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Escape the Dark Castle Rules

3 months ago

Escape the Dark Castle Rules

Okay this will be a brief reminder of the rules for the game.

The basic premise is very simple. You go through a series of encounters and often pick a choice and deal with the consequences of that decision.

A lot of your choices are also very simple mainly hinged on if you want to do “X” or “Y”

In case of combat, you’ll probably also want to mention if you’re using some special ability/item you might have. (Or strictly DO NOT want to use because you’re really saving it for something) You actually can choose to rest rather than engaging in combat to restore 1 HP per round, but someone has to still do the fighting.

Mentioning using items, equipment swaps between encounters is often done as well, along with asking for an update in the group’s stats. You also always pick who is going to be the leader for the next encounter.

In any case, you will do this until you either die or manage to reach the boss battle and defeat it to escape.

I will actually try to use my best judgement on using some items/abilities to save someone from getting killed instantly and/or potentially doing the most damage to something in a particularly dire encounter. Again though unless you’ve told me to specifically not to.

As far as GAY Roleplaying for your character is concerned (Assuming you’re so inclined), you can do it right in the thread since this isn’t a complicated game like Fallen Lands was.

Fist Symbol is Might

Eye Symbol is Cunning

Star Symbol is Wisdom

Everyone starts with 12 HP
Everyone has a carrying capacity of 2 items. Some items take up two slots. There are also other things that might change this capacity.

There are also nasty things like Curses and Plagues which have their own rules when they pop up, but I’m sure none of you will encounter such things.

If anything else unusual comes up or isn't understood it will be explained of course.

Going to of course keep in mind that people might be busy at any given time so taking your turn "immediately" after its posted isn't necessarily vital, but given how simple the game is, going for extended stretches of not taking your turn for days on end and I'll just give the role to someone else. (Or potentially just kill 'em lol)

Finally as a general rule you all are supposed to be working together, but yeah I think we know how that goes around here half the time. I could remind everyone that backstabbing your fellow prisoners  never works out well, but I know the lols are too hard to resist sometimes.

Alright everyone report to their appropriate threads.

Team Primus

DB - Abbot
Malk - Butcher
Milton - Fletcher
Mizal - Shepherd

Team Secundus

Corgi - Miller
Fresh - Mason
Peng - Bishop
Avery - Hunter

Team Tertius

Ace - Tailor
Ben - Smith
Darius - Cook
TCat - Tanner

Escape the Dark Castle Rules

2 months ago

Well so ends another game of Escape the Dark Castle. TPK for all groups so I call that a success.

(For me of course, not for any of you)

Bad luck really struck at critical times for both Primus and Tertius since there were points where they were both in a winning position.

For Primus it was definitely the final battle. The Keeper did 3 HP of damage every time he hit and with the Malk's spear, I figured he'd be able to get in multiple hits which also allowed him to block before he struggled with the last few. Not to mention Mizal's healing scroll and resurrection stone, I figured at least one of them would make it. (I didn't see DB surviving at all though)

They just rolled complete shit immediately though and the follow up rolls weren't any better. Somehow Malk wasn't even hitting a symbol that would have allowed him to block except once. With low HP and 3 damage per turn if you didn't block, there wasn't much room for error.

For Tertius, things didn't look good until after they got the Witch Hunter. I'd already looked at the next encounters and figured they'd probably survive all of them (Hadn't looked at the boss at that point) especially with the Witch Hunter to replace Ace who fortunately died before he became an actual threat (Marked for Death can cause the character to switch sides in combat, but Ace never rolled the bad symbols so it didn't happen before he got killed)

It all went to shit for them with the mad cow of all things. The cow actually did 1 extra damage (and the base was 2 already) to anyone who managed to hit it unless you also blocked. People were hitting, but they weren't blocking. If it hadn't been for the Witch Hunter's special die symbol, the team would have all died right there.

I knew they'd survive the spirit drain even if they failed completely on it, but after looking at the boss, I figured that was definitely going to be the end of them, which it was. Might have gone differently if Ben and the Witch Hunter managed to make it to the Champion too though.

Oh well maybe next time.

Escape the Dark Castle Rules

2 months ago

Once again the bitter single mother ruins everything.

Such is life.

Escape the Dark Castle Rules

2 months ago

And as for Team Secundus, the only lucky thing they really had was one less encounter in the beginning and it was all downhill from there. It sort of displayed how the Death Dice could end things a little quicker for a group though.

Up until the team got wiped by the water weird, the death dice I was rolling for everyone didn't seem to make the game too much more difficult. 

Basically when Fresh and Briar got killed at the same time, Peng had no chance of winning despite having a shield to mitigate potential damage and a fair amount of HP left. The Death Dice combos were not something he could roll on his own without at least another character assisting and since everyone was dead, it would have been just prolonging the inevitable. If I had been using the basic encounter dice this game there would have been at least a chance of him winning the fight. (Though surviving much longer after that would have been extremely unlikely)

Escape the Dark Castle Rules

2 months ago

So far the best I've done in one of these games played on the forums was in Secret Hitler (and I was the only person on my team for awhile, then immediately screwed up when another team member arrived). I didn't do the worst of everyone in Tribal Survivor but I sucked, and then I died like three or four encounters after joining in this.

Someday I'll win one of these... someday...

Escape the Dark Castle Rules

2 months ago

Dying so early in the game sucked... But knowing that everybody else died too makes me feel slightly better. ^_^