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CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
Posts and projects that involve development related to CYS. Bugs pertaining to CYSCE/FFE or any other CYS development projects may be shouted in this thread. ChooseYourStory Firefox Extension ChooseYourStory Chrome Extension Or check Brad's profile for the latest versions. Last major update 12/19/2019. - M Note: Go to your profile to choose either Light or Dark theme afterwards for the full effect. - M CYSCE GitHub Repo CYS Member Rankings List of CYS Members as of Nov 5 2018, 1700 EST Old Links: CYS Members Dec 2017(?) Google Spreadsheet CYS Members Dec 2017(?) Dropbox .txt file

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
Possible bug related to Chrome extension: My Stuff --> Storygames. When I click on the column header "published," I thought it would sort by publish date. It does not. It appears to sort alphabetically, grouping by whether it is published or not...but that might be something with the site that the plug-in cannot grab ahold of...

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
@BradinDvorak I can't recreate this problem because I only have one game published. As far as I can tell, both with and without the extension, the published button (and title button) works when tapped a few times to reset whatever weird cached tablesorter alexp has in place for /my/Games

My suggestion for now is to click it a few times in a row and see if that sorts the way you want.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago

I can't really test this either since I happened to publish my games in alphabetical order, but yes, it is the default site behavior unaltered by the extension. Seems to operate on a delay, too, where the sort you select is applied only after you've selected a new one.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
Did you publish them in alphabetical order on purpose?

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago

I might not have.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
polling for opinions: mobile app purely for reading/playing storygames. reason: storygames burn my eyes out at night and I wanna read before I sleep so there needs to be a dark mode.

- login
- browse/play games
- save place
- light/dark mode

blind people opinions will be ignored to the full extent of the law

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago

I normally just use the dark mode of the browser. An app would be nice if it could improve some of the other stuff like the extension does,  but I imagine that it's not that easy to make.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
I require the name of this dark mode mobile browser that is not chrome.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago

Samsung Internet.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
[spoiler=fuck yourself]Fuck yourself.[/spoiler]

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
This would be very good yes although honestly if I'm ever in a situation where I'm trying to read large amounts of text on a tiny phone instead of a real screen like God intended, something has gone terribly wrong.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
Don't read kindle on your phone or anything?

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago

I'm still using the site in its purest form and have not downloaded any app. In any case, when I bothered to click the link to it, I got warnings about potential viruses and shit.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
every link in the op is to Google except BD's firefox thing which is, as far as I can tell, just a download link for a file hosted on his website or a cdn. I'm sorry your oldness is preventing you from trusting links everyone else has been fine with and that are provided by people well acquainted with internet security (and autistic enough to make everything as perfect, painless, and open source as possible).Vanilla cream on white is the best way to enjoy the site by far.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
Don't remember what post gave inspiration but 0.4.6 of the CYSCE/FFE can do spoilers now through use of bbcode spoiler tag; and some other stuff was done. I updated it on the chrome webstore a while ago but I'm not sure what the wait time is for it to automatically update (I sync with the github so I don't have to wait).

If it's updated for you, then the following should not be visible until you hover over it:

[spoiler=hover to reveal, click to toggle reveal]MØnti PythØn ik den HØlie Gräilen RØtern nik Akten Di Wik AlsØ wik AlsØ alsØ wik Wi nØt trei a hØliday in Sweden this yër? See the lØveli lakes The wØndërful telephØne system And mäni interesting furry animals The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used are fictitious and any similarity to the names, characters, or history of any person is entirely accidental and unintentional. Signed RICHARD M. NIXON Including the majestik mØØse A MØØse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the mØØse with the sharpened end of an interspace tØØthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian mØvies: "The HØt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge MØlars of Horst Nordfink"... We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked. Mynd you, mØØse bites Kan be pretti nasti... We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked. MØØse trained by YUTTE HERMSGERVØRDENBRØTBØRDA Special MØØse Effects OLAF PROT MØØse Costumes SIGGI CHURCHILLMØØse Choreographed by HORST PROT III Miss Taylor's MØØses by HENGST DOUGLAS-HOME MØØse trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by JURGEN WIGG MØØses' noses wiped by BJØRN IRKESTØM-SLATER WALKER Large mØØse on the left hand side of the screen in the third scene from the end, given a thorough grounding in Latin, French and "O" Level Geography by BO BENN Suggestive poses for the MØØse suggested by VIC ROTTER Antler-care by LIV THATCHER The directors of the firm hired to continue the credits after the other people had been sacked, wish it to be known that they have just been sacked. The credits have been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute. Executive Producer JOHN GOLDSTONE & "RALPH" The Wonder Llama Producer MARK FORSTATER Assisted By EARL J. LLAMA MIKE Q. LLAMA III SY LLAMA MERLE Z. LLAMA IX Directed By 40 SPECIALLY TRAINED ECUADORIAN MOUNTAIN LLAMAS 6 VENEZUELAN RED LLAMAS 142 MEXICAN WHOOPING LLAMAS 14 NORTH CHILEAN GUANACOS (CLOSELY RELATED TO THE LLAMA) REG LLAMA OF BRIXTON 76000 BATTERY LLAMAS FROM "LLAMA-FRESH" FARMS LTD. NEAR PARAGUAY and TERRY GILLIAM & TERRY JONES[/spoiler]

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
I just added CYSCE to Opera and it seems to work. The spoiler text thing, too.

Posting is a little weird with a black screen and line numbers, though. Is that normal with the extension?

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
You can change that in profile settings under "Enhanced Plain Text" and choose a bunch of sub-options for it too if you wanna play with it. I personally disable the enhanced thing unless I'm scripting in storygames or using lots of html/css where it's useful to have line numbers and syntax highlighting.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
Thanks. I'll play around with it and see what works best for me.

Edit: The spoiler text doesn't seem to be working yet with the FFE on my end.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
I'm only in control of the chrome one. BD manages the firefox version by himself so it'll update whenever he gets around to it unfortunately.

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago

Yeah, the conversion requires a lot of manual find & replace and I'm lazy lol

I have updated the FF extension to the latest version now (and then had to upload a quick revision bc of a problem with the icon). For anyone currently running 0.4.1, it should eventually auto-update, but here's the manual link anyway: CYSFFE 0.4.6r1

Edit: I feel like the auto update isn’t working for whatever reason, so here’s the second revision that fixes the item description saving problem: CYSFFE 0.4.6r2

Edit 2: Yeah, putting "r2" on the end of the version number was confusing it. This is now the latest version: CYSFFE 0.4.7

CYS Dev Thread

6 years ago
It's an archaic site with many aged members so I must ask: Does anyone (besides apple people) NOT use Windows 10? If I make an application there's a better framework available for just Windows 10 but there's a slightly dated framework that works for Windows 7+ so I'm wondering how many people wouldn't be able to use a CYS application due to having an older OS than Windows 10.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I don't have Windows 10 on a few devices. Would the current version of the extension still be available?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
When you don't have a theme turned on in the profile, posts will do this at random: which is annoying. I don't know why anyone would browse the site like that, but it is the default. Maybe Light should be the default instead. Also re: the above question, I guess you can assume at this point anyone NOT using Windows 10 does not care about using the extension.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Random posts within the same thread or all posts at random times?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
It's the same posts in every thread. It starts for whatever reason and then every post after it in the same reply chain does it too. e: test

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
...edits don't seen to trigger it so there goes that theory.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
BD says he knows what's going on and will have a fix soon-ish. for now you'll just have to live with it.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Well something about your post just caused it to happen again. Anyway I don't browse the site like this normally but again it IS the default until somebody goes digging in the settings in their profile.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Yeah, there are just so many buttons that as the posts get more narrow, it all starts to overflow. So now the buttons will try to shrink to accomodate the post title (like in the image), and if all else fails, they'll float over the post text.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
The W10 question is for a separate application for creating cys games offline, nothing to do with the browser extension. As long as your webbrowser is updated the extension will work normally.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
that would be extremely cool, fuck anyone who doesn't have 10 and just do whatever will make it work.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I didn't realize that that's what you were talking about in the former post, but an app for offline game creation sounds like something that would really be beneficial to a lot of folks. And by a lot of folks, I mean me.

I've attempted to install Win10 in VirtualBox only to have it crap out midway through setup for some reason. I did manage to get Win7 up and running, though. It could be some time before I break down and buy a new computer since the four I have are more than enough to keep up with as it is, but I've been researching them online just in case I get a wild hair.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Oops something went wrong relating to CYSCE and FFE. I have no idea what could cause this in both Chrome and Firefox as they've been updated. I'm illiterate when it comes to code, so I tried to troubleshoot whether this is a problem with my browsers or my internet by loading up a fresh virtual machine. I installed Firefox, and then added its extension. This resulted in the same issues. Running Windows 10 if that's helpful at all. I'm gonna leave this here in case anyone has the same problems and its not just a me problem.




CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
If you mean not having the menu across the top, then I was having the same issue until a few minutes ago without even knowing it until I selected a theme in my profile. Now the site looks totally different.

Edit: I changed back since my OCD or whatever goes haywire when the lowercase i's in labels don't show up. Plus, I'm not particularly fond of the subscript numbers on the main game pages since they're partially obscured by the line. But, that's probably just me.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Ah that's fixed it! Looks good now.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

I'm glad you brought up the second point! The typeface actually has an "uppercase" variant of its numerals that I'm going to use from now on because I definitely agree the default style isn't as great for heading-type text.

Also, I'm going to try a different format for the body typeface. My Ubuntu machine has had the same issue of not rendering its bold i but this new format seems to work.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Any chance of just making Light Mode the default? Ozoni has close to average intelligence for a young man of his age and if he didn't think to check his profile for settings, it's likely others gave been confused. And I've recommended the extension to several people without thinking to tell them to do that because it's been awhile and I'd actually forgotten it had to be done that way, whoops.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

I think it was decided that that would be too big a change in form from the classic CYS experience? If I did make light mode the default, it would also switch for anyone who already has the extension but never bothered changing their theme.

I'm also considering a one-time (or per-version) "welcome message" that mentions profile settings and maybe a changelog, etc. because that would also address the problem of users not realizing there actually are themes and settings to change.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Just bumping this since we've been getting so many new people and I've been having to pass the link around.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Boys this is dope

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
we know

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
edited out

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
When I was searching through games it kept falling asleep or something. Clicking to new pages or changing the filter stopped working and that angered me, pls fix k tia.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
@BradinDvorak How about making the Storygames tab drop down links to the various category lists too?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
yes, that would be quite useful!

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I keep needing to go to the full New Storygames list for the contest games, so I have to click Storygames, scroll all the way down, click New's like living in a third world country, or at Wibn's house.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
If it was my house, you'd have to navigate around a poster-boy deplorable, a blonde NAZI who has yellow fever, a lazy hunk of flesh who plays video games, me, and a lone female who works too much.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Is this order okay? Or is putting New and Top above Fantasy better? Or something else?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I'd put them on top. There're probably what most people using that are going for.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
At least new on top, likely the most used option there.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

It goes "Random, Search, New, Top, Fantasy…" now.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Oh and one more request: I get headaches sometimes and would *like* to use dark mode when doing a lot of reading, but the contrast of the blinding white storygame popup against the black background is actually far more painful for me than the default white against cream.

Can we get the dark mode color scheme to carry over to storygames too?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

So yeah, I've been working on a separate set of SG viewer themes and decided to just do an invert brightness option in the meantime. Thing is, the FoUC problem I (thought I) fixed on the main site will still sometimes occur in the viewer. No matter what I've tried, the CSS injection can't always keep up with how quickly the page loads, or something.

Hope you don't mind an occasional quick flicker of white before the inversion takes place.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Oh man that brown bar is hideous now. But as long as it's an optional setting I don't see anyone complaining. This will save my eyes, if not my sense of aesthetics.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Changing the bar itself might be too much for a temporary fix, but I might as well add in a total "invert colors" options, too. It's actually less computationally expensive.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

The latest version is now available for Firefox. Chrome forthcoming, for a change. Here's the link, but it should update itself automatically. The main changes are:

  • Some unnecessary scripts were removed, so the download should be smaller
  • Collapse/Expand buttons are fixed (if anyone even noticed they were broken)
  • URLs aren't converted into HTML links if they're inside a script/style tag
  • New option to autocomplete a username when tagging someone
  • New "invert brightness" and "invert color" storygame themes; they're the "dark mode" for the time being
  • Storygame categories now appear in the navbar dropdown
  • It requires a new permission: "Access browser activity during navigation;" it's used to detect when you're navigating to the storygame viewer in order to apply the inverted theme as fast as possible

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I like it

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
We don’t deserve you

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
ty very nice. I edited the link into the OP. Even my EPIC looks good with inverted colors, I was thinking I'd have to figure out a whole new color scheme for people using dark mode.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Just had an idea, could you guys add an option to get a url for a specific reply in forum threads? Would be useful if you want to grab a specific reply that's old and therefore not in someone's post history anymore.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Oh this one is easy. You can do it right now! Just open up the thread that has the reply you are looking for and copy its link.

Now you want to examine the link. e.g.

But I hear you shouting, but Zake, why? I know how to get a link to a thread, I want a reply's link!

Don't worry, it is simple, for you see that last part of the link? The /24660? That is the thread id... and do you know what that means? It means posts have ids as well! OK, maybe that isn't necessarily the case, but they do on CYS, and all you need to do is append the correct post id to the end using a hashtag and the post id number.

Something like:

But how do you figure out the post id? Well, the way I'm doing it is by clicking reply and noting the new url at the top (it ends with 'new-reply?postId=829252'). This is how I got the id to append to the thread.

You'll notice that when you are replying to a post, the thread is gone, there is only your reply box and the reply being replied to. Not sure why I'm mentioning this, I felt like writing a bit and it turns out I'm watching this thread... so there you go.

Anyway, granted, this is all default site behavior, so it might not work for you. However, I doubt the extension is changing urls (as that seems like a very weird thing to do, but I'm not an expert on websites so what do I know).

TL;DR Yeah it would make for a convenient feature. If you really want to do it right now, just click reply to the post you want a jump to, note the url which tells you its ID, then append that ID to the thread url (put a hashtag in front of the numbers, after the thread number). e.g.>

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

I know about that, and it's a pretty okay alternative, but for convenience's sake it would be better to have an extra button for getting a link to a post. Still, thanks anyway Zake.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

You responded too fast... my post was formatted badly so I had lost paragraphs (or maybe something is wrong with my machine)! Here is the missing part (hopefully):

Never mind, the rest of it seems to be breaking something for me so I'll just leave it here... I had a tl;dr where I said it would be a convenient feature, that is the part that matters.

EDIT - The bottom link in my above post was missing a quotation mark... was missing another one later on as well. Don't click it, it won't work.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
There are already a lot of buttons though and they can cause issues when a thread starts scrolling off to the side.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Trying to fix it but I don't understand what is happening and I'm supposed to be working right now!

Also if you're on a PC you can just hover over the reply button instead of actually clicking.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

That is a good point! You can. For me it cuts off the last part so I can't see the full number, but I can copy the link and get it that way. Either way would be a bit faster.

Anyway it seems you fixed? From my analysis the issue was missing closing quotations for two of the links (the middle and last one). Appreciate the fix!

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Sounds like you're describing the anchor button.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

I am fucking idiot, I didn't realize that it did more than just anchor the page to that post lol.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I never tested that button since I don't browse the site from sea.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Digit might find a use for it once he gets on that submarine.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Haha, I guess I didn't make it very clear? Since nobody seemed to know this. I've seen people post links with the id fragment pretty frequently so I suppose I assumed the button was getting used, even though I know there are other ways to get it.

Using "permalink" felt wrong to me at the time, but maybe I should rename the button and/or change the icon to something more intuitive?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
I always get it from the Reply button. Hovering over it on PC is always such a relief compared to how annoying getting it off mobile now....having to not only hit Reply but do extra tapping and scrolling now that Google made it harder to access URLs in Chrome. So it just never occurred to me to look for something easier on PC.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Brad, kind of a long shot I know, but can the number of featured comments a user has be tracked?

Comments in general would be ideal but I know you've said before that those aren't very feasible. It'd be cool to track the featured ones on profiles though.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Actually I guess @Killa_Robot might be able to check for this too.

Since it makes a specific kind of entry in the exp points page I was thinking it might be simple, but no idea really.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Yeah, this would be a lot better done server side. The extension would have to make extra HTTP requests to comb through the points history, thus taking extra time. For current features only, it would need to further check each storygame to confirm the comment is still featured, and there'd be other things to worry about like the fact that older entries don't list the title, or that the title may have changed.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Dang, shot down twice. Oh well, never mind then.

I still think trophies would have been cool, but whatever.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Oh, awesome then. I had assumed not responding to the tags about it the other day was indicating disinterest.

Ways to amass trophies are always good and with estuary a Top 13 I funny think it'll be too hard for newer members to break into that even if the upper half is already pretty locked in.

Although I still think tracking the amount on profiles would be useful for all the not good enough for trophies crowd. Making numbers go up is addictive.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Agreed that it should be tracked.

That’s a weird assumption considering how vocal I am when I disagree and considering that I had specifically said I would be less active and only actively present when I was at home, lest someone I know discover the kind of company I was keeping. I’m in Vancouver on vacation so I don’t have a lot of downtime — pretty much back to back plans until tonight when I get back to Seattle.



CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Apologies that the latest FF version ended up really buggy. If all goes well there should be an update for both browsers really soon.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Thank you Brad, very cool.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Okay! Ran into a little more trouble than I'd hoped, but the latest versions are now live for both browsers!

CYSCE 0.6.2


CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Well I can see my trophy with this one so you fixed the most important thing.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Also @‌mizal or otherwise, can you update the FF link in the OP now that the latest version is actually working?

E: thx

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

This is dope.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Hey Brad, Corgi is using the Chrome version and he was wondering about the 'Read browser history' permission. What's that for, aside from looking at all his tranny incest porn and potentially reporting him to the FBI?

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

I told you about my tranny incest porn in confidence you poo poo nugget

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Yeah, there are a couple permissions that Chrome will give this warning for, which I think is fair but kind of misleading. The specific permission that triggers this warning is "webNavigation," which I added in 0.6.0. Firefox describes it as "Access browser activity during navigation;" it lets the extension see the URI at the moment a user navigates to a page. I started using it to check when the user navigates to the storygame viewer in order to apply the inverted color themes as quickly as possible, since the old method was slower and more likely to apply the style with a visible delay (flicker).

In practice, it only listens for URLs that begin with ""

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Just pushed a fix for the icons and CodeMirror not working in the new advanced page editor.

FF version is live; Chrome ver. is uploaded but still processing.

It's live for both browsers.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

Thanks for the excellent response time.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 11/17/2019 3:09:08 PM

Version 0.7.0 is live! A lot of focus on the storygame viewer this time around. Click the dropdown for the changelog.

CYSCE 0.7.0 “Peruse Your Story”
  • Dark and Light storygame themes
    • Choose between serif and sans-serif versions
    • Choose between fixed character-per-line (90 or 110) and unfixed
    • Choose whether to suppress author-defined fonts and/or CSS
  • Storygame Dev Mode overhaul
    • Opens in a separate window
    • Modify the value of normal variables and $ITEMUSED variables
    • View the number of times a link has been clicked, and the history of pages visited
    • Quicksaves
      • Quickly save and restore multiple named storygame states
      • Saved locally, so unlike options they don't persist across devices
      • View/manage all quicksaves on the My/Saves page
        • Export as / import from JSON
  • Contrast enforcement for user-generated content
    • In storygames, storygame descriptions, forum posts, PMs, and user profiles
    • "span" and "font" tags are tested for contrast with their background and brightened/darkened appropriately to fit the set contrast ratio
    • Alternatively, force them to be stripped of the color change completely
  • Removed emoji
    • Since smileys were removed from the CKEditor, the relevant CSS only caused strange behavior
  • Improved image filtering in the inverted storygames themes
  • Updated CSS for the chapter selector in the Advanced Editor
  • Link buttons labeled in the Advanced Page Editor
  • Orphaned links are given the destination text "[none]" so their destinations are editable
  • The textbox in the "Add Link to New Page" dialog is autofocused
  • The broken spacer.gif (in My/Points and My/Stuff) is hidden
  • Worth algorithm changed; a score of 100 is now:
    • 3,000 points
    • 200 commendations
    • 1,000 forum posts
    • 12 storygames (featured ones count as 6)
    • 3 years active
    • 8 trophies (only member-awarded, contest, bug hunter, rater, and lucky dueler trophies count)
    • 1 article
    • Community Contributor trophy

The following text is here to illustrate the effects of the new "Text Visibility" option. Check it out with different settings!

Red Orange Yellow Lime Green Cyan Teal Blue Purple Fuchsia White Grey Black

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Nice, my request and the bugfix to the editor both made it in.
Quickly save and restore multiple named storygame states View the number of times a link has been clicked, and the history of pages visited
And these came out of nowhere but holy crap. These are huge.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
that's fuckin dope how the fuck does it work

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

The quicksaves? As it happens, all the necessary data is right there on the page, so I can just grab it and store it in the extension's local storage. To load it, the extension opens the "Save" page, injects the quicksave data into it, and clicks "Continue Without Saving."

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/11/2020 4:22:41 PM

Version 0.7.1 is live! This revision fixes a couple issues, but it does also come with a new feature and the framework for some future additions.

CYSCE 0.7.1 “J'aime le M”
  • The main site uses the faster method of theme application (already used in storygames)
  • Secondary storygame theme options are actually (somewhat) explained
  • Text Visibility option is applied to articles
  • Preserve Line Breaks option is a bit more lenient and less likely to clash with Normalize HTML
  • New option: the mysterious "M Mode"
    • It's hidden, but a password will reveal it
  • The comment page in the storygame viewer is styled

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago


CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
The M mode is so wrong

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
This is the happiest day of my life. :')

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago

The Firefox version of 0.7.1 is actually available on the proper site now and should auto-update for anyone who didn't download it via Discord. Turns out the FTP host name changed.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
Just bumping this because everyone needs to get it.

It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I won't rest until your perception of reality matches with mine.

CYS Dev Thread

5 years ago
ok mizal

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/11/2020 4:22:08 PM

New update! It's been a while. This one adds a few new things, like the ability to apply a temporary theme to a single storygame viewer window, but it also rolls a few back that aren't needed anymore.

CYSCE 0.8.0
  • Storygames can be given temporary styles and suppression via the dev panel (accessible without dev mode turned on via the "options" button)
  • Author-given storygame styles can now be globally suppressed when using any theme
  • Storygame search now also shows the page number at the bottom of the list
  • The sidebar for the unthemed site has been compressed back to normal
    • It uses dropdown menus and hysteresis now
  • Sneak peek links use a smarter script that works with more titles
  • Fixed the username suggestion menu being hidden behind the page when creating a new message
  • Removed the following features that are now implemented on the base site:
    • Page editor enhancements (page/link IDs and icon tooltips)
    • Trophy info

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago
Does that mean unregistereds can use dark mode now?

Cool if so, makes it easier to recommend stories to people off site.

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago

Not the main site, but yeah, in storygames. Click the “options” button and pick a theme, and it’ll last for as long as the window’s open.

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago
Thanks Brad, you're putting in an absolute shift into bettering the site. I believe you mentioned one of the other versions automatically updates so am I right in assuming this one does too?

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago

Yeah, both Chrome and FF versions should auto update at this point, and if it's not gone through yet there should be an option in-browser to force an update check.

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/11/2020 4:24:02 PM

I've gone and pushed a new version, 0.8.1. New feature: the option "Compressed Sidebar". Uncheck it and the sidebar will be fully expanded again when the default site theme is being used.

For Chrome users, you don't need to do anything; this is the only change and it's already live. For Firefox users, I'm also going through the process of having the extension hosted on Mozilla's add-on site instead of hosting it on my own. This means that once it goes live, I imagine anyone using the FF version of the extension will need to install it through that new product page to continue receiving automatic updates.

It looks like it'll be some time still, but I'll post the link when the review process is done.

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago

FF version is live! They want me to add some screenshots still, but it's available to install now. Access it here.

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago

New update is live for FF and Chrome. Not much, just a few fixes, including the new Dark Fantasy category appropriately being swapped out for the old School-Based. The other changes besides that are:

  • Forum posts on the home page are now dynamic (auto tagging/linking)
  • The glitchy color transition when hovering over posts in the dark theme is fixed
  • Floating elements (e.g. images when inserted via the RTE) can no longer overflow out of forum posts
  • Table header colors are updated appropriately in the dark storygame viewer theme
  • Sneak peek linking works properly when there are asterisks in the title

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago
Floating elements (e.g. images when inserted via the RTE) can no longer overflow out of forum posts

Hadn't realized you could even do this, but it's very appreciated. Drives me batty when people just do this and walk away like they don't even notice. Does it mean people with the extension just can't make those kinds of posts, or that we actually can't see the funky behavior? Better solution of course would be Killa just having the RTE turned off by default, or finding a different one that isn't so broken.

CYS Dev Thread

4 years ago

Yeah, it means that as long as you have the extension, they won't poke out of their bounds.

It's kind of the fault of HTML, though. Sure the RTE lets you make images "float" to the left or right, but HTML has just always treated floating elements weirdly. By default, they basically act like they have no "height" and until recently the best solution to that was very hacky.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
Commended by hetero_malk on 2/26/2021 4:56:41 AM
I did this while drunk. I am still drunk.

I autistically went through and analyzed word count v commendations on storygames and found that the correlation is a 2nd degree polynomial
and that the best way to min-max is to write very little words and get the game commended
the two major outliers are both BZs games
and the top 3 outliers from the polynomial curve are BZ games
cows v aliens in particular is over-commended by like 90%
it has more comms than most 100k games yet only has 25k words. You might think the algorithm takes into account scripting but there is an abundance of evidence against that because a lot of other games have fucktons of scripting and do not deviate from their expected value in comms
I took the top 3 commendation holders from each order and recorded the word count and commendations obtained for all their commended games
"Well maybe theres more to the equation than meets the eye. It could be logarithmic or a power series"

a linear regression doesnt fit the data

exponential doesnt fit the data

and a power series strays too far
a 2nd degree polynomial fits the data best
"But you graphed on a linear scale!"
shut up its the same shit on log log

linear on log-log

exponential on log-log

power series on log-log
you might think "oh but that power series fits pretty well!"

until you see the polynomial fit
and lets be real, when 3J made the equation he wasnt going to program a power series or any of that other bs. he clearly went for a simple 2 degree polynomial.
maybe 3 degree, but even then its more simple than a power series or dealing with exponential bs

Here I've gotten rid of games over 300k words and divided wordcount by 1000 to give easier numbers
we can now see that BZ's cows v aliens game, all the way on the right, with the most comms and roughly 26k words, is so far off it's hilarious
the least comms was ogre's game which was 80 words and all scripting which gained 28 comms
which just goes to show that shorter length games, as long as they're quality enough to commend, get the biggest gains for the least effort
the difference between 0 comms and 50 comms is about 10k words. the difference between 100 comms and 150 comms is on the order of 100k words.
so you could write an epic thats super long and maybe amazing and get 200 comms
but then someone else can write a tenth of what you did spread out over many small games and get over 200 comms
or you can be BZ and write a paltry amount and somehow still get 130 comms
dungeon stompage is the 2nd furthest from the average line with 74k words and 120 comms
a normal 74k word storygame can expect to get 80 to 90 comms
over the line = over the average amount of work, and less than average comms for it.
under the line = less than average amount of work, and more than average comms for it
the values towards the bottom of the graph may be small in comms but they're also very small in word count, so they're almost all below the line by a little bit
as word count goes up it becomes harder and harder to squeeze out more commendations
a 100k game would need an additional 70k on average to gain 20 more comms
a 10k game would only need an additional 20k for the same
the sweet spot for word count seems to be 20 - 70k, with 30k and 40k being about as ideal as possible
not only are the majority of commended games in this area for word count (ie minimum words to get commended is the name of the game) but they are also mostly below the polynomial line
the best way to min-max would be to write 5k and get 40 comms at a time
however most people cant write a qualitative 5k consistently
to ensure the greatest probability (no longer looking at the frequency graph, but the distribution of comms to word count) the best play is to land a game in the 20k - 60k range
most people who CAN write 30k-40k are the kind of people who can make those 40k qualitatively worthwhile to commend
the best players in this game are those who can write 5 - 10k and get commended consistently. The best an average person can do is churn out 20-50k and get commended consistently thanks to the length making up for some of the quality.



The real question: word count v rating
it may behoove an autist like me to go through the games and graph rating versus word count
but that would be erroneous
because many of these games are old
and old games are rated higher than new ones by a fair margin. possibly +1 or even +2 to the average rating thanks to years of weak raters
it would be better to look at games made in the last 2 years, and of those, record ratings and see what readers like more.
obviously epics are going to be rated highly but the scale only goes up to 8 so it has to taper off at a particular word count
and that means theres a linear region or anchor point
and anchor point wherein there is a definitive "If you write more than this, your average rating will be 6+"
and less would be unpredictable
games like 16 words are rated very highly despite their word count due to excess quality
and gamey games are rated highly despite having no story, so the outliers will be towards the lower word counts and the average gets very wobbly in the beginning but stablizes later as word count increases
but since only people who actually write would care about this, they probably arent interested in low word count game creation
so our filter then becomes:

- published in the last 2 years
- greater than x words [some significant, but possibly arbitrary value for x]
- sufficient number of ratings [no brand new games because their ratings arent stable]
and put it on a graph and I bet you it would look like the black mesa logo reversed

DC = dont care
DNE = does not exist
the blue area is games with high word count that dont meet minimum site standards or are rated below 3/8 which basically doesnt exist
and anything with a word count less than x we dont care about because this is for authors not noobs
the high variation at the start is games with "low" word count but vary in quality a lot so the ratings are all over the place, but as word count increases that variation stabilizes and plateus

lets focus now on the part authors care about
they want at LEAST a 5/8 on their game
and they have the minimum word count to get a 5/8 just for effort (or close to it)
theres still variation because their word count is low so what they seek is a point where that variation in rating is below a threshold, in this example 10%
if we took the data of all the storygames made in the last 2 years and graphed them word count v rating we could point out where the variation is low enough (less than +-10%) we can confidently say that a certain amount of words is highly likely to get you a 6+ rating
and boom we've just solved motivation for nervous wreck writers
because we then give them a goal based on statistics that as long as they meet a certain word count with their idea, they're basically guaranteed to get a good response


I am still drunk. maybe format it better later, maybe not.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
Huh... interesting evaluation.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
Ogre's game is way more than 80 words though, so you can't go with "least effort = bigger payoff" on that since it would've been easier just to post the pages normally instead of wrapping all the text up in script for whatever retarded reason.

But this does indicate that the comm formula looks at more of the words than the word counter does.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
Well I don't think that was the point. The point was to try and find out how much comms are worth per word and relate that to an effort...I think

Pretty pictures

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
You wouldn't have gotten the comms for 80 words though, so I don't think it makes any sense using that as an indicator of low effort paying off. Writing a bunch and then wrapping it all in scripts is harder than writing it and not doing that. The real interesting thing would've been how many you got for that same game made with ordinary text, vs how it is now with all the scripts.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
The main reason there's scripts is for the short room description vs the long description. That's really just about it. Maybe a couple descriptions for objects and doors. So how would I write it without scripts? I guess I could just put all the long descriptions in the regular story box and see what that does...

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
I mean yes, most people would have just put the text in the box where the story goes instead of wrapping it all up in page scripts for no apparent reason.

CYS Dev Thread

2 years ago

Cows Vs Aliens is a heavily scripted game. Like, wildly scripted. Programmed to an absurd degree. In the beta, before the published version, the system for Cows vs Aliens was actually a frame-per-page N64 emulator that could be used for Tool Assisted Speedruns. But the project became too complicated so he ultimately made it into the bonkers cardgame that it is right now. We know that the wordcount doesn't really take Scripting into account, but we do know that sometimes it takes some scripting into account, and maybe whatever the machine read when going through CvA caused it to do somthing really weird. It is by far an outlier, as far as 25k-word games are concerned.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
BTW, if you're using the extension you can now just right click on someone's profile and save it as a normal image like Jesus intended, instead of a weird file with no type that you can't do anything with. Brad will probably come by later with a real update on anything else that changed.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
You always could do that...

Right click -> Save image as

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
All right I guess more accurate to say you can right click and view the image without throwing you browser into utter confusion. I thought avatars were treated the same way as other images uploaded to the site, which you can now view and save too. Avatars are still weird on mobile though so some eventual official fix for that would be cool. (For instance if I wanted to keep @TheCrazyFangirl's avatar and cherish it, what it downloads is a file with no extension that can't be opened.)

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
Download it and change the name to add .jpg?

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
That's what I always did. It's easy as fuck.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
Is this like how the instructions for searching by tags here is 'just install the extension, it's easy as fuck?'

There are certain things that in 20 freaking 21 really shouldn't need a workaround.

Not being down on Killa, he's handling the important stuff first that we don't have alternate options for, so I guess I'm really just highlighting the fact that you and Ogre are being deliberately unreasonable twats.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
ok boomer

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
ok Chris Chan

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago
I take offense to that. I can actually write.

CYS Dev Thread

3 years ago

Still haven't even used the extension.


CYS Dev Thread

2 years ago

I used to use the extension, but then quit it.


CYS Dev Thread

one year ago