ObeyMyRod, The Reader

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2/13/2016 1:39 PM

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I am Marik Ishtar, I am planing to rock your world with the power of my sexy voice and video games! Come see what I have in store for you. In my pants. HAHAHA. It's funny because of my crouch

YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK: DRUMROLL: HERE! http://www.youtube.com/user/ObeyMyRod/featured




Recent Posts

Marvel Versus D.C. on 2/13/2016 1:05:00 PM

Well Marvel has their Superman equivalent, Sentry, who has very deep psychological issues....and was the last resort to a FREAKING ZOMBIE APACOLYPSE.


Skaar, who is Hulk's alternate version son who can people into space with one punch.

Franklin Richards...the kid with incredulous reality manipulation.


And the Beyonder....

they could all beat up Superman as a team...

New 52 on 8/20/2014 9:38:42 AM

But what happened to joker?

Superheros That NEED A Movie on 5/19/2014 5:27:23 PM

Luke Cage and Iron FIst definetly, and guess what, they ARE making a Deadpool movie. FUCK.US.ALL.

Movies people say are good but aren't on 5/19/2014 5:25:51 PM

Dark Knight was a bit over rated

Hi AgAiN on 2/27/2014 7:56:20 AM

Or MaYbE wE aRe AlL jUsT bRaInS iN a VaT, gIvEn ThE rIgHt StImUI ToO bElIeVe We ArE lIvInG a NoRmAl LiFe.

Orson Scott Card is mormon? on 2/24/2014 6:51:42 PM

Tan is of the same blood as William Shatner, Adam Sandler, Bob Dylan, and Jon Stewart! You will respect the Jews!

Valentines Day a bit Overrated? on 2/23/2014 10:18:07 PM

I saved at least $136 by being a single! But I did spend half that on chocolate, it was on sale!

Rust, a survival game of epic proportions. on 2/23/2014 10:16:08 PM

I like to find naked players, tell them about all my chickens and wood I would give them, and then I kill them, if I'm not on a government watch list, somebody isn't doing their job!

Valentines Day a bit Overrated? on 2/23/2014 10:11:44 PM

True that, true that indeed.

Main Characters on 2/22/2014 4:21:17 AM

Don't forget Neverending Story. When you're swept into a magical world where you have an entirely different appearance?