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What don't you give?

2 months ago

So I've come up with another idea for a terrible song. (Still haven't finished the last one, but I'm working on it.) The song is called "I Don't Give a Fuck" and throughout the song, the character gives a list of all of the many other things he doesn't give. Some ideas for things the guy doesn't give are:

A Shit
A Crap
A Damn
A Toss
A Hoot
A Fig
A Rat's Ass
A Monkey's
A Tinker's Cuss

Those are all the things I can think of the a person could not give, but most of them are extremely dated and very British. I'm wondering if some of my American friends might have some more colourful examples of things that they don't give. ^_^

What don't you give?

2 months ago

A dollar to the guy on the corner who smells like gin and pickle brine

An extension on the final essay

Reviews on CYS storygames to anyone unless Mizal shames me into it



What don't you give?

2 months ago

No. Bad Gower. No cookie for you.

What don't you give?

2 months ago

I don't give Avery the answers she wants even when I know what she wants, just to be difficult?

What don't you give?

2 months ago

Great suggestion. I will add that to my song. ^_^

What don't you give?

2 months ago
a frank opinion anywhere it can be screenshotted

What don't you give?

2 months ago

a flying fuck, thats all i can think of. A darn? (maybe thats too similar to damn). A piss in the wind is a good one aswell. 

What don't you give?

2 months ago

That's actually a good suggestion, a lot of things people don't give can be upgraded to flying versions of themselves. I've heard "Flying fuck" "Flying fig" and "Flying monkey's" before.

And I've never heard piss in the wind before! Thanks for that! ^_^

What don't you give?

2 months ago
I've heard some middle aged guys say "I don't give a tinker's," but I have no idea what that actually means.

What don't you give?

2 months ago

they sound so wholesome. I cant imagine a guy who says "i dont give a tinkers" being a mean spirited person lol

What don't you give?

2 months ago
I feel like anyone who uses unusual swears comes across as at least somewhat wholesome. Even phrases that don't really work, like "I don't give a bitch" or something, are pretty fun to say/hear.

What don't you give?

2 months ago

While looking it up, I've found "Tinker's Cuss", "Tinker's Fig" and "Tinker's Damn". I guess they could all be abbriviated to just "Tinker's"

What don't you give?

2 months ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 7/24/2024 7:02:03 PM

A Midnight Piss

A Backalley Abortion

A Crab Infested Cunt Hair

A Doomweaver's Dick

A Porn Fairy's Patootie

What don't you give?

2 months ago

"Midnight Piss" sounds genuine. The rest all sound like ones you personally made up.

Either way I love them, and will now be on the look out for any excuse to say, "I don't give a backalley abortion". ^_^

What don't you give?

2 months ago
Not sure if you still need any but I heard this one today: "wouldn't give the northern end of a southbound rat."