I aLrEaDy HaD a HeLlO pOsT uP, bUt I gUeSs ThErE wAs A mIx-Up, BeCaUsE iT iSn'T hErE aNyMoRe. HelLo!
... Hi?
Haha whoa, hi XD
I think what's on many minds is 'what's with the writing?'. ;p
But anyway, hello again... ^^
Welcome, no more free chicken because you've already taken one c:
A homestuck fan, eh? (If it weren't obvious by your avatar, your style of speaking would've still given you away.)
My little brother harassed me with that fandom for a couple months. :P Greetings.
'Homestuck fan'..... what the frick is that?
... A fan of the series "Homestuck." :P What did you think I meant?
I dunno what 'Homestruck' is.... :p
Meh oh well ^^
G'day mate!
Look it up, lol. I don't know much about it, I just had a friend who was obsessed with it.
Same to you.
It's the most retarded fucking stuff.
Don't read it, lest you lose a good deal of time for the...
It's just stupid. Incredibly stupid beyond all reason.
Um....hello? I just noticed that most topics in the Newbie Central is Hello, Hi, Greetings, Salutations, etc.
Naturally. It's all the newbie people letting us know they exist.
What if we don't really exist though, and are just figments in your collective imaginations?
Or maybe non-existence itself doesn't exist and therefore there is no such thing as not existing, meaning everything exists?
I'm studying philosophy and we've been discussing this subject a lot lately.
Maybe the fact that non-existence doesn't exist and everything exists, we're all just mad at the sensory input then.
Or MaYbE wE aRe AlL jUsT bRaInS iN a VaT, gIvEn ThE rIgHt StImUI ToO bElIeVe We ArE lIvInG a NoRmAl LiFe.
N3W $#!T •_•
Silence, chibi little man.
Welcome to your final rest stop with satan.
The text bit is just trying too hard.
W3ll, h3 c0uld'v3 t3xt3d l1k3 th1s. And that would have been horrible.