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An idea for a story?

10 years ago

I can't come up with a new idea for a story, so anybody with a good idea?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago


An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Zombies.... you could be a little more precise. But a zombie apocalypse could be a good story thx. love your face by the way 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Thank you. Don't do a Zombie apocalypse, wayyyy too played out. You should do one where an infection happens at just one specific place and the protagonist has to escape.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Ok... sounds interesting. TO THE NOTEBOOK!


An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Man. Honor has all the good ideas. But never the ambition to implement them. 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Thank you for the compliment/insult.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

How does it feel to be complimented and insulted at the same time, Honor? 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

It a paradox!.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Do you like it? heart

An idea for a story?

10 years ago're creeping me out.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Why not do a zombie apocalypse story where the protagonist is trying to build a community. It's done much less than simply trying to survive.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

This belongs in the Writing Workshop.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Zombies are dumb. Aliens is where it's at, yo.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Alien's can't create an apocolyse!

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Sure, a species with the technological  capacity to manufacture long-distance space travel can't possible have anything in their arsenal capable of ending the planet. Only humans are capable of making those weapons :P

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Depends on how dumb the aliens are.


An idea for a story?

10 years ago

No need to worry about an alien apocalypse anyway, I pimped Coin's mom out to the entire invasion fleet and she was so good they called it off.

The earth got saved, I got paid, she got fucked and coins will be getting several new tentacled siblings.

Everyone won.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

But humans are to aliens as animals are to us. So, unless Coin's mom is an alien...Your plot wouldn't work. (So sorry! That had to be said! For the sake of the universe!)

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Given that aliens routinely anally probe humans, I'm pretty sure if they do consider us as animals then they're all a bunch of perverts into the equivalent of extraterrestrial bestiality.

So coin's mom is a perfect candidate.

Plus she'll most likely infect them all with a horrible disease which will kill them all soon after they leave.

My plan will work. Trust me!

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Well, considering we may very well be them, but after millions of years of evolution on earth, they might not be bestialists, but just furries.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

How many times are you planning on putting Coin's mom in these situations?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Well, there's supposed to be a demon invasion coming up...

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

No, coins mom only puts out, not in. 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Isn't putting a few things in a crucial part of putting out?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Aliens are dumb. Penguins are where it's at, yo. 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Oh my God, no. No regular zombie apocalypses, no "I'm trapped in one area and I gotta get out" games, -NO-. You wanna do something we don't normally see with Zombies? Let us -be- the zombie. Show me what happens -after- I'm doomed to a life of shambling after my delicious friends and family. All hope is officially lost, I am not fighting the undead horde, I AM THE HORDE.

Or hell, even if you just have a game where it starts with me being bitten. I'm infected, I'm going to become a monster, there is NO salvation (within sight at least) and now I have to decide what to do with my remaining time. Use it wisely, and you go down in history as a badass. Use it poorly ... you chomp down on your buddies before becoming chainsaw fodder. 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Could you elaborate with the "I'm trapped in one area and I gotta get out"?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

There's an area of the country that got infected, like your neighborhood, your city, your country, and you have to run away to somewhere that hasn't been infected yet. It's pretty standard for zombie apocalypses. Fleeing to safety is common in a -lot- of apocalyptically themed stories.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

You could write it from a kind of half-sentient zombies mind(hence the fact that zombie can tell the story I guess?) that can subtly influence it's fellow shamblers into attacking certain areas of the city+countryside.

But the zombie won't know it's a zombie and will consider itself normal while it fights and hunts down the survivors. So you can't call them humans/survivors or yourself a zombie/undead. 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

The agony and ecstasy of Richard DeLone, the fat puking zombie.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

How about a sci-fi story about a half alien who is being hunted by his mothers people who see him as an abomination?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago
I have an original idea! How about a game about 'zombies' in which the protagonist is trying to survive in a zombie infected world!

An idea for a story?

10 years ago about a game in which men compete over who can sleep with the most girls in a week?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

Only if there's zombies.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago


An idea for a story?

10 years ago
How about a story which is told in flashbacks?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago
How about a game in which a zombie tries to survive in a human infested world?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

^ This is awesome. 

An idea for a story?

10 years ago
How about a game in which you are death and you decieve clever ways to kill yo' victims?

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

If you can't even come up with your own plot, how do you expect to write a good story? Get inspired. Read works from JJJ-thebanisher, Endmaster, and BerkaZerka. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Maybe it's just me, but I always seem to create better stories when I actually spend time thinking of my own plot. The story just doesn't feel like mine if I use someone elses idea.

An idea for a story?

10 years ago

How about a story about a hobo and his past life?

Or some kids that run away together?