winner of this week's thunderdome (so don't flake out), and you are also entered into the crisis contest. Also, you have stuck around after your public shame which demonstrates some persistance (or perhaps stupidity - that remains to be seen).


Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I said you're writing was good because I personally thought the stuff you showed me on Docs was fantastic. That is all. :o I genuinely think your writing is fantastic. From what I have seen, you easily convey what is unfolding in a story and the emotions that the mc experiences. 

So yes, I think you're writing is fantastic. And if it is just bias (or the fact I think eveyone is better than me) then someone shoot me. :P

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Since I was asked, this will be run by the usual Thunderdome rules. But I really want to see a threeway battle so I won't give a prompt until Alien shows up.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Okay actually, you know what? Since we don't know when Alien will be around, and since Ravenic has said he's soooo good at writing, he can wait till next week and duel the winner of this one. @Ravenic_Virtue @superteller Your story must center around a tribal society with a unique custom, but otherwise it's an open prompt. Standard Thunderdome rules: 2000 word maximum, due Monday, 11:59pm CDT. Send it to me when you're done and I'll post it anonymously in a thread for voting. Good luck, and may the least retarded win! (This will really help clarify which of you bears that title for the rest of us.)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
I vote for story R.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Thanks....I think. 

Anyway, quick question. Can I write it in Google Docs and send a link? I don't know how the whole writing and sending the story thing works. It wasn't explained in the rules... :/

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

You can send it this way: click on my stuff, then messages and then you can send it to Mizal

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

So....I can do a link (or copy and paste) in docs....? And sent it that way....?

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Don't get fancy.  Just send the text of a whole story in a dm.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I don't have Discord. Actually, I mention that in my profile. Do you just mean private message?

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

It has nothing to do with discord.  The same way you send direct messages to other people on the site will also send one to Mizal.  Just put the text of the story in the message 


edit: yes. Direct message = private message.  Same thing 

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

*face palm*

Someone, slap me in the face or back of the head please. I should have thought DIRECT message not DISCORD message. 


Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Happily I see this was resolved with no need for me to pay any attention to the forum whatsoever.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I'm glad that the other members of CYS could help you out with your job. :)

Not me, obviously. I was the one asking the question, but still.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Six hours to go. So far one story has been received.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
I am going to need a volunteer to write something for this prompt, as one of the duelists (unsurprisingly) turned out to be a useless flake. Message me if you want to take this on. It shouldn't require much particular effort.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
A brave volunteer has come forward!

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Okay, now this is interesting. I've recieved TWO stories from volunteers, and a third person last night was begging to enter as well. So I'll give that last one through the day to turn something in since I'm interested in seeing what they produce.

In that case we'll get a bracketed duel, with the winners going on to face each other. Haven't had one of those in awhile, that's double the suffering for our voters!

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago


And me...Miss Mizal.... Cause I submitted on time and now I'm against mystery people..... D:

Honest reaction, I felt my stomach drop....

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Just showing up is already more than I expected, you'll be fine.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Thank you... that's actually rather reassuring.... :)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
That sounds like an awful lot of reading

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I know right.  I might just roll random dice for a winner.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Is the topic the same at least?

(Also, Alien is back)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Yes, everyone gets the same themes for these, it's the only realistic way to put them up against each other.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Ok! PHEW! :o

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Have all the people who joined finished writing? I can't wait to get reading! :D

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Well, like I said I was sent two more stories this morning after asking for volunteers last night. But the third person who messaged me last night really seemed to want to enter something and so I agreed to give them today.

I'll put whatever I have up before I go to bed either way, and voting can run through Friday.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago


Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Well, the threads will now be posted in the morning.

It seems that since it was after midnight when we communicated about it, someone interpreted "some point tomorrow" to mean "at some point on Wednesday."

They're starting their story now though and I'm positively certain this will all be well worth it by the end.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Decided to stay up so that I can read and review these stories! (Probably won't I'm not sure how well I can trust my own judgement on what makes something well written or not!)

Given that idk when they'll be up though...I might end up looking at them tomorrow...or later today. Sometime later is basically what I mean...

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Dude. Voting on a story you like seems pretty simple. You seem old enough to at least understand your own personal likes and dislikes so I wonder whose jugdement you trust regarding things you like if not your own.  There is no criteria that is required for voting as you know since you have participated in voting in a Thunderdome duel before; this is not new.   

Vote / don't vote, whatever.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
I do believe you give way too much credit to his intellect

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
I am sitting in a very hot car, suddenly being reminded that I forgot what a glitchy and tedious process copying and pasting long DMs from mobile could be. :)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Before your edit I was going to say I couldn't imagine using this website on mobile. As given how old it is that sounds very tedious! (Then again I don't do much, if anything, on mobile anyways...)

Then I looked at your edit with the very hot car and...

Now that just sounds (absolutely) miserable! :(

Do what you can though! Given what your going through now, its no big deal! We can wait! :D

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I actually shared this site with a work friend. I asked her the next time we worked together if she had sighed up at all and she said she had tried on moblie. I was like "Nah, girl, that's too small. You gotta use a computer. (Which, even then it's smaller that most website these days.)". She told me she'd have to charge her computer first then do it. I'm still waiting to see her user on here lol.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Is it your GAY work "friend?"

Just asking

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

One, she is not gay (or lesbian).

Second, she has a boyfriend.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

that never gets old.  

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
I'm sorry, did you just agree that you're gay?

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

No, I agreed that it never gets old. :P

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
Oh, okay, guess I misunderstood

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

No biggy! :P :D

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Miss Mizal, if you are waiting to schedule the next round for Thunderdome 13 because you need to know dates from Wizzy and I, Monday thru Wednesday work for me. :)

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago
After talking to Wizzy, we're going to run it Sunday through Tuesday as a compromise for you both.

Thunderdome 13?

3 months ago

Time for our winners to face each other!

Your prompt: A character has been gone a long time, and upon returning must deal with something that has changed in their absence.

Due midnight CDT on Tuesday.