Ravenic_Virtue, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

6/19/2024 8:08 PM

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Duel Stats

0 wins / 0 losses





Hello there! Welcome to my page! I'm a nineteen year old girl in college who is currently going for Graphic Design, but I want to change my degree to Horticulture in the fall. I love story telling, always have from a young age. I've always been a sucker (not in a romantic way, but a "I feel bad for them" way) for the villains of stories, even before it was a popular perspective. I like RPGs, especially medieval fantasy. I once hosted my own Discord server that was a medieval fantasy themed, text based rp. Sadly, I had to shut it down because life prevented me from continuing it and no one else wanted to step up because they had their own servers to run. However, I hope to take the idea and create a story here on this website for the people here to enjoy! 


Amount of times I've been called gay/a homo/lesbian (to my knowledge...) on CYS: 8


Songs That Remind Me Of Other CYS Members:

EndMaster: 'DARKSIDE' -By Neoni

Mizal: 'Pomegranate Lips' -By Derivakat

MadhattersDaughter: 'RABBIT HOLE' -By AViVA

Suranna: 'Feet Don't Fail Me Now' -By Neoni

Will11: 'Wasteland' -By Neoni


(If you want me to put a song that I think describes you on my page, private message me and we can talk a bit! :D)

Recent Posts

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 7:33:25 PM

Then forever and a day is what I'll do, Master. :D lol

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 7:29:06 PM

I will call you Master until I earn the right to call you End.

Is that agreeable for you? :o

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 7:22:22 PM

I will, Mister Master. :)

(Wait... that didn't sound right.... o_o....erm.... Mister End...? Sir End? Sir...Master....? Mister EndMaster.....? Idk, my brain can't think of a good, respectful way of saying your name.... ._. ...what do you want me to call you...?)

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 7:10:50 PM

I confess. My reason was that I wanted to start over with the people here because everyone seems genuinely nice and I wanted to get along, but I felt like I just made a huge mess of eveything and that no one would forgive me. :,(  So I made it because I thought if I made a new account then I could do that. 

I am sorry. Please, forgive me?

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 4:03:32 PM

From me? :O Because that is an INSANE idea!

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 4:02:56 PM

I have been! :D 

Well I guess I'm glad my suffering is amusing for you. lol

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 1:15:14 PM

Funny you should say that, cause I wanted to correct to terminology too. Lol. Not because I am one, but I like when people use the correct words for anything.

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 1:14:05 PM

Oh? Really? Why? Is it because I've somehow caused trouble without trying to and now you want me gone? Or is it because I'm sweet? :D

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 1:12:43 PM

The lady's doth get strait and straight mixed up for some reason. My poor spelling... :,)

What Are Orders? on 6/19/2024 1:10:33 PM

Ok.... :,(

...Maybe I should just leave.... I've caused too much trouble..... :(