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Main Characters

10 years ago

I've read to many books where the main character is too cliche

where the protagonist is either anti-social or popular (but is living it shallow)

Isn't there an in between? It's like one or the other, no in between, and if it IS in between, they have a couple paragraphs about how in between they feel.

That is why i like over worldly figures narrating, so you can get personal without entirely getting tainted by biased, ugh.


I'm done.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Anti-social and/or popular heroes are easier for most people to understand and connect too. It's better than the always important hero's of older stories. lol

It really just depends on the writer really.

Main Characters

10 years ago

The thing is is that they swing the pendulum. 

ANTI SOCIAL LONER: forever alone, ugggg, i look ugly today, life sucks, nobody loves me, oh god no when i look in the mirror i want to die

POPULAR: my boyfriend wants to take my virginity but i dunno maybe we should just make fun of other kids until they want to commit suicide

PERFECT: i've got a great moral so i do nothing wrong and im perfect and everyone accepts everything i do, regardless of whether or not it is ACTUALLY the right thing to do im also hot

Main Characters

10 years ago

>.> There are plenty of more character-types than that. lol

Main Characters

10 years ago

I don't understand your point...unless you're just ranting about how those types of characters are there in a high-school setting.

Main Characters

10 years ago

The character in my story is basically the opposite of the Eternal.

He hates unification IE: Empire.

He disliked centralized government, then again the Empire did that, but eh.

He is an elf, that counts some how.

Dislikes humans.

Can't fight for shit.

Main Characters

10 years ago

The Eternal can learn to hate Unification(Rask path) and dislike both the empire and the Felkan kingdom. The Eternal never hated elves or anything, he was just raised to consider himself above everybody(including humans) since he was an Eternal.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Well, it contradicted most of the Empire path.

I loved the Rask/mercenary path.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Wow, that's actually a really good character Jihelu.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Yep. Me and a friend are writing a story. Planning it out for a month, writing the rest of the year.

Hopefully it becomes the /new/ eternal.

Or ends up really shitty.

Main Characters

10 years ago

tell me when it's finished!

Main Characters

10 years ago

I'm thinking of doing what Endmaster did, but I think he just added more because he felt it needed more.

IE: Releasing the FULL story, but leaving the ending rather 'eh'
And then releasing another ending, that will be the size of another story, and having a full unvealing.

This isn't going to be.

"Look at 25 pages and "du u wnt anothur"

More like

'Heres a good ending based on what you did, insert a quote here about how 'you feel as if fate could have gone another way' or something like that'

Main Characters

10 years ago

Superiority to humans, yes, but it was really Mistress's being a bitch that made him hate elves so much (at least, in the Successor branch)

Main Characters

10 years ago

It was beyond hating elves.

It was full on "Fuck elves, kill them all"

At that point, Eternal gave no fucks.

"Gnomes caused a problem? Kill em all"

Main Characters

10 years ago

But he didn't he have his way with Mistress?

Main Characters

10 years ago

^That's true but if you think about it, most of his problems and flaws are because of her. xD

Main Characters

10 years ago

This is why there are character flaws. I agree that some main characters are either unlikable in any way, shape or form, or they are extremely over-powered.

Here is the beauty of choose your own adventure stories. If done right, the main character is only as cliche as you want him to be. You can be a generic noble knight, or a sleazy thug. So yes there is a middle ground, but I imagine that it might be difficult to stay there as the story progresses.

Main Characters

10 years ago

There's loads of main characters who don't fall into those two categories. Examples:

Harry Potter: Not popular, but has a small group of close friends.

Narnia books: Heroes get sucked into another world, so it doesn't matter how popular they are.

Three Musketeers: Too busy saving Kings to worry about popularity.

Tarzan: Raised by apes, doesn't know much about social graces.

Robinson Crusoe: Stranded on a desert island, not many people to talk to.

Jane Eyre: Works as a Governess in the middle of nowhere, again not many people to talk to.

Alice in Wonderland: Sucked into another world, like Narnia.

Little Women: Consentrates on the relationships between sisters.

Charlotte's Web: ... He's a pig.

Hell, in most of the most famous novels of all time, the characters are too busy doing important stuff to care about popularity, or to brood over how they're better off alone and don't need any friends. Personally I'd just say you're reading the wrong kind of books cheeky

Main Characters

10 years ago

Don't forget Neverending Story. When you're swept into a magical world where you have an entirely different appearance?

Main Characters

10 years ago

How is Harry Potter not popular? Literally everywhere he goes he has people going "You're Harry Potter!". He just chooses to only have a few friends.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Cuz all zeh Slyserins be racist towardz 'eem.

Main Characters

10 years ago

All 20 of the slytherins that matter hate him


Main Characters

10 years ago

Stupid punk deezervez eet. And zeh dam Hufflepuffs arr snooty bratz to em. Eez good.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Dats Racist. I'm sure some of them are fine members of society.

Main Characters

10 years ago

NEIN! All zeh slytherins are zih douchebags. Eez a fact.

Main Characters

10 years ago

What about that one time when the Slytherin helped Harry out with something briefly?

Main Characters

10 years ago

Eez a trick.

Main Characters

10 years ago

What, Snape? cheeky

Main Characters

10 years ago

Him too, but I was thinking about the asshole blond kid.

Main Characters

10 years ago

All Zih slytherins are Zih blond, some vear hair-dye though.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Of course they're all blonde, they're the Master Race! Heil Who Must Not Be Named and all that ^_^

Main Characters

10 years ago

The master race? Obviously they're all PC gamers.

Main Characters

10 years ago

I thought the master race was all the dead people since they far outnumber us and nearly all of us respect or worship them in some way.

Main Characters

10 years ago

Whaaaat? You mean the Master Race is not a giant relay race that involves dinosaur riding?



Main Characters

10 years ago

Whatever makes you happy, Kiel :D

Main Characters

10 years ago

That kid got uglier every movie.


He kinda looked like an embryo to me.