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The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

If you have an Idea, but you can't make a story yourself, post it here! If you need ideas, but don't know what people want, take one from here! 

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago
I have an idea: Stop giving a shit about what people want. Write about something you like writing. As long as it's done well and isn't porn, WC or something else awful, we will read it. If you really need ideas, google them.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Who said I needed ideas? I want to be giving them, because I can't write a story.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago
95% of people around here can't write one either

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Quit procrastinating and making threads like this and maybe you can.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Picard on the bridge. His face lowered, the palm placed.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago
Glad to see you're getting a lot of mileage out of this one.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Here's another idea. Someone make a story game about a person who spends their time on a writing site, but here's the catch, that person doesn't write and doesn't understand things they read. 

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Here's one: It's about someone who was a businessman with high pay, a happy family and an actual life.

He laughs in the face of the internet.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Was... was that supposed to be a come back?

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago
I'd like to see a story about a boy and his goat, where the goat is kidnapped by evil capitalists, bent on replacing the entire world's supply of cow's milk with nasty tasting goats' milk.

The boy loves his goat like a son! The Goat's name is 'Goaty' and instead of giving milk (due to being a boy goat) it develops superpowers.

In this game, you play the Super Goat, AKA xxSupeR_GoatYxx (the xx's and end caps protect Goaty's secret identity as a normal everyday law-abiding goat citizen), and do battle against the evil capitalists and their army of goat milking machines.

I haven't been able to think up a name for the boy in this story yet, but I'm pretty sure that whoever takes up the reigns to write-up this awesome epic will be able to figure out something tastefully compelling, yet subtly hinting to the young boy's yearning for goats and unknown prostate cancer - which should be the story's big reveal/secret twist at the end.

Be sure to include a few deep moral ambiguities at the end, because this need to be like the old 80's cartoon show GI Joe, where 'knowing is half the battle' and could probably also use some stuff about 'the magic of friendship' to balance it all out. For that, I suppose one could go with the classic 80's My Little Pony - or take things to a dark gritty level with the newer, modern, series.

So, good luck with this and let me know when it's done, so I can be added as co-author and get half the points for it being published.

Thank you.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Isn't goats milk supposed to help you live longer?

I think it tastes nice, other than that tiny doubt in the back of my head that tells me I've been brainwashed.



The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago
@primoskate52354 Most would say this thread was pointless and dumb, but not me. I believe in you. I truly believe you have what it takes to be the Ideas Guy of the site. Writing a story is the easy part, naturally. What's always holding back so many talented authors around here is a drought of ideas.

So okay, lay it on me. Let's hear your very best idea.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago
"Your brother was a bear since you were raised by bears and you tracked down your real parents who were actually pirates using a rogue Russian submarine to plunder wealthy cruise ships.

Shortly after you tracked your real parents down, your brother caught up with you because your bear parents gave you the family magic whistle instead of him and he was pissed.

So you fought him with your bare hands on top of your real parents' submarine...underwater.

Obviously you won this fight because you're still here to tell the tale." - someone I can't quite recall

great suggestion obviously.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

@mizal This is my very best idea:

An epidemic has spread across the world. Nearly everyone is dead, and the remaining survivors don't know of each other's existence. They must survive their own insanity and PTSD while searching for any other survivors, whom they don't even know of. They must battle hallucinations and the crumbling environment to survive.

You play as several people throughout the story, who's minds have each been broken in a different way. For example, one character you play as in one part of the story may have developed depression, while another you play as at a different time may have developed paranoia. In the epilogue of humanity, they must try to recognize what is real, and what is their own imagination.

The characters may cross paths, only to find themselves separated by collapsing buildings. They could end up traveling through the same environment, though only the reader would have any idea. As the story would be told in a first person perspective, the reader would not be able to know if they can trust what the character they are playing as is describing.

The twist to the story is that you can't save everyone, because the actions taken to prevent one character's death will lead to another character's death, therefore the 'best' ending doesn't exist, or it's different depending on who you want to live the most. The title for the story would be Hear Me, as they just want to prove their existence to each other.

Is that a good enough idea for you? cheeky

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

I'd say it's a good idea. You just have to make sure you write it.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Have you read the first post? I'm in the category of people who have good ideas, but can't write to save my life. I'm trying to share my ideas so someone else can write them. that's sort of why I made this thread.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

Soooo you won't write because you're bad at writing, but you're bad at writing because you won't write. Just practice, you'll get better, I promise. Start trying to write short stories, you'd be amazed at what you can do if you keep trying to get better.

The Give and Take Ideas Post

7 years ago

I only said that because you have a story game in progress on your profile titled "Hear Me," which is (coincidentally I'm sure) the same title of the idea you just presented. In which case you just presented a story idea that you've already put effort into writing.(even if it is a story title) I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that creating a story game about an idea means that you have some degree of commitment to finishing that game. 

At this point I commented something along the lines of, "now all you have to do is write it," because it sure seemed like you wanted to write the story game.