
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/17/2019: Let’s circle back to this at a time where the bigger fish have been fried.

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

Would it be possible to sort the "Top Storygames" and the "Newly Created Storygames" by Title, Author, Length, Difficulty, and Rating, and with the Filter Options in the same way that all the other categories have?

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

My 2 cents:

For the listing of new games, I would think the ability to filter and sort would add an element of bias. One person reads a new story and rates it a 3, so everybody else filters it out and never sees it. Or everybody just gravitates to their favorite writers.

Which is not to say these things don't happen already. But the new story list is the one time all stories are presented equally, so the emphasis should be in letting people find these stories and coming to their own conclusion, before we're filtering them out of our views because of someone else's ranking.

On the other hand, and option to find games created so far this year might be useful.

Again, just my thoughts. This and a couple bucks will get you a cup of coffee.

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

If one person reads and rates a new story, the rating will still show as a ??? so that particular problem, I think, won't happen (you need 10 ratings to be visible?)--I agree there is a possible bandwagon effect overall though, with the rating visible *before* the player rates.

I would love to see ratings be invisible before the player rates, but there are all sort of ramifications there that problem make it more trouble than its worth.

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

That’s an interesting concept but I personally love looking at stats and having to rate all stories to see all ratings would be a total bummer for me.

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago
Also, some (most?) people are here looking specifically to play stories that are *good*.

And most readers on the site don't actually have accounts that can be used to track what they've already read. The way it keeps it invisible for the first ten ratings is already about the best compromise we're going to get there I think.

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

Right, of course. It’s in our best interest to make our best stories obvious.

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

I agree with the suggestion.

That part of the code can be a little gnarly and eventually in the distant future, categories will be killed, so I’m loathe to work there.

How much would this make your life better?

Top/Newly Created category filter features

5 years ago

Not enough for you to waste time on it, I think.  It would be convenient, but certainly not in basket A or even B.