
Forums » Creative Corner » Read Thread

Take part in collaborative works, share your short stories, poems, original artwork and more.


one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 4/13/2023 11:09:42 PM
All right, so as much as we love our duels around here, it's time to organize these things so the kids aren't just butchering each other at random in the streets.


Going forward I'm going to keep this thread updated with challenges and their results, themes/prompts for competitors, and the links to the actual duel stories.

I'll be laying out an explanation of the process here too so that no one has to explain it to every random noob.


1.) When two agree to (honorable?) battle, they'll be scheduled for the first available weekend. Due to voters needing time to read and hopefully comment on all these, and Darius or someone else having to host them, we're gonna limit this to no more than two duels a week, or in other words four stories assuming everyone shows up. It'll be on a first come first serve basis, so get in line.

2.) Prompts will be given Thursday night, duels will run from Friday to 11:59 CDT Sunday night. (My time, because if we did this on Darius's time it would cut out seven hours on Sunday for most of you, and I know most of you won't be starting these until Sunday.)

3.) All stories should be 2000 words or less, and must be sent to Darius before the deadline. He'll then make a thread to post them anonymously, and voting will be open about four days--ending as the next duel starts--unless there's some exception made.

4.) All participants will be rewarded a commendation. Winners (going forward, I'm not digging up any old threads) will receive ten points. Anyone who agrees to a duel and then doesn't show up will be FINED ten points.

If for some reason you agree to a duel but then realize you won't be able to make it, then you need to inform us of what a shameful disappointment you are as soon as possible. There might still be time to bring in the designated SECRET DUELER to salvage the match.

5.) If you want to be tagged to future duel threads for voting, say so in here.

Now get out there and kill each other, for great glory or something.



(None atm)


one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 5/4/2023 7:03:22 PM
CURRENT DUEL: 5/16/24 Bezro vs Suranna vs Petros! ***** UPCOMING DUELS: ???? ***** PAST DUELS: 4/13/2023 Antoinette390 vs Suranna Lux_Inferni vs tmanaking PROMPT: giant friggin mechs! WINNERS: Lux and TCat! 4/20/23 Enterpride vs Darius(plus a bonus story by urnam0 posted after the voting) stargirl vs TCat vs Fresh PROMPT: A strange contagion breaks out on a merchant vessel. Any setting. WINNER: Enterpride and TCat! 4/27/23 Petros vs Peng Mizal vs Tim PROMPT: Man's best friend is found slaughtered in the kitchen. Who's to blame? Any genre.
WINNER: Petros and Mizal! 5/4/23 Axxius vs Anthraxus Wizzy vs Ace PROMPT: May the Fourth Force be with you! WINNER: Anthraxus and Wizzy! 5/29/23 Petros vs Darius Cel vs Sent vs Ford as mystery contestant PROMPT: a haunted mountain WINNER: Petros and Sent! 9/16/23 Darius vs Petros vs Suranna Theme: Violence and Pain WINNER: Aborted afterbirth of this duel disgustingly, revoltingly, and repulsively abandoned without so much as a whimper. ***** 10/9/23 - The NOT SO GRAND REOPENING! Peng vs Fresh PROMPT: story takes place in an abandoned junkyard WINNER CONTESTANT WHO GOT POINTS BEGRUDGINGLY REWARDED TO THEM: fresh_out_the_oven 10/15/23 - oh ffs Ace vs Darkspawn! PROMPT: an impossible task WINNER: obviously Dark 10/23/23 - Dragons to annoy Darius Wizzy vs Dark! Prompt: an image of a wizard walking into the maw of a giant stone dragon that has unfortunately been eaten. (the image has been eaten, not the wizard or the dragon) WINNER: Darkspawn! 11/1/23 - A double feature! Suranna vs Lux vs Dark as mystery contestant! Darius vs Fresh! PROMPT: an exerpt from Dover Beach WINNER: DarkSpawn and Darius! ***** 5/16/2024 - Please don't go, the drones need you. They look up to you. Bezro vs Suranna vs Petros as mystery contenstant! PROMPT: mix and match themes from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri WINNER: obviously Petros!


one year ago

Aww thank goodness! All those years of watching tv finally amounts to something. Antoinette, I look forward to our duel, and, as the people say, may the best man (or teenage girl) win! 


one year ago

I feel like, with its date and all, the prompt of the upcoming duel has to be something bud-related.


one year ago

Wait, I thought I was still in the Mean Girls thing. I didn't lose or anything, so I shouldn't be disqualified right?

Did you just forget me?


one year ago
You want to write two stories on one weekend? Sure, go for it. Or you can stay in reserve a week to duel the winner.


one year ago

Ah, I just got a lil confused because you said their fight was a resolution.

I can just duel the winner, sure


one year ago

So what is the prompt for this weekend?


one year ago
That's going up this evening, they don't need FOUR days for this.

Although I perhaps should slip it to Darius a few hours early considering the time zone issue.


one year ago
Huzzah! As part of an effort to make myself write and be more useful, I am extending an open challenge to any site members willing to duel me! THUNDERDOME rules should apply.


one year ago
I’ll meet you in the THUNDERDOME, Peng.


one year ago
You're on. How does the weekend after the 4/20 batch sound?


one year ago
Works for me


one year ago
So I've heard from Suranna and Lux, so if the others flake I guess we can always pit them against each other. That was part of the reason for giving both pairs the same prompt, actually. I'm so smart.


one year ago
Sent and I have been discussing refinements to the SECRET DUELER system. (It is, of course, a secret.)

I'm really hoping these duels can remain a regular and steady thing. It keeps people honing their writing skills and encourages forum participation. And if combined with some other minor site activity like a single featured review, due to the way commendation bonuses work out it would give newer users a way to earn an "income" of 25 points a week to help get those numbers up. (More points equals more weight to your story ratings, so it's always desireable to get them up above 500 at least.)


one year ago

I would like to challenge @Abgeofriends to a duel. It's about time we saw who was the better short story writer. 


one year ago

@stargirl I accept, look whose the one volunteering me without consent. Whatever show me what you've got!


one year ago


I challenge ye, etc etc


one year ago
Yeah? You remember who ELSE wanted to duel people all the time?


one year ago

Doing an Ebon style pre duel rant just to not show up would be too much effort


one year ago

Just checking, but the story is due in an hour, not 5 minutes, right?


one year ago
Yeah, you've still got time.


one year ago

Awesome, thank you.


one year ago
I extend an open challenge to any user who would like to duel me in the thunderdome. I would really like to test my abilities and destroy the competetion. I have some faint memories of killing some zombie guy in a duel in a past life, but since then my quill has been a little too dry for my liking.


one year ago

I'll duel you if you never make another metaphor about your dick.


one year ago
that wasn't a metaphor about my dick...


one year ago

I accept your open challenge Ace. I've never been in a proper 1v1 writing duel though did duel a bunch of other people at once so this is semi-familiar territory. Or I'll just duel the next person who feels like it. I didn't see wizzys response lol.


one year ago
Assuming Wizzy is serious I'd perfer to duel him since he is a metaphorical dick, but if he isn't (which is in character) then sure, I'll duel you.


one year ago

If MrAce and Wizzy are paired up, I'll take you on Axxius.


one year ago
All right, scheduling Ace vs Wizzy and Axxius vs Anthraxus

I think we're reaching the point where these are having to be scheduled so far ahead it's going to be in question whether the contestants are going to be able to say for sure whether they'll even be available then.

I'm not however going to increase the number of duels unless I see there's enough interested voters to sustain more.


one year ago

Please don't comment on this post.

The list of mystery dueler candidates to keep track of them.

  • @Enterpride
  • @Mystic_Warrior
  • @TypewriterCat 
  • @ISentinelPenguinI
  • @stargirl
  • @Petros
  • @Wizzycat
  • @PerforatedPenguin
  • @goodnight_a
  • @Mizal
  • @TheCanary
  • @TrueParanormal


one year ago
Edited links to the current voting threads into the OP. That will always be an easy place to find any ongoing duels, if looking down the thread list slightly is too troublesome.


one year ago

Well, I don't want to be left out of the fun in Thunderdome.

So, before the schedule gets even more full, I challenge anyone else who is up for it.


one year ago

Lar has spoken. I will accept your challenge.


one year ago

Dont hide behind Lar and blame him when your blood colors the sand in the arena.  


one year ago
Fiiiine, but I'm not scheduling anything after the 11th, anyone after that gets thrown in a pile to be organized later.


one year ago

Thanks Mizal, you are the most benevolent mod


one year ago


one year ago

Upcoming duels post has been updated to add the prompt. May the best tween girl win!


one year ago
Oh, and to be clear, I'm hosting this one since Darius is a contestant, so make sure to send the stories to me this time.


one year ago
One entry already received.


one year ago



one year ago

I haven't even started yet. 


one year ago
All stories made it in on time (barely). Threads will be up shortly.


one year ago

@PerforatedPenguin vs @Petros 
@Mizal vs @Corgi213 

This time you four send all of your stories to me, the living ghost of the deceased and diseased Darius mwahaha. 

Due to the bloody nature of the tournament and the argument that serves as a precursor to these sets of duels, my chosen prompt for you four is:

Man's best friend is found slaughtered in the kitchen. Who's to blame? Any genre.


one year ago
Unfortunately, Corgi and I are having to reschedule our duel after he had to work the weekend without notice in the middle of some other stuff going on.

I can throw something together for this prompt though if anyone else is up for it.


one year ago

I don't really have anything going on after work on weekends, so I'll extend an open challenge to whoever wants to face me. 


one year ago

Bring it on. TrueP. @TrueParanormal 

If you don't mind, I'll also host our little round this time myself. Keeps things all tidy and stuff. 


one year ago

As long as its fair, I don't mind at all. Looking forward to it!


one year ago
@Wizzycat vs @MrAce321
@Axxius vs @Anthraxus

Given the date, only one prompt will do.

Have fun with your Star Wars fanfic, and May the 4th be with you.


one year ago
We're gonna wait till tomorrow to call the votes in this latest duel to give more people a chance to comment and vote. Then I'll likely shut the Thunderdome down a couple weeks as we've gone through most of scheduled matches, and everyone seems running low on productivity juice. (Although I know this was finals week for many. )


one year ago

Whenever it opens back up I welcome another duel.


one year ago

I'd love to take you up on that, Anthraxus. 


one year ago

Happy to accept


one year ago

How convenient! I've always wanted to duel and I love making indeterminate commitments! I'll duel whoever can generate the most heat for the matchup.


one year ago

How convenient! I, too, have always wanted to duel and I fucking hate your guts. Let's go.


one year ago
Most people saying this to Sent would mean it ironically, but not Cel.

Although I am unsure if Darius and I will agree to host this one, whatever the results turn out to be it would only further fuel the hair trigger Eastern European autism and rage. Which kind of defeats the THUNDERDOME's purpose of settling pointless internet disputes.


one year ago

The announcement will certainly be a colorful write up, there's enough fuel for that.


one year ago

You have to be breaking some kind of record for the most butthurt man to have ever lived, for reasons that utterly baffle me! Which, I suppose is suitable heat for the match. It would be less honorable than challenging one of the actually fun users for the glory of the sport, but I suppose this absurd bitterness has to be addressed somehow.


The catch is I only trust mizal with prompts right now because that kitchen one fucked me up.


one year ago

I like Darius's prompts, unlike the man himself. Man's best friend one was amazing, I'd love something dark like that.


one year ago

This post was diagnosed as terminally retarded and has been removed for the safety of the forum.


one year ago
Don’t cut in line


one year ago

All y'all are cutting is line.  


one year ago
While all the lines he's cutting is coke


one year ago

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"

-Rick James




one year ago
Good line


one year ago

Get in line


one year ago



one year ago

If that is your desire.

I can't promise to sate your appetite. But I shall try to make it a good hunt. 

(I accept your challenge)


one year ago
I’d also like to finally kick Darius’ teeth in when the THUNDERDOME reopens.


one year ago

I'm down to duel anyone whenever the dome reopens


one year ago

Very well, the list of people wanting to kick my smelly putrid decomposing corpse again. This is the order I'm fighting you:

1. Trueparanormal.

2. Petros

3. Typecat


one year ago
I wasn't sure if he was still active, but since he is I challenge @DarkSpawn to a duel.


one year ago

I wasn't sure if you were still active considering you still failed to review my story (and I can't find your post where you said you'd do it within five weeks, this site needs a forum search button, lazy devs).


one year ago


one year ago

Active does not generally describe Ace


one year ago
That wasn't really a dig at Dark ironically enough. It's just that last I checked he hadn't logged into the site in a while and since I'm not in the discord I wasn't aware if he was even alive anymore.


one year ago
Alright then


one year ago
Sentinel and Celicni seem determined to duke it out, the dweebs. Are any of you others who were posturing in here awhile ago up to the challenge this weekend?


one year ago
If Darius is and TPara isn’t, I am.


one year ago



one year ago
All right, the prompt is a haunted mountain.

Also, this episode of the THUNDERDOME would be amiss if it didn't pay homage to Tina Turner. So long to another icon, press F, etc. And of course I recommend a rewatch of Beyond Thunderdome to pay your respects, Aunty Entity has class and style and is one of the more complex 80s sci fi antagonists out there.


one year ago
We are keeping this one up until sufficient votes roll in. Everybody wants to homoerotically flex on each other, but no one wants to read.

Although I know the summer time lull is kind of traditional.


one year ago
Well, there's a desperate driving impulse that pounds inside my heart. Some of you know what I'm talking about. You feel the itch, the need. That's right, the driving need to throw chinamen headlong down flights of marble stairs. I'm feeling it again, so I thought it was time to invite Darius to a bloodletting in the THUNDERDOME again.

Then Suranna gracelessly shot herself in the foot in front of everyone, so my contending desire to kick people while they're down surfaced.

Long story short, I'm challenging Darius AND Suranna (preferably at the same time). May the best subhuman win!


one year ago

There you go, I'll accept. @wizzycat

Can you come up with a theme for us?

What did Suranna do again except for not submitting a contest entry?


one year ago
@wizzycat I got this.

The theme is violence and pain. If the writing does not make my bones hurt you failed. @suranna @petros @darius_conwright


one year ago

bone hurting juice


one year ago
Not sure how this unsanctioned THUNDERDOME match is going down. Am I giving Ford or Darius the story? Honestly, I trust them equally.


one year ago

I'll give it to you this time, I trust no one


one year ago
Sure. Sounds legit


one year ago

I accept.

No further comment needed.


one year ago
And now all these hooligans cut the padlock and started hosting their own illegal underground tourney it seems.


one year ago
Inciting hoodrat activity is one of my few innate talents


one year ago
Just pointing out that Dark agreed to duel me once the thunderdome reopened...


one year ago
I hereby announce a duel between me and @fresh_out_the_oven (warden lol). Blood shall be spilled!


one year ago
Okay, I'm a little rusty at this.

Uh... the story must center around an abandoned junkyard.

I know Fresh hasn't accepted yet but she actually isn't allowed to refuse, we need to get a new duel going. Deadline is Saturday at 11:59 pm CST.


one year ago
Do we vote now, or do we need to wait for the deadline?


one year ago

I vote for voting now.


one year ago

The theme is "an impossible task".

Deadline Sunday 11:59pm CST.


one year ago
Your wit is not lost on me woman.


one year ago
oh fuck i just saw this. guess I have to get started then.


one year ago

@Abgeofriends said she would duel me. It's time to see who's the better writer after all. 


one year ago
you are, congrats.


one year ago
Yeah I think this is obvious, but sure, glad to see the Thunderdome back in regular use.


one year ago

Challenge accepted. @stargirl


one year ago
@Abgeofriends @stargirl I'm doing something different for the prompt this time. I'm just curious about what's going on inside there and would like a story about it. Since this is going up a bit late, you'll have until noon on Monday, CST.


one year ago

I finished, where do I post my story?


one year ago
message it to Miz


one year ago

You finished? I haven't even started yet. 


one year ago

Well that sucks



one year ago
At the time of that post she still had like 24 hours to write a thing that probably takes 2, turning yours in already definitely makes you the weird one.


one year ago

True, but we have school so it is today or never.


one year ago

Or just during class? I don't even need to think of a plot until first period tomorrow. 


one year ago

You should probably be doing actual class stuff instead of CYS, then again you have like 100's in every class so I can't complain. 


one year ago
Of possible historical interest, here's a thread that was sort of the prototype of the Thunderdome, and it even had an early version of Sent's backup dueler idea with Lux stepping in when one of the noobs was a filthy no show.


one year ago
Anybody up for next week?


one year ago
I've been itching for a duel and chances are I'll be busy next week, so I'm up for it.


one year ago

Me! Me! Me! Pick me!


one year ago

Me and Darius have a duel to get to, but Lux and Suranna can go first if you're looking just to host one match


one year ago

Are you up to fighting children this week?


one year ago
Although going forward if we end up with too many duelists, I'm gonna start giving preference to those who haven't gone recently over more frequent volunteers.


one year ago

Fine, it's my fourth time already, it would be very sad if I were to lose again


one year ago
Im also up again for whenever


one year ago
I won't be available this weekend, but I'd like to challenge @corgi213 for next time.


one year ago

Can I get a yay or nay on this? Not sure if you're still going to be busy next week.

We do need at least one pair of volunteers though.


one year ago

There's other people I'd be more interested in dueling than cyclonis of all people. But I'd be down in general



one year ago
Fair, I think I'd rather duel WizzyCat or Darkspawn for a real challenge anyway.


one year ago

I'd be down! My schedule is a shitshow, but I'm not satisfied with my last story.


one year ago
Commended by Gower on 10/28/2023 6:10:12 PM
@Lux_Inferni @Suranna @fresh_out_of_the_oven @Darius_Conwright Fun bit of trivia: there's several books out there with "darkling plain" in their titles. Most notably As on a Darkling Plain by Ben Bova (a stupidly prolific sci fi author who published like 120 books in 40 years) and then also one by the Mortal Engine guy. The phrase comes from the poem Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold. Having inspired so many authors, I'm still there's got to still be some stories in there. Your prompt is specifically the poem's last stanza: Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night. Due Sunday at 11:59pm CST like usual. Have fun.


one year ago

I just want to say how pleased I am with this topic.  I used to teach that poem all the time, but then I realized I liked it too much to teach it.


one year ago
I am going to suggest we put a block on these contest entries, just for Gower, so he doesn't have to see what happens to it...


8 months ago

Write about a crucial moment of backroom diplomacy.

2000 word maximum, due Monday at midnight CDT.


8 months ago

That's a pretty cool prompt. Julian Asange would be a happy man. 


8 months ago

Honestly I'm quite liking how my Thunderdome entry is coming along, people might be pleasantly surprised (hopefully). Even if yummy doesn't show up id still want it posted. 


8 months ago
Looking forward to it. It's definitely a prompt that could go in a lot of directions.


5 months ago

You both have expressed interest in a Thunderdome challenge against each other but both have a habit of becoming elusive. How's this weekend sound? I'll give the prompt out on the evening of the 11th (Friday) and you'll have until Monday evening to complete your stories.


5 months ago

Sounds good!


5 months ago



5 months ago

Your prompt::

The protagonist makes an unexpected arrival on a strange island.

Usual rules, should be a 2000 word maximum, send it to me for reposting for the vote. Due Monday night at 11:58PM CDT.


5 months ago

In accordance with rule number five, I would like to request that I be tagged in all future duel threads in which I am not an active participant. 


5 months ago
@Darius_Conwright @MrAce321 Your prompt: A child has gone missing.


5 months ago
Just wanted to say that both entrants got their stories in, it's me that's running late.

I'll just put these up Friday morning and run the voting through the week if needed, people may be doing things tonight and then we have the deadline for Sherb's contest that might keep people from fully participating in this.


5 months ago
Ford votes for story b


3 months ago

So after Petros and Benzo finish their ThunderDome matchup, can Darius and I get our rematch? This has been a long time coming. Anytime between this week and after the Gaybellion contest is fine.


3 months ago

I like to have it after the gaybellion


3 months ago

After the Gaybellion it is


2 months ago
When are you guys going to do the duel? This should be fun to see.


2 months ago

Right?! I've been waiting. 



How does next weekend sound for the ThunderDome rematch?


2 months ago

That's allright 


2 months ago
Next weekend it is then. I don't mind if RK joins too, we've have three contestants before. Given it's you three though, there will be strict rules against homosexual depravity.


2 months ago
Thanks Mizal! So excited for my first thunder dome! Just to clarify, it's 2000 words and due by Thursday right? I just want to make sure so I can plan everything out properly.

Also, I didn't even realize how much gay potential this matchup has, until Ben made his short story characterizing the challenge! That was funny. Too bad about the rules against homosexual depravity, you're really taking away all our creative energies.


2 months ago

You're taking all the fun out of this.

But sure. I can work with this. Next weekend.


one month ago

I don't know how to feel about the fact that Ben devoted a gay fanfic and an even gayer poem to me while I wasn't looking. It's not even well-written smh.

But is the duel this weekend? If so, may we have have the prompt this Friday while I'm still awake haha.


one month ago
I'm message you, just need a few minutes. Deadline won't be till Monday night anyway but I'll make sure everyone gets it tonight.


one month ago

Devoted? Don't flatter yourself lol. You got mentioned.

The fanfic got taken down yeah, but fresh thought the poem was good.


one month ago

I wish I didn't, it's just kinda weird, creepy and cringy


one month ago
Damn, the angst is strong. Try to keep your pent-up-homosexuality-induced anger to yourself, dude.


one month ago

He says "weird, creepy, and cringy" yet everyone else mentioned in those works (you and RK) seem to have enjoyed them.

I feel like weird, creepy, and cringy would be wishing a painful, agonizing death on an innocent woman because their loved one doesn't jive with your political beliefs. 

I will say I probably should have asked first before using anyone's name for that story. Like I asked you before I made that forum post. 


one month ago
Well, RK enjoys everything


one month ago

Not always. He did tell off Ace for his "90%" comment, and he did question me on some things I said about the CSA (which thankfully led to a debate that both sides learned from). He may be nice about expressing displeasure, but he does express it.


one month ago
Yeah lol, "well other people didn't mind their unsolicited inclusion in a porn story!" isn't really anything to hold against Darius.

RK just happens to not mind anything whatsoever, I guarantee anyone else would've had a stronger reaction.

There's an actual listed rule about not including people in storygames without their permission, I think we can assume that in cases like this it would extend to the forum too, besides just being common courtesy.

ANYWAY, you will all soon have opportunity to take out your aggressions, I'll get you and RK the prompt in a couple of hours.


one month ago
If someone who appears in the written porn you included them in says it's weird, creepy, and cringy, then yes, chances are it is weird, creepy, and cringy.


one month ago

And it was deleted and later reposted in the forums by Mizal, so...?


one month ago
I think he's addressing the part 30 minutes ago where you were acting like Darius was unreasonable for finding your writing about him creepy.

If that's unclear.


one month ago

Let it never be said that there's something Ben won't double down on to shelter his own mind from an L, even if he's gotta defend his public cumsucking fanfic like the Maginot line!... Or, I think the blowjob story is what's being referenced here, I didn't read all the way through that. If there's another I wouldn't deprive you of the title. As long as we're bringing up shit from months ago I just think it's funny that the only other time I've ever noticed your presence here before it was because your only reference for the term "Content Creator" was onlyfans. Wait, shit, guys, is this a pattern? Is that just Ben's thing?


one month ago

In my defense, that is genuinely the only time I had heard content creator used.

As for the blowjob story, if you're referring to the recent "three-way" one, I did acknowledge that I should have asked first.

If you're referring to the "I've been sucking dick since I was 14" post, that got a commendation.


one month ago

Y'all do realize I also used the words "content creator" months ago, right? But I was referring to Minecraft YouTubers, not the sick, twisted stuff Ben here apparently knows about from onlyfans. Which, by the way, I still don't know what it is because someone had told me not to Google it, so I didn't. I only know it's sick and twisted from how everyone talks about it. 


one month ago
That is literally the post Sent is referencing. Ben replied to it. So did Sent. I think a few people did. Pretty sure you did too.


one month ago

I do, but the way I read it made it sound like Ben was the only one who mentioned "content creator" lol. Mb! Also, Mizal, I know last time we talked, things didn't end well and I'd like to apologize for my previous behavior. I'd like to say I have learned from my mistakes, but I have a feeling words won't cut it, so I'll show you with my actions in time. For now, I just want to say I'm sorry. 


one month ago
I don't think anyone else would be reading Sent's post that way, it's okay. .

Anyway, just do what Fresh told you and be less blonde.


one month ago

I don't know what "be less blonde" means, but I will do as Fresh says. :D


one month ago

I came back to this thread to KILL you, because the previous post you made, made it seem like you weren't using threaded view. I made a solemn vow many years ago to kill anyone who did that. But after this post I'm not even sure anymore, it seems like maybe you're just like that and I would've been in the wrong. Your BRAIN is unthreaded.


one month ago

Ok you're probably right about my brain. Especially since I haven't been getting enough sleep or sleeping well because I've had to work early in the morning. But I am, in fact, using threaded view. 


one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/31/2025 10:07:26 PM

Alright, well keep it that way. I've got my eye on you.



one month ago

Sir yes sir. lol. Say, are you hiring for your army? You seem like you are a general in that pic. 


one month ago

Right right, I forget that you're a zoomer I can't just reference nerd things without providing educational links. 15 YEARS IN THE ACADEMY OF LAW FOR YOU, KID.


one month ago

What's a zoomer?


one month ago

Oh my God.


one month ago



one month ago
Also, you doth protest way, waaaay too much.


one month ago

If I may appeal to thine court, I doth plan on changing such things about myself, your lady ship. (I'm not mocking you, you just sounded so elegant and cool saying "doth" that I wanted to copy you)


one month ago
It was actually a literary reference.

You know, from a book.


one month ago

Which book? Cause it sounds like something from Downten Abbey or Wuthering Heights or Pride and Prejudice or Little Women. None of which I've actually read, but I know they are all in old English. 


one month ago

Shakespeare's Hamlet.




one month ago

I'm not much of a Shakespeare person, so no wonder I didn't know what the reference was. :,)


Anyway, thanks DB.


one month ago

And none of that is old English.  It is all modern English.


one month ago
You have written 291 words in forum posts in this thread alone today. If you wrote that many words daily on your short story, you could be done in a week or so


one month ago

Point taken. I'll work on that story a little tonight and work more on it tomorrow. 


one month ago
There is no way you have graduated high school.


one month ago

I was home schooled and didn't read Shakespeare for my literature, and I'm more of a The Art of War kind of girl. Not Old English. I tried to read Wuthing Heights, but couldn't make much sense of what was said. 


one month ago

Well lucky for you none of that is Old English.  It is all modern English.  And Shakespeare was writing about the time of publication of the King James Version of the Bible- also modern English 


one month ago

Avoid BeoWulf then lol. That's ACTUAL Olde Anglo-Saxon English.


one month ago

Yesssss. Actually Old English when looking at it in the original.


one month ago



one month ago
You weren't homeschooled very well.

Please ask your parents why they let you reach adulthood this way. The one singular benefit of homeschooling is usually literacy.


one month ago
In her defense, Hamlet is exactly like Little Women, it's an easy mistake to make!


one month ago

Especially when you haven't read either of them.


one month ago



one month ago

I've read Wuthering Heights. It's pretty good. 

Trust me, these are classics for a reason. Next time you go to a library, check out some copies of the titles you just named.


one month ago

I will. It's just hard for me to understand some of them. And I actually own Wuthering Heights. I got it recently because it sounded good and the reviews for it were great, but I just could t for the life of me understand the Old English. :,)


one month ago
You literally have no idea what old English is


one month ago

Well, whatever Wuthering Heights is written in, I can't understand it. 

Also, I think this is the time I shut up cause I realize I'm reverting to old habits. -_- 

Night y'all. 


one month ago
Gōde nihte.


one month ago

Modern English! It's literally the same thing we speak now! Yes it can be a bit confusing at times from a cultural perspective, since the vernacular (slang) can change over time (look at how people spoke in the 1960s vs. now, for example), but it's written with the same English vocabulary we use today!


one month ago
I wonder what language she thinks the KJV is in.


one month ago

Darius could totally own you in the CYSTIAN WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT CYSFAG DIVISION in a dreaded bout known as the Freak Off Match, but you're so much of a faggot, Ben, that even Darius dick would disintegrate. 


You are officially diagnosed as gay and depressed. Now leave Darius alone


2 months ago
I’ve been waiting too. As a matter of fact, I formally challenge the winner of the Ben vs Darius match as my first thunderdome match ever, if that’s okay and allowed. I’ve been waiting to do a thunderdome at some point. And if both of you are ok with doing another thunderdome after your battle, we can iron out the when later once you guys finish.


2 months ago

Why not make it a three-way?


2 months ago
I’m down for that! Next weekend works for me. Darius, how about you, is it ok if I join in and make it a three way match?


2 months ago

I'm in 


2 months ago

That's kinky.


2 months ago


one month ago

I'm pretty sure you're gonna see it anyways, but for official records, me and fresh would like to square off in the thunderdome on Friday, February 14th.


Also, amusingly, I have DEUS VULT tattooed on my arm. I'm ready for back to back combat next month.