Exactly how does dialogue work again? Different conversations are different paragraphs right? Also, do I have to start a new paragraph if I want to start a dialogue (even if the current paragraph doesn't have any)?
"Hey, John," Don called to his friend.
"Don!" John yelled back, leaping off of his bicycle and heading over. "How have you been?"
"Pretty good. You?"
"This kid", isn't perfect. Wanna know my age? Twenty as of April 16, 2016. Actually, you know what? Don't stop. As long as it keeps you laughing, that is.
If you're actually 20, that's both hilarious and really depressing for the future of this planet.
Someone obviously didn't pay attention in English class.
You try being the one idiot who listens without taking notes. Plus, the one idiot who rarely asks questions.
Lol. I've been there.