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Favorite video games

10 years ago

List them here, give your reasons. Just curious.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Either Skyrim or Morrowind.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

And Minecraft.

Fin Hokzii Thur Ahrk Fin Morokei Sahqo Tu

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Skyrim: Decent, let me run around and beat people to death with my fists.

Garrysmod: Everything.

Arma 2:Takistan life uprising, run around as a terrorist screaming Durka Durka Jihad while killing people.

Dayz, Arma 2 mod: Not garbage like the standalone, snipe people from 800 M away like a pro. Have to survive the zombie holocaust.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

How come you don't like the Standalone? Haven't played it but I'd like to know why it is bad.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

It's actually MUCH better than the mod but it's no where near as finished. Dean is adding a lot of things to the Standalone that weren't in the mod, as well as making it less about just finding an AS.50 and camping in Cherno.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

11: Hydrophobia. A very unique fps. Look it up.


10: The Silent Hill series. Full of art and symbolism, and macabre beauty. Of course, some were better than others, and others were scarier than some.


9: Minecraft.


8: Portal/Half Life series. A very, very witty game series with a complex, although blurry, backstory… And also Garry’s mod.


7: Fallout New Vegas. Think of your favorite Elder Scrolls game, picture it in your head. Now imagine that universe was nuked after it was hurled into a perpetual 1930s-60s era. Now give it a ton of awesome guns and the disturbing feel that comes with sifting through desolate wreckage.


6: Skyrim. It’s honestly an amazing game, really good, as far as atmosphere goes, and so fucking beautiful, as far as graphics and design go. Seriously, I could swim for hours in that luscious water... The gameplay is fun, to say the least. And you can yell at people in order to kill them.


5: The Tavern Between the Worlds. It needed a place in here somewhere.


4: Doshin the Giant. Through some miracle, I managed to find an english version on Ebay, the HD one for Gamecube, to be exact. It was an amazing gaming experience, and one of the most unique civilization sims that I’ve ever played. Seriously, you should try it. Note that the giant’s belly-button, despite it’s low position, is an outy, and not a dick.


3: Super Smash Bros Melee. Despite the wide variety of all-star games, none ever got so close to my heart as the SSB series, and none so much as Melee. I always loved the characters in them, and watching them beat the crap out of each other with anime-like starburst everywhere, and then having them violently explode as soon as they left the arena was just such an endorphin-squirting experience. Not to mention the info found in the trophies got me informed to quite a few amazing games.


2: Pathologic. To give you a brief rundown of what Pathologic is like, imagine Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clive Barker got together at a party, had their minds astrally projected into one, got stoned to blazes on depressants, and then went on a S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Zelda marathon for several weeks, and then imagine that mentally affected author hybrid were then beaten unconscious by Dr. Seuss wielding a copy of Silent Hill, and then imagine that, due to a side effect of the drugs, it recited the following nightmares in detail out loud, and that Guillermo Del Toro was drawing the description of those nightmares as fast as he could, and then really good indie developers in Russia received the illustrations and story from Del Toro and made a game about it which made a lot more sense. That would be Pathologic. It’s amazing, and fits the previous description. Yes, the translation errors leave some to be desired, and it can get a little (with extreme emphasis on little!) dull at times, but if you like Sci-fi horror,  and/or grimdark, and don’t mind being atmospherically depressed, you’ll like this game just fine.


1: Zelda. I loved these games as  kid, they had the capacity to make me laugh, cry, and check under my bed. They gave me hellacious nightmares, (namely after the Deadhand incident, and the part where, for some reason, I found the old poor man’s crying in Wind Waker unexpected, perverse, and otherwise disturbing) and yet, entertained and pleased me to no end. There was even a time in my life where Zelda was to me what Earthbound is to Puddlebunni. The whimsy and beauty of the games themselves had always found a way to mask the games’ faults, and my love of the series was primarily why I was so outraged as the series “Went downhill” with the considerable dumbing-down in Twilight princess, and the almost parody-like atmosphere that was Skyward Sword. (Not to mention the demon lord guy was like Lord Gaga…)

Favorite video games

10 years ago

The Grand Strategy games from Paradox.

Total War games are pretty boss. The Soul Calibuh and Tekken series.

Minecraft is pretty good. 

Mount and Blade: Warband

Klonoa 2 (mainly due to nostalgia but it still is the best games of its genre)

Never had a PS3/360 of my own so I've missed out on many titles.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

I think Hydrophobia is out for PC, if you think yours can handle the real-time water engine. If it can, then try it out. It's more fun than a submarine full of monkeys.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Batman: Arckham series

Rachet and Clank Series

Sly Cooper


Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Age of Empires

Favorite video games

10 years ago

I have Minecraft for my phone; it's cool (besides the chikin that want to kill you, obviously), and my sister has it for the X-Box.

Rockband, the newest one, that we beat. 'cause it has some awesome music.

You can never go wrong with Guitar Hero.

A few Grand Tursimo and Need for Speed games, because I like cars and those graphics!

And of course some zombie-killing.

Favorite video games

10 years ago


Favorite video games

10 years ago

We were asking for it this time


Favorite video games

10 years ago

Fatal Frame series for their usage of terror, not macabre horror or suspense.

Mirror's Edge for being among the first of its kind.

Journey for its easy-to-connect symbolism.

Spiral Knights for the whole co-op Zelda aspect.

Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess for making a far-fetched world seem not as far as once thought.

Sly 2 & 3 for its cartoony, yet non-overdone art style.

And of course, Fallout Series for making BIG choices, not just an illusion.

Favorite video games

10 years ago
Men of War: The best rts game I have every played. It was pretty organic and you could run over nazi by a tank.

Medal of Honor: AA - For being so scary (chasing dogs were me nightmares when I was 10) and the ultra awesome Omaha Beach Stage.

Age of Mythology: Spin off to AOE, I made episodes and stories in the editor.

GTA 3: For allowing me to massacre people by dismembering their limbs.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

Favorite video games

10 years ago


Favorite video games

10 years ago

Did you hear about the new Game X coming out on the Wii U?

Favorite video games

10 years ago

lol yep. Not much is known about it though.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Skyrim, Battle for Wesnoth, Witcher, Fire emblem Path to Radiance and Radiant dawn.

Skyrim: Incredible open world, excellent mods to add, great story and gameplay.

Battle for Wesnoth: My favorite turn-based game, excellent strategy. A bit too heavy on chance, but certainly not bad.

The Witcher series is a nice monster hunting game, I like the difficulty and the styles of combat, the story is not negligible, and the alchemy is fun.

Fire emblem (Radiance series): Awesome graphics and story, likeable characters and fun gameplay, and it's turn based no less! Lovely game.

Telepath RPG (Servants of god): Graphics are negligible, but fuck graphics. The story is amazing and the combat is fun (And turn-based!).

Napolean Total War: It's a strategy war-simulator where you play as Napolean, one of the greatest generals in all of history (and awesome graphics). The self-led battles are amazing (Though the controls are clunky).

No more needs to be added than that.

(Note: My favorite strategy game of all time will forever remain Feanor's Final War game - hot damn, that was some nice strategy).

I also occasionally play DDO online (Dungeons and dragons based game, it's nice in video-game form), but it's quite intermittent, often go several weeks without loging in. Lots of free content though, so it's got that going for it.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

I have too many favourites to pick favourites but I'll list a few.

Advanced Wars, ARMA 2&3, DayZ (Standalone and Mod), Battlefield series, TF2, Skyrim, Halo: Reach (the best halo ever), CoD 4 and MW2, Alan Wake, Slender, Dead Trigger, Minecraft.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Have you tried DT2 yet?

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Yes, a very fun and enjoyable game :P

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Skyrim: Enormous open world game, rich universe (so many readable books!), and so, so much to do.

Mass Effect 2: Has such an interesting and diverse cast of characters, and in the end basically everyone was likeable (except Zaheed, he was a douche. Seriously he tried to get my ParagonShepard to abandon innocent workers to fulfill his own petty revenge. What a dick.) Hell, even Jack, who I really disliked in the beginning; after finishing her Loyalty mission, she had a reason to be so pissed off, so she became likeable.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution: fantastic gameplay where you can choose exactly how you wanna play. Hell of a diverse set of characters. And it's extremely sastifying to take out a group of enemies without ever being spotted. 

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Have you tried sucker-punching the main boss in Deus-Ex? I've seen it on youtube, but I've never been able to pull it off... (Just like the 'Shaun' glitch in Heavy Rain.)

Favorite video games

10 years ago

I never could like Zaheed, he never really had any dialogue and just seemed like he was thrown in there for the fun of it.

Other than talking about his past missions and his loyalty mission(Which was very OOC for my P-Shepard and boring for me.) he never really did anything.

Favorite video games

10 years ago

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Nothing is funnier than talking a man out of suicide, stealing the revolver he was about to use, and then blow him to bits. The game gave me a wonderful sense of power while somehow keeping the pacing in check, combine that with all the secrets and strategy, and you got a winner in my book.

X-Com: Enemy Unknown - I love strategy, and X-Com delivers in spades. In foil to Deus Ex, the obvious superiority of the alien opponents is really appealing to me.

Dark Souls - It is beautiful and properly challenging as well as having a really, really cool setting and mood. It is also really F***ing frustrating

Fire Emblem Awakening - Greatest handheld game I've ever played, and a definite contender for best game, period. Easy to understand yet difficult to master game play, solid strategy, an involving main story and memorable characters combined in one awesome little package.   

Favorite video games

10 years ago


2K NBA games if they hacked cause they be pullin that BULLSHIT.

Paradox and Creative Assembly.
