
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/26/2019: Eventually, we'd like to be mobile compliant, but that would have to come with a major site rewrite. There are a lot of mobile improvements that I'd make before I'd make this one purely to satisfy your laziness.

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago

This has been a very annoying problem for me, and it would be convenient if this were to be implemented. Not sure how much work it would take though.

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago
Stop writing on your phone.

In your case, it's okay to just stop writing, period.

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago

I'm referring to the word count on published storygames



Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago
I appreciate the way you're always so open and honest about wanting to find the smallest games necessary to review to accomplish your task in the laziest way possible, but you can already sort stories by length.

Being able to see word counts on mobile might be convenient for normal people too, but 3J would have to fit it in somewhere on an already kind of cluttered section. Maybe if he removes the story Difficulty like he's said he might.

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago

While it is true I prefer shorter stories, this comes with the implication that I’m picking 2k word stories barely rated a three. That is not even close to the case. My ideal story to review is around 10k, and rated highly already, 

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago
Well suuuuure, you say that, but then just a couple of days ago you were asking if it was okay to review short stories on the forum.

....and the answer by the way is yes, of course it is! I bet Ozoni would love it if you took a genuine interest in any of his stuff and commented on it, and hitting is stopping you. But of course that won't count towards your 50 reviews....

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago

Lol testing me. As for your first statement my reviews so far are mostly on storygames with around 10k words. 


Why I was asking that was because it is good short content like I said. It's hard to make an exceptional storygame with under 10k words. The short stories are amazing, and short. 


As for those stories, I will do that. There is one I've been meaning to review since I read it, and I've already got about half the review done. Just need to find the time to finish it.

Being able to see word count on mobile.

4 years ago

Just admit you're lazy, Serpent, everyone here knows it.