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new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

i am new please help me ,i just joined ,i am so new that i know nothing & feel like crying  please tell me which games are good



new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago
Ok, use small text, bis is REALLY ANNOYING.  Look on the top games under the games section.  NO COLORS, UNLESS THERES SMALL TEXT!

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago
I am new to this as well im checking it out help me!!!

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago
Read the text YOU just replied to.

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

well first, dont cry. we wouldnt want Teal Tears all over the screen. as for what to do first for the site? try out any game from any category you like. there are plenty of games to choose from. The Family: A Gangster's Legacy is good. (shameless plug) but if you are up for more of a challenge then try out the Walmart game, Braak the Briton (Redux Edition) or even Finals week.

there are 2 kinds of games here; advanced and simple. Advanced have items and stats that you can keep up with. Simple games do not. i would recommend playing a lot of games around here before trying your hand at one yourself. but its your choice.

if you ever have any questions you can PM me,


new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

If he can plug, then so can I, only dif is, mine is top game on the site.


new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

well, it is true that it is A top game. but its also very advanced. the only i did my shameless plug is because my game is a simple game. in fact is was made way way way before we even started talking about advanced editor. but if they are up for an even harder challenge then yes either your game or Walmart would be the ones to try. i was just thinking more along the lines of a beginner though. but its their choice not ours lol.


new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

My game is playable for begginers.  If they want a real starting game, they should play

"How to play a game"


"Tips for Newbies"

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

i did forget about those games lol both are great reads for beginners. but i would have to differ on the first point there. i think any game requiring a save would be a bit ahead of a beginner. which therefore i shouldnt have suggested Walmart. but again, its their oppinion. however, i think the bigger point we need to be making is that if they venture into making one themselves it needs to have some thought and decent amount of work put into it. im tired of crappy games.


new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

Will you two quit arguing!  Anyways, a great way to find which game is good would be the rating.  The closer to 8 the better.  If you are looking on the catagorey view you should find that the max a game can have is 4 stars.  Just multiply each star by two.  Halves by one.

I hope you stay awhile,

Clan:Polls (VP) - Havacoman

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago
Good idea, but remember ratings arn't everything.  Except when it comes to Mattias. And Nate, I'm still angry at you for that!

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

you can get angry all you want. someone rated it a 5 and another rated it a 6 like i did. so youll just have to move on and get over it.

as for looking at the ratings.... i dont think thats the best idea simply cause there are plenty of games that have not even been rated yet by more than 1 person. once every game gets rated by a few people then ill agree with the ratings system. till then im against it.


new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago
Well, if there are 5 or more games anyways.

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago

I mean ratings.

JJJ - Quit arguing.  He is entitled to his own opinion.

new , know nothing , need lot of advice

18 years ago
Your the only member and "friend" who has done such a thing.  Members ratings are worth what, 8X more or something?