
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 2/16/2023: I accepted ace's repost of the same request so I guess this one gets it too.

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4 years ago

We've got all those fancy notifications such as ranking up in RPS, Forum Watched threads or duel invites.

Can one be implemented for when somebody posts a comment on one of your story games? Turnable off of course so people that would be annoyed by it can avoid it. Basically a "watch" button for story games.

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4 years ago

This is a good and reasonable suggestion that occurred to me, too. We've only got one person working on sleeping on feature requests, though, so I wouldn't count on this happening too soon.

Luckily, this problem is more or less solved if you install the CYS browser extension here. You'll see comments on your storygames on the "My Stuff" page if you click the tab itself. It doesn't handle notifications for those comments, but you won't miss comments as badly as you would if you had more than 1 storygame.

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4 years ago
I feel like you just accidentally stumbled upon a bug. Or rather accidentally led me to stumbling on it. You're supposed to be able to edit your "My Stuff" page with different parts, one of which is "Recent Comments" which shows all the comments on your storygames.

I tried to add it on my test account just now, but I'm pretty sure the section is bugged, since switching to edit view and clicking to add or customize items just results in it switching back to normal view.

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4 years ago

Yeah I was confused about that, clicking any button results in the same thing happening for me...and I can't "drag" anything over.

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4 years ago
I suggested this a long time ago but it got shot down (by Seth in think) on the basis that people would be annoyed by it and My Stuff > Comments is easy to click.

But Seth was a fag so I'd be for this, as long as there was a way to turn it off like other notifications.

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4 years ago
I'm sure this used to be a thing. I know I used to get notifications on comments, but it got turned off because someone didn't like it