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High School for you?

10 years ago

Ok, so I read this

and I just can't stop laughing, but then it got me thinking. How was the HS experience for you guys?
For me I still have 1+ years to go and so far so dull. Not much is happening, I am supposed to be studying yet I spend me time wasting your time with stupid questions like this one. 

I wouldn't like to fill the OP with the story of my life so I'll just say that it is boring and I can't wait to get out of it, I've come to grow a lot as a person, mainly from realising who I am and not giving a fuck for what anyone thinks (and this is a long step coming from someone who would cry when someone made fun of him as a joke). 

So, in the U.S it is 4 years with 2 of MS but in my country it is 3 of MS and 3 of HS so...

1st (American) year: Change social group, realised people ain't that bad, settled down in an ideology, started TaekWonDo, was pretty ok yet confused.

2nd year: I practically didn't exist, my hopes of a better school were crushed and just spent the year sleeping 14 hours a day. Had bad luck in trying to fit in, lost contact with older friends, isolated myself, had to quit TaekWonDo due to problem with my legs and didn't really do much. Also started visiting a psychologist. 

3d year: Learnt how to not give a fuck, stopped taking things so seriously, started talking to more people and have been pretty good till now. 

4th year: ???

So yeah, I could get in more info but I'm saving that for my upcoming book. So, how about you? 

High School for you?

10 years ago

I only read a few lines of the urban dictionary thing (even less of your post) but it sounds about right. My highschool is... Eh, I've seen worse. *shrugs*

High School for you?

10 years ago

I mainly liked the last part.

High School for you?

10 years ago

I changed high schools once, the years two years in my former high school were a challenge and most of the guys were assholes, though I had a friend in the footbal team so they didn't pick on me too often, I had another friend who before he got to talk with the other guys was pretty smart, but people change and he too became an asshole. Now in the new high school is quite the opposite, most students are friendly and one or two are assholes

High School for you?

10 years ago

1st Year people treat me well better then freaking MIDDLE SCHOOL!

2nd In the middle of second year so far not bad.

High School for you?

10 years ago

It was alright.  Period.

High School for you?

10 years ago

My high school experience was... atypical. The school was run by fundamentalist Christians, and had a total student body of less than twenty. My graduating class was... two.

It had its upsides. I made a close friend -- still friends with her to this day -- and the school was too small for the kind of cliquishness that often seems to go on in high school.

That said... there was a lot of bullshit. About evolution and 'Creation Science' -- seriously, I was so pissed when I realized how these purported 'textbooks' had misrepresented evolutionary theory, in ways that could only have been deliberate. About 'the homosexual agenda' -- as a result, I was so deep in the closet that I didn't even know I was gay until college... and then I freaked the hell out about it. And of course, mandatory Bible class. Well, at least that helped me figure out that I was an atheist.

Basically, yeah... 5/10, would not attend again. ;P


High School for you?

10 years ago

That's a small school. lol

High School for you?

10 years ago


I'm guessing the close friend was the other graduate in the class? XD

High School for you?

10 years ago

Nope! Overall there was an average of 4-5 people in my grade, but some students transferred to real schools before they graduated. So yeah, senior year kinda sucked for me. :P


High School for you?

10 years ago

And I thought my high school was small... 

High School for you?

10 years ago

Wait, you're gay??

High School for you?

10 years ago

Plot twist! 

High School for you?

10 years ago

She's also a card-carrying member of her local BDSM club!  (And her small, presumably extremely pro-christian town apparently has a BDSM club!)

High School for you?

10 years ago

Hmm.......... Interesting...........

High School for you?

10 years ago

I'm gay if you consider me to be female. Which, gender-wise, I kind of don't... but there isn't a word for 'androgynous person who prefers people on the androgynous-to-female side of the gender spectrum.' Also, I identified as gay before I realized I was genderqueer, so I tend to still think of myself that way.

"Local" in this context means within an hour's drive -- across a state line. My otherwise beloved state of Massachusetts is not so friendly towards us kinksters. There was a Massachusetts-based group I was involved in, but the cops shut us down. :P

Also, my town is about as liberal as you can get, and my high school was one town over. It was a little haven of conservatism in an otherwise liberal area. My principal's wife (also a teacher herself) would go to Pride every year and write appalled articles about it. Funny story, she saw me there one year post-graduation and elected to out me to my parents... who, against all odds, turned out to be completely supportive. <3

I'm not trying to be a special snowflake here. I just happen to have a slightly weird personal backstory. XD

High School for you?

10 years ago

So you have both a dick and a vagina or it is just a problem with hormones and that jazz?

High School for you?

10 years ago

No, I just feel like I'm not actually a woman, despite being anatomically female.

There are people who feel this more strongly, to the degree that they identify as members of the opposite sex. They're generally referred to as being transsexual, or trans. They often get hormone treatments and/or surgery to help them transition to the gender presentation that matches their brain instead of their original anatomy.

There are also people who are intersex, having ambiguous genetics and/or genitals, although true hermaphroditism is basically nonexistent. Intersex people can end up identifying as one gender or the other, or as something in-between.

I'm not intersex, but I figure I'm about half-way to being trans... which leaves me in a slightly awkward place. I've met people with very similar gender identities who have chosen to go on hormones, but at this point I don't think I'll ever go there myself. It's just not that big of a deal to me. The only thing that bugs me is the lack of a good pronoun. Being called 'she' kinda bothers me... but 'he' would, too. 'It' is for objects, and 'they' is just awkward.


High School for you?

10 years ago

I bet I'll get a lot of hate for this and I'm sorry, but in my opinion this goes into the "metnal" category rather than sexuality. Then again I am anti-gay so I don't think my opinion counts.

High School for you?

10 years ago

You're allowed to be wrong have an opinion. XD

High School for you?

10 years ago

I thought everyone knew Morgan was gay by now, he's mentioned it a few times in past threads.

I did think Delta was female for awhile until he clarified he was a guy to someone else in another thread.

High School for you?

10 years ago

This is the first time I even saw Morgan.

High School for you?

10 years ago

...nice to meet you? XD

High School for you?

10 years ago


You're a girl that identifies as a guy but you consider yourself to really be neither?

High School for you?

10 years ago

I don't think I ever said I identify as a guy...?

But yeah, I generally consider my gender to be 'none of the above,' for any given list of possibilities. :P

High School for you?

10 years ago

Bible class is the ending of all religion.

High School for you?

10 years ago

1st: Shit ain't bad so far....

2nd: Probably going to bite ass...

High School for you?

10 years ago

1st year:  Tried to fit in, had my first relationship, found a few new social groups

2cnd year: Failed to be active in anything, friend count dropped to about three, really a kinda depressing year (also the year I joined this site)

3rd year: Found my niche in debate, made new friends, learned to actually talk to people, this was probably the upturn of my high school career. High school switched from a block system to a period system, so my grades took a slight hit, but otherwise stayed good enough to get a scholarship later on.

4th year: Continued in debate, branched out into MUN, learned how to write and speak publicly even better, kept making friends, etc. Probably my favorite year in high school.

High School for you?

10 years ago

1rst year: Enter an angry, violent young man with a startlingly low fuse and an eagerness to assault anyone who does anything remotely close to putting him down. Elementary school was pretty shitty for me, I was bullied a lot (Was overweight back then, and sensitive about it), but I was also much stronger than the kids who were bullying me. Naturally, I was ostracized and shunned my entire time as a child, and teachers failed to see the difficulty of my situation (they thought I was the bully, because of course it's always the overweight strong kid that's the bully, and not all of the people picking on him, generally treating him like shit, and kicking him when he's down.)

High school was a fresh start, for that I was relieved. I started playing sports (Excellent way to vent out my frustrations, especially football. I may have only joined in order to be violent, but i'll be damned if i'm not good at it)

Hit a nice growth spurt, met new people, established a new social dynamic within my life. Beautiful.

That was the first year.

Second year was great too, I had gotten better at social maneuvers, a few people who used to be my worst of hated people eventually grew to be my closest friends. Became Defensive captain for the football team.

Third year was horrible, I got into some serious trouble at school when some of my teachers began to feel threatened by me, several complaints were launched to the principal and I was often brought in for any disruptive behavior (Despite me making no actions to seem threatening, or doing anything to them... At all...)

This year (my fourth) I changed schools (I got tired of the old school's crap with me (Wasn't expelled, I know some might think that)), and now i'm going to an english school instead of the usual French school. Lovely people here, makes me realize how shut-off my old school was... It's going splendidly, and i'm doing excellent grades-wise as well. The teachers here are also pretty awesome people (With only one or two of them being scared by me this time!).

Fifth year is going to be the last (You strange americans, with your 4 years of high school), and i'm looking forward to it though. Get started with my life, eh?

High school, while it may be uncomfortably close to the description given in the urban dictionary above, is also not as bad as one might think it is.

High School for you?

10 years ago

1st year: Was called a barbarian

2nd year: New school. Too smart

3rd year: Smart guy in a thug's body (School Bully (ask Tan)

4th year: ???

High School for you?

10 years ago

There were 7 years of teaching.

1st year: The mud hut is very smelly, architecture was not advanced back then...

2nd year: Got used to the smell of sweaty mud, the teacher is very nice (considering it was my mother)

3rd year: The roof collapsed over the harvest season, I don't mind the large bugs all that much.

4th year: The prettiest female I've ever seen in my life walks into the classhut and gives me a wink. (She might've had a large bug in her eye though)

5th year: The roof is fixed, and now grows grass - how lovely for the environment.

6th year: Final stretch, I'm a whopping 17 years old (middle-age back then) and still living in the classhut.

7th year: I have all the knowledge in the world, the sun god blesses me with a bountiful harvest and I continue digging canals from the nearby river to irrigate the crops.

In conclusion, the world has advanced in the last 1,200 years. I'm sure high school is much better nowadays though :D

High School for you?

10 years ago

I don't see how you can find a woman beautiful if she has a bug in her eye... Unless the other women were, in fact, that bad....

High School for you?

10 years ago

They were, oh they were... 0_-

High School for you?

10 years ago

If your women are ugly, I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems, but that ain't one.