Horror and puzzle, huh? Why, what a coincidence, I *the following statements were censored due to the fact that the ST contest is still going on and I must, as far as the forums are concerned, pretend that my entry does not exist* ... xD
(Seriously, though, for starters: It's "you" not "u" and it's "appreciate" not "apreciate" It's feedback, not "feed back" and definitely not "feed backs." It's not actually a grammatical rule to refrain from starting sentences with conjunctions, such as "and" or "but"--but it usually looks and sounds bad. Also, "i" should always be capitalized when referring to oneself. Lastly, you are sorely in need of some commas and apostrophes up in there. For instance "don't" instead of "dont" and a comma after 'hello' and 'don't' would've been nice. Yes, all of this really is important, because if you want to write a story, let alone a good one, you need to know how to write.)