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His Dark Materials Series

9 years ago

     Has anyone else read the His Dark Materials Series? It's a fantastic fantasy trilogy. It may hold up to being one of my favorite fantasy series of all time. Although, I haven't read it in a long time. Plus, I never finished the last book in the series. ><. Anyways, if anyone's interested in it, the first book is called "The Golden Compass". It's about a girl named Lyra who lives in a world where people are born with a daemon, a sort of animal thing that a person is connected to. If the daemon gets hurt, the person does too. Plus, there is a curious mystery of why kids' daemons are able to shape shift while the adults' daemons settle on one form. Check it out!

His Dark Materials Series

9 years ago

Yes, this is probably my favorite fantasy series of all time. I have not yet started the 3rd book though. I needed a mental break after the plot just got so trippy.

His Dark Materials Series

9 years ago

Ah, the ending was disappointing.  I don't wanna spoil it if you're still reading but:   I liked the first book, loved the second, and then in the third one, I felt like Pullman got so interested in promoting secular humanism/ bashing religion that he kind of forgot what the story was supposed to be about.  


His Dark Materials Series

9 years ago

Hey Guys, 

i loved this series. i read them when i was quite young (13-14ish) and they really spiked my imagination. i highly recommend reading the last book to both  you.

Sethaniel, i actually really liked the third one but i know what you mean about Pullman getting into his secular humanism "rants". i still loved the third book though and they have always been on the top left of my bookshelf (prized spot).

His Dark Materials Series

9 years ago

Spoiler Alert:




but I loved Asriel and the third book ruined him.  he was dark and complex and he killed roger and in the third book all everyone does is shill how farking awesome asriel is.  i loved how coulter and asriel were opposing forces, but neither of them were really "good" and the third book just said "shut up, you have to love asriel because he hates heaven"  and I did love asriel, and I do hate heaven, but it's like half the characters had a lobotomy and forgot that in the first book they believed asriel was the villain, and also forgot/forgave him for murdering a little boy to power his stuff.