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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


10 years ago

So, just wondering, has anyone here ever gone LARPing? I haven't, but it sounds kind of fun.


10 years ago

This one time my cousin, sister and i got all the kids in our townhouse area to have a huge stick fight. Was pretty fun. Closest ive gotten.


10 years ago

Sounds pretty fun. That's pretty hilarious btw.


10 years ago
Dressing up for Halloween and staying in character is the closest I've ever gotten.

And Killa's reply made me think of the rock fights we used to have as kids. What fun!


10 years ago

NERF battles in the woods. =D 


10 years ago

I've never had a full-scale nerf battle, but I own a few nerf guns.


10 years ago

I once made a bandoleer out of a belt and some tape. It was epic.

Yknow, 'till someone got it in the eye, parents were alerted and it ended. 


10 years ago
It's all fun and games 'til someone loses an eye! xD


10 years ago

Then it's HILARIOUS!


10 years ago
I remember once we played war with Jello-filled water-balloons. They were harder to break, so you had to really hurl 'em.


10 years ago

Oooph.  I would imagine quite a few kids walked home with awful welts that day. =D 


10 years ago
Probably. I can't really remember. But we did play rough. Something kids aren't allowed to do nowadays. : (


10 years ago

I KNOW! Kids are getting screwed up nowadays!

*gets nostalgic* 


10 years ago
We used to have some of the worst knock-down drag-out fights just for entertainment. Then we'd all go to the arcade or matinee or something, in our shredded clothes, bruised and bloodied, like nothing ever happened. Those were the good ol' days.


10 years ago

I used to go to this really redneck school, where we would get this massive hill made out of ice. We used to play this game where the objective was to fling others onto the ice.

Bonus points for headshots. XD 


10 years ago
Redneck school? Most of the schools I went to were country schools in Oklahoma. Man, some of the things we used to do for fun would get you arrested today.


10 years ago

I lived on a farm, which was EPIC. Still do, actually. Man... I just made myself so nostalgic for the days of having my head ground against ice. :P 


10 years ago
Those were simple times. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. It's amazing that I'm not just one giant scar.

I don't live on a farm now, but I try to grow a nice garden every year. But the weather sure has screwed me up for the last several. Muddy, soggy springs and way too dry summers.


10 years ago

We used to grab people and send them down this icy slide down the bottom. Then laugh as it slammed into their groins... 

It was glorious until it was done to me. :P 


10 years ago

Isn't that what you said 4 days ago?


10 years ago

I didn't mention the testicle thing. 


10 years ago

Then you should have just said, "...TESTICLES! That is all."


10 years ago




10 years ago

...TESTICLES! That is all.


10 years ago

TESTICLES! That is all. 

Man, I need to say that more often! 


10 years ago

In the winter, the ploughs at my elementary school built these huge Beaver-dam-height walls of packed snow. Whenever I was deemed socially fit enough to play with the other kids by the one holding popularity at the time, we would have the Super Smash Bros reenactments to end all Super Smash Bros reenactments. Since the object of the game was to try and beat the shit out of the other kids until they were knocked off the pile from either side, actually roleplaying as the characters was secondary, and almost non-existant. The only thing that made you any different from the rest of the mooks was the moves your used (FALCON BACKPUNCH!) and the weapons you used. (Ice Climbers threw ice balls... At your face!) Once Link broke an icicle sword over someone's head, (Actually knocked the poor bastard out!) a permanent end was put to that game... But not before I shoved him off. KIRBY IS AWESOME!


10 years ago

Closest I've ever been was a few years ago, 9-12 years of age, we were the "War Club". Here are the rules:

1. Nobody TALKS about War Club. Just kidding, but it would have been fucking awesome if that were the case.

2. One hit from any weapon will kill you, to respawn, you have to head back to a friendly fort.

3. There are four "forts" (pretty makeshift, but we were able to pretend they were at least WWII bunker quality.) Team 1 has the fort that's furthest away from Team 2's fort, and the other two are conquered and owned by whichever team has the most living members at. If all your forts are taken, you lose.

4. You are only allowed to use fake (toy) weapons that have been tested by the others and deemed "Real enough to know that you were hit, but not enough to really hurt."

5. Scopes are overpowered, if you're going to bring a far-shooting nerf gun, you have to aim it yourself.

6. If someone stealth-kills you, they have to whisper "Stealth kill" to you when they do it. You're not allowed to do a dramatic death scream when you're being stealth-killed. Obviously, you can't stealth-kill very well using ranged weapons, which supposedly represented the loudness of real guns, unless the person you shot was kind enough to make quiet choking noises instead of screaming in fake agony.

I had some good times, lots of war stories and fake PTSD.


10 years ago

That sounds... ...AMAZING!!! I now know what I want to do with my life for the next two months/weeks/days/hours.


10 years ago

The problem is sometimes stealth ops can get so damn proud of themselves that they start sounding like the guy in an action movie who says 'POW!' every time they do a signature uppercut. I assume they were the ones who went on to invent the Spy glitch in TF1.


10 years ago



10 years ago

I noticed a lot of people ban scopes in their Nerf-Gun wars. At least the ones I've read about and occasionally participated in.


10 years ago

I still do this with my friends in Aus. We set up missions, zombie apocalypses and other such things to participate in. Hell, we even remade TTT from GMod.


10 years ago

I wish I had my own personal desert to play in as a kid :(


10 years ago

I wish I could have snow :( lucky Brit... It's nice and cool up there...


10 years ago

One time a kid brought a headcrab plushie... If he hit someone on the head when he threw it at them, or snuck up behind them and put it on their head, they would be "Controlled" and forced to fight for that guy's team. It was glorious!


10 years ago

That is amazing.


10 years ago

Not quite as amazing as the other kid who used Mario Kart shit as actual power-ups. He became the Mushroom Medic with those stuffed mushroom toys, since they were used as lives in other games and you can't really get a good speed boost in real life. Goombas and Bombs were instant death, of course, and if you stepped on one of the (real) banana peels, those would also kill you. (you might be spared, assuming nobody saw you stepping on it, or someone already stepped on it.) Sadly, we never had a Nintendo Vs. Valve war, since the kids were never at the same war together. But that would have been fucking awesome! I can just imagine LARP Demoman and LARP Bowser duking it out in the woods where we fought.


10 years ago

How often did you do this?


10 years ago

Once every week was the average rate, whenever our parents were able to bring us to this friends' house, since he had that epic forest in his yard. (#RuralChildhoodFTW) The rate was increased whenever this friend or his sibling had a birthday and they invited us all. Then he moved out and that rate went to zero.


10 years ago

I haven't been myself, though it seems like it'd be a cool thing to do. I prefer paintballing and airsoft though...


10 years ago

Where I live, we play paintball in three feet of snow. It's pretty awesome.


10 years ago

I've only ever been "paintballing" once. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had outside of video games.


10 years ago

Yeah, it kicks ass, though it sucks when you get shot in the back 50 times in quick succession and not a single damn paintball pops XD that fucking hurts...


10 years ago

I was actually very good at it. I guess it comes from my skill in FPS games... Anyway, I rarely got shot and my team almost always won. Except for when we played against some professionals.


10 years ago

I blamed my team for our losses, considering half of them were first-timing women against pros... It was hell. But really fun. 


10 years ago

yeah, I can't wait to go again.


10 years ago


Hate those guys. 

I once went to a renactment of D-Day in paintball, with five hundred people. It was chaos. They had fireworks going off, and smoke grenades being thrown. 


10 years ago

Basically what Killa said, when I was younger I used to do that a lot. Boffer-swords were the best :D

It's pretty cute to watch my little brother LARP with his friends do it now though.


10 years ago

Paint balling is the closest thing, but my friends and I used to play a game where the "zombies" had to break into the house and kill survivors with nerf swords while the survivors had nerf guns. It was awesome when we got enough people. Especially once the survivors started running out of bullets.

I also played capture the flag in the forest once in a huge forest for like 2 hours where we hid the flag and then used guerilla warfare tactics to win. Eventually after tagging got boring, we decided on a mode where you had to pin both shoulders down for 5 seconds to tag someone. 


10 years ago

Seems gay as fuck

Drako Hate Rally In Progress!

10 years ago

And...? Details, fool! 


10 years ago

Kinda lost all reason to once I could do it anonymously online.


10 years ago

1. Asuna! great anime choice

2. Yes I have been larping multiple times.


10 years ago

I thought that looked familiar. I just started SAO 4 days ago, so naturally I'm on episode 11.


10 years ago

You still got like 30 episodes (Counting SAO season 2)


10 years ago

I haven't started watching season 2 yet...


10 years ago

Stop while you can, that show is horribru


10 years ago

I thought you liked it?


10 years ago

Not really.


10 years ago

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Even if it sucks. Except for you; you're opinion is horrid. JK, JK.


10 years ago

Just wait till they "adopt" that bug.. if you don't feel like punching the screen after watching that I dunno


10 years ago


I hated that part as well. I felt like, through that whole part of the show, they were just trying to make it last a bit longer and throw in some homey romance to attract more viewers. In fact, they did stuff like that a lot throughout the whole show, but never quite that badly.


10 years ago

Thing is that the show has basically become just that and it's laughable. *POSSIBLE SPOILERS* Like seriously, he has a special ability for no fking reason and is even able to force the creator of the fking game to cheat... wtf man? And it's never explained why.

Though the best part is at the final episode of the 2nd arc when he actually gloryphies the maniac who trapped thousands of people in a video game which caused most of them to die.


10 years ago

They explain all that. (Though it is in much more detail in the books). Also he was glorifying him he was just comparing him to the second manic in front of him. You would probably like the second season a bit more because Kirito has some series PTSD from killing players in SAO that he has to deal with. If you like the idea in the first one you would probably like Log Horizon more. Same concept except they can respond and they don't know how to leave. 


10 years ago

Sounds interesting...


10 years ago

My friend told me to watch that after sao


10 years ago

I'll check Log Horizon out


10 years ago

Just saw that. That description is acurate.


10 years ago

The only thing I hated about it were the time skips. All the time skips just annoyed the shit out of me.


10 years ago

Yeah, those sucked. There was so much that could've been added in. I felt like we missed part of the "feel" of being in the game because of those skips. Not to mention all the potential story.


10 years ago

I hate to say this but...The books did it better.



10 years ago

That's cause the novels start at level 50 or something and the early things were random volumes, like a flash back


10 years ago

1. Yes, yes it is.

2. Tell me how it went, please.



10 years ago

I had a great time granted it was a club in my highschool. So we had a lot of time of set up and story building then we had a huge war at a local elementry school. I was Braum a half-demon working with the mercinary group everlaid. We fought the assiasn merlake. 



10 years ago

Who won?


10 years ago

We pretty much killed each other techinclly we did because being a half demon I could resurect once and my leader only lost one arm. So there was only two people alive me and our guild leader.