Spacecats, The Reader
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So. There were two tomatoes sitting in a pantry. One tomato says the other, "Boy, it's sure hot in here!" The other tomato responds "HOLY SHIT IT'S A TALKING TOMATO!"
Recent Posts
my characters are as flat as... on 7/1/2016 6:06:36 PMTry writing from experience? Surely you have friends whom you don't consider meatbags of a plot device that you can take inspiration from.
Dialogue on 6/6/2016 4:00:08 PM
Favorite game on Twine on 4/19/2016 9:14:13 PM
Does anyone know of a good Twine game that they would like to recommend? I've just recently started reading some storygames made using Twine and I was wondering if someone knew of an especially good story that they would like to share.
Becoming Legend: on 3/8/2016 3:43:20 PM
Just tried dying. :P The resurrect link didn't work for me. Great interface so far.
Becoming Legend on 3/7/2016 1:11:19 PM
All icons are showing but an extra broken image appears after the ring.
Becoming Legend on 3/7/2016 1:02:11 PM
Yeah, I can't see it either. Either way, nice job quiller.
Where can I learn how to script? on 3/6/2016 3:42:11 PM
Where can I learn how to script? on 3/6/2016 2:44:56 PM
What are some online resources that I can look at to learn the kind of scripting used in the advanced editor? What scripting languages does this site recognize?
Romance Poll on 2/9/2016 10:17:46 PM
I stopped reading that book when I realized it was by Stephanie Meyer. Wasn't the whole romance between two individuals in one body loving the same individual? Do they get into a romance with each other?
Romance Poll on 2/9/2016 8:23:05 PM
I find Dexter to be the more interesting character. His light-hearted humorous pranks provide a sharp contrast to his dark and morally ambiguous nature, which makes me curious about his history and his motivations. The mystery of how he got into your head also raises some questions about the integrity of the organization. Call me kinky, but I think I would be more invested in a romance between the protagonist and the voice in their head. I could see a lot complexity unfolding in their relationship. Helena doesn't really spark my interest so much. Is there an interesting aspect in their relationship that changes things? Does her position require her to keep secrets from the protagonist?