
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 6/27/2012: This can be already done administratively; it's very easy to add co-authors, etc., like was done with Jurassic Fairview Park. So, no programming (or new feature needed).


19 years ago
This feature was originally accepted on Nov 2 2005 9:40PM, but was subsequently demoted to "New" in The Feature Wishing Well Clean-out.

The acceptance comments were yes!

for 3j, i was thinking about the games that he was willing to let others finish. maybe there could be a place to put all the games that people are done working on but arent finished. then, others can come to this place and look at the games and pick one up if they want. this would make that game change owners. if done properly then there wont be this "community" game but more of a collaboration between 2 people.


How It Helps

19 years ago
Okay, scince Richyg92 will be leaving on Thurdsay because of an internet shut off he'll put his games there and then someone can take them and work on it.  Is that what you are saying?

How It Helps

19 years ago

yes, the concept being simply to not let games go unfinished due to innactivity, lack of interest, or just not knowing how to finish it. this could help newbies since they seem to have trouble starting a game, having a game already started could help them out a bit.


How It Helps

19 years ago
Very cool, but it should have a seperation between where someone else takes over.

How It Helps

19 years ago
What do you mean seperation?

How It Helps

19 years ago
So you know where the original author left off.  Just like a page that comes up and has one link ((Back to the game))

"Rejected" games category

19 years ago
I've been thinking about this for a while too, except from a different angle. I always called it the "Adopt-A-Game" program.

There are a *whole* bunch of unfinished games that I want to see finished. They are from people who started and just never came back; some gems are even in the graveyard.

What do you guys think ... what would be fair? At what point do you "forfeit" your game because you haven't logged on?

BTW, I have a program that will copy games. So, we have lots of options ...


19 years ago
After two months of absences its automaticly forfeited, all games in graveyard are forfeited and there is a button called submit for adoption.


19 years ago
That's a good start ... ok, now how does adoption work?

BTW, I'm thinking of incorporating this "Adoption" thing in the (new) NEW GAME wizard .. basically, when you select new game, one option would be to adopt an existing. This would be restricted to certain members (anyone got an idea, maybe you need 3 published games, or something?)


19 years ago
3 published!  I think we should go towards the MAG point angle.  250 points you think or mabey even either or.


19 years ago

i like the MAG point system for adopting games. and 250? i think it should be higher lol that way people would be serious about taking a game from everyone else. as for the time frame? i think after a year of inactivity or just whenever someone wants to put one in there.



19 years ago

at least one game with an overall rating of 5 or above.  Overall rating is just an average of all the others.  It would work by having another tab at top, and it ha sa list of all games up for adoptionand some stats on them.  Users who make the erquirements can adopt up to two games for each game they've made that meets the requirements, capishe?


19 years ago
Some pieces in the graveyard are just Crap!  Mabey another () moderator could look for that if this feature gets done.


19 years ago
lol, You could be the graveMod,


19 years ago
Oh yah -- actually, most of the stuff out there is crap. Some one (or some people) would have to go through the "candidate" games and pick out ones for adoption. Those would then go in the ADoption List.

I'm liking this feature more and more ...


19 years ago
em-hem soudns good, I do think it should be one game of RAting five or higher (Overall) because adopting games and making them uses game making and yo uhave to demonstrate your ability as a gamemaker.


19 years ago
5 is average, but we need average.  Also, I know that on the escape the rooms and some game about not littering as a moral but has a cool storyline I rated 8.  All 3 had a low rating and I don't think it counted anymore.  That is unfair.


19 years ago
Not really, its player rating, so its rated by the players.


19 years ago
I quessed how he made ratings unfair and those weren't counted.  They were great ideas but had ratings of 1 or 2.  I rated it an 8 because that is what I though of it.  So, now there is a problem there.


19 years ago
not really..


19 years ago
(summary, PMed from JJJ)

COPIED FROM FORUMS: em-hem soudns good, I do think it should be one game of RAting five or higher (Overall) because adopting games and making them uses game making and yo uhave to demonstrate your ability as a gamemaker.

So heres how it works. You start by adding an overall rating to each game (Average out the Length and Player Rating because those are the ones that arnt controlled by the author) then make that the overall rating. Next make a tab called Adoption Home or whatever and a list of every game in the site that is up for adoption is listed there, to the side is a list of possible candidates that mods havn't checked yet. If you fulfill the two requirements then blue Adopt-A-Game buttons will appear next to the adoptable games. The reqs are:

1. A game with an overall rating of 5 or higher.
2. Mag Points of one hundred or higher.

Also when something is put into the adoptable list, a page is put after every dead end saying something like the following.

"This ends the original authors work, here starts the second authors work"

Then the next author can write, this page doesn't show up on pages screen only on games screen. Please save this.


19 years ago
Do you guys like it?


19 years ago
Showing a PM that shows stuff from the forum.  That is funny.  Anyways, it is a good idea.


19 years ago
Thanx, lol.


19 years ago

is this concept "legal" in terms of giving someone's game to someone else? i love the idea and im glad its liked by everyone else. however, if there are the copyrights and rights and trademarks and ownership and battleship and all then it may not be ok to do this. im sure you are ahead of me though alex so ill let you think about that stuff now lol just wanted to bring that to the forefront.



19 years ago
There is something about copywrites and how it doing anything with the games is leagle. That is except for a third party.

Halogen Studios has full access. Then can give it to someone else.
The Maker Has Access
Anyone else needs permission.


19 years ago
I already did one: I offered Deven two games.


19 years ago
Absolutely, and good observation. This was a very early on consideration we had. Havaco sumarized it, but this is from the DISCLAIMER:

"You further agree to grant to HALOGEN STUDIOS a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual license, with the right to sublicense, to reproduce, transmit, distribute, create any derivative works of, publicly use or display any materials or other information (including, but not limited to, ideas, concepts or techniques for new or improved services and products) you publish to the Web site by any means or by any media now known or hereafter developed."

That means that you are the owner of the intellectual property you post on this website, but you give HALOGEN STUDIOS the right to do anything with it.


19 years ago
I am surprised people dont read these things. Sometimes they try to get you with the Agreement, where you press I agree, I disagree.

Advice to everyone: "Dont sign anything with your lawyer" lol!!!


19 years ago
At the same time, note that these agreements (EULA, they're called) are often not enforceable if they are outrageous.

For example, if I put in a clause saying that HALOGEN STUDIOS owned the copyright and then tried to seek royalties from an author who published his story on another site, HALOGEN STUDIOS would not win that case. However, if you were paid to write the story/post/whatever (it would then be, "work for hire"), we would likely win.

A good EULA will indemnity the software provider from any damage caused by the software and decribe the licence agreement of the software (like, you're not allowed to copy it and give to friends, or you need to buy a new software for each computer).


19 years ago
I'm a good summerizer.


19 years ago
I know, i was just joking. But i read alot of fictionous novels. One of them overlooked the EndUser Agreement and was caught in a law case.


19 years ago
Let's get this moved to the General forum.


19 years ago
why? it relates to Adopt A Game and if other users wnat to know if it is legal they can check here.


16 years ago
I like this idea, but what if someone leaves for like two months, due to lack of inspiration. But, then he comes back and all of his previous (Unfinished) stories, which he now has hundreds of ideas for, are adopted already? What then?


16 years ago
He starts new ones?


16 years ago

OR she! lol cant discriminate against the female species. :) woman leave as much as men.



16 years ago

lol maybe I was discriminating against males for being more likely to leave ;)

Naww, just kiddin' you got me there.


16 years ago
Hey, grammatically, it's proper English to use "he" as the neutral singular.  Of course, if you're typing, it's pretty easy to use "s/he"


16 years ago
Really?  I never knew that. Take that fleshy!  MY flukes work out so well :P :) (Thank you accidental fluke lord)


16 years ago

We wouldn't give up any stories less than 9 months old



16 years ago

I only just noticed this Adopt-A-Game thing today. In reading everyone's posts, it had me a little worried. I understood that CYS had the right to reproduce, redistribute, reprint, etc, a story I had written, I didn't realise they legally had the right to hand over something I was still working on and give it to someone else... Sometimes I go away from the site for a couple months, and then come back, working on stories again.

With "A Tale of Chian" that I'm working on at the moment, I came back to continue it almost a year after I initially began typing it into the website's editors. However, the whole story is plotted out, it's just a matter of typing it into editors and creating all the scripting for everything. I would go crazy if I came back and discovered a story I hadn't finished putting onto this website - due to working on some of my other stories, taking a break from writing, or going on a couple month-long holiday - had been considered 'inactive' and had been made freely available for anyone to do whatever they wanted with it!

I usually plan out my stories from beginning to end offline before I even begin typing anything into the editors, so most of what's in my account is not a dead-end, but just me having not gotten around to writing the pages into the editors yet. I'd go insane if the characters and plots and back-story I spent months designing had suddenly been taken off in random directions by someone who doesn't know what the point of the story was supposed to be, and just played around and did their own thing with something that was months of work for me to get to where it was at!

Maybe if you're going to do an Adopt-A-Game thing, you should allow authors to label some of their stories as "DO NOT GIVE THIS AWAY - I REALLY DO PLAN ON COMING BACK AND FINISHING THIS STORY!!!" because they are still committed to making those stories, they just aren't fast at doing it for whatever reasons they have at the time. My Far Reaches rpg story hasn't been updated in a long time, possibly over a year now, but I've been designing the universe, characters, technologies, dice system and everything, offline, with the idea that when I've worked it all out, I could then focus on finishing it and it would be quality work.

It's like someone writing half a novel, then coming back to finish it a year later after doing other things with their life, to find someone finished writing it for them, and completely changed the story on them, and published it themselves! It just doesn't seem right to me at all.

I'd be happy for an adopt-a-game where people volunteered their stories to be finished by other people, relinquishing their rights to the story, so anyone else could take it on and do something with it, but it really doesn't seem right if stories can be taken from authors without the author's permission.


16 years ago


16 years ago

even though march's last post says 9 months old, he didnt think he had to mention that the person had to be inactive for a long time too. you have been and are still around Paul. your stories wont be relinquished. you have no worries there. also, the most current game given up for adoption, the cave, was given to march willingly. jdog, the author, told march to give it away. this is still a concept in the works. only 2 games have been given out so far that im aware of. not to mention that no one has taken them that i know of either.



16 years ago

Okay, I understand then.

Maybe it would be a good idea if someone made a post that sums it all up in one post, so people know exactly what the Adopt-a-Game process means then, since the idea has been accepted.  That way people that look at this thread will know exactly what it is that has been accepted, without having doubts about what is meant by it. Over the course of this thread, there were a lot of ideas presented, so it was unclear.


16 years ago

ive pondered an article about it, but since it hasnt been successful yet ive not done it
