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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Now that I've brought 'em up, I figure I should educate myself. Where the hell did they come from, and why are people so pissed off about them? I'm always grateful for another way to call someone retarded without beating the dead cats of helmets and bus sizes, but I don't really understand what the big deal is, or why people feel the need to make a big deal out of it. I'm guessing the hatred/ironic following has to do with the anger between internet morons and 'Normie' morons finally congealing and creating a true cancer, but I'm also sure there's more to it than that.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
I remember a year ago I borrowed some inspiration from them for a rotating ball bearing ring design I needed.

I see no other appeal to them besides the fact that they are plastic toys that are easy to carry and don't make noise. The memes about them are meh at best and usually shit so I really don't care for them.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Fidget Spinners are supposed to help kids with ADHD and Anxiety, however they have become such a nuisance that schools in chicago outright banned them.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
I really doubt the original intention was anything besides "make money." I'm sure it's used for that but I seriously doubt anyone was thinking about helping people when they made a cheap little plastic trinket xD

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
This will answer all your questions.

I wish mobile users could link things...

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Turn off RTE and use html.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Thank you.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Even if he's using the RTE he should still be able to link because there's a button that let's you insert links fairly easily.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Nope, not on mobile, it is just a plain textbox. If I had RTE on anyway, I would not be able to post.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Turn on desktop mode you invalid.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Tried that too, same result.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

This is a first. I'm not sure what kind of phone you're even using then.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Samsung S7. Note to new phone buyers, don't get it.

Anyways, thanks Mizal.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

You don't have to thank her again why replying to me, y'know.

Hmm, maybe you're in need of a fidget spinner. 

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Maybe not, my siblings already have enough of them.

They treat those things as currency.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Lol, you called him an invalid. Haven't seen that term used as an insult in years.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Be sure to tell Sent that it's something I stole from mizal, please. 

Apparently I upgraded from dime-store to Pound-land, and I'm trying to move up the ranks before I become grandmaster here. 

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
God I am too young to understand your 90's slang jargon.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

I offer free tutor lessons, no worries. 

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
I'm fine with not confusing my other teenage peers. Thanks for the offer I guess.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

The Dime-Stores around here don't sell rip-offs and cheap bullshit half as entertaining as Poundland does. I figured you'd fit in between the Awesome Orange and Totally Tropical-flavored Boobees, just like your anime face used to.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Sorry to interrupt a very intriguing conversation but,

What the literal fuck is a Pound-land?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Translate this for me. Does this mean that I'm entertaining to you in some fashion? 

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
It means that you have me intrested in some fashion based off of my curiosity.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

While that's good information to know, I was asking the Penguin man in the suit that question. 

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Sorry, bad eyes, the box space bamboozled me.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

It's fine. Your post about currency gave me a good idea to possibly request in the feature wishing well. I was thinking if it would be probable to trade in points or commendations for fidget spinners as rewards on CYS. 

It seems quite ambitious, so I admit that I'm hesitant to do so.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Ah, right, I forgot you don't actually pay attention to things that I say, or at least you pretend not to. Here's the basic translation for you in nice, brisk paragraphs that won't strain your attention span or anything. They even have numbers just to make extra sure you can read and understand them.

1.) My basic thought process was that dimestores don't exist, and that if you were sold anywhere, it'd be where only the most amusing ripoffs and tat would be sold. So, naturally, putting you in a land that involved a unit of money people still actually bought cheap shit with was. Poundland would be the most accurate place to put you in this analogy.

2.) Yes, the promotion to Poundland is a small increment, and was at first entirely un-intentional, but it was well earned in hindsight. You're not quite as annoying as you used to be, and you mocked Chowhall enough for him to call you an 'Annoyance cunt', so that's an improvement, all things considered.

3.) These are boobees, in case that was confusing you. I was also making an obscure mammary pun, in case that was also confusing you.

Related image

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Are you harboring romantic feelings for me?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

That's a very fucking bizarre conclusion to come to. No? Like, I wish I had a witty retort or something, but that was so non-sequitr that I'm not even sure where you were going with that. Are you gonna be a Poundland version of me now?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Not at all. That's why I'll continue being myself since there's less effort involved.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

I'm not even gonna read through this thread. There's a troll, a penguin, and multiple shitty arguments. Seems accurate judging from a few randomly selected posts.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Why did you even click a thread about fidget spinners to begin with?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

I was curious as to how a thread about pieces of plastic that can spin around got so many replies.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

I was curious as to how pieces of plastic that could spin around got so many attentions.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

It's been going on for quite a long time I believe. I read somwhere the other day that fidget spinners are somehow connected to the Council of Trent.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
I know a weird high school kid who always carries one. He seems a little OCD and is creepily obsessed with a 400lb coworker for some reason.

Haven't noticed them around enough to explain the outrage on the internet, but then I hate kids and avoid/ignore them as much as possible obviously.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Creepily obsessed as in, he goes through making friend requests only to unfriend them on facebook, or he tries to DDOS the amazon pages of books that his coworker likes, or he's a fan of their 400lb podcast, or?

I suppose spinners are a thing for people who wish they had something as cerebral as writing styles or fandoms to hate children for.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

My uncle sent me one that's a golden Genji shuriken from Overwatch.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Glad you specified it was Genji from Overwatch. Thought you might've meant some other Genji.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Like the one from Crows.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Isn’t Overwatch that game with the annoying lesbian that all the nerds rave about?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

You'll have to be more specific.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

I'm with Tim here. That could be The Last of Us, Life is Strange, Mario Kart, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie, the new Tomb Raider, Team Fortress 2, etc. etc.

(Ellie, Everyone, Daisy, Coco, Kazooie, Lara, and Scout respectively.)

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Wait, who the hell is a lesbian in Mario Kart? You talking about that thing with the O shaped mouth? Because that thing's a tranny not a lesbian. (Well could be both I suppose.)

And Life is Strange isn't a game it's just a lesbian simulator.

The chick I was talking about was the one that I guess teleports around all the time in Overwatch. I think she's English.

EDIT: Nevermind, you said Daisy was the lesbian. I thought she was supposed to be Luigi's girl though.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
Yeah that's Tracer and Overwatch is the game.

Though I play it regularly and no one cared when it was revealed she was a lesbian. People were more interested when another character (Symmetra) was revealed to be autistic.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
symmetra figgy spinners when?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Given how she's the usually short-haired one in orange, (The same color as Velma, another world-renowned cartoon lesbian) portrayed as the more fiery/sporty one in the group, and seems to harbor a sort of girl-crush on Peach, I doubt she's the straightest crayon in the drawer since the Mario world seems to run on stereotypes. And hell, Luigi is the whole world's Butt Monkey. He's only got it slightly better than Waluigi, but he doesn't have any games of his own, and even in Luigi's games he's got a shit time of it. It only makes sense that his alleged girlfriend secretly wants fucking nothing to do with him. (It makes even more sense if you subscribe to the theory that Luigi leaves her, fucks Peach, and they have the blue Mario Galaxy princess.)

Ah, yeah, the time chick. She's goddamn obnoxious, I don't get why everyone seems to want to have sex with her, given the fact that she'd be making noises with that fucking high-pitched cockney accented buzzsaw behind her tongue. No shape/amount of ass is worth that.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

"Bop It" was too complex for today's morons so they streamlined it to these fidget spinners.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

I find it sad that i have so little hope in humanity that I actually believe you.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago
this is canon

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Isn't everything End says canon?

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

They're something for people to spin, and that's it. But some people act retarded with them, or about them, or get triggered. Like humans do about all topics.

Fidget Spinners

7 years ago

Every kid with long hair: "I wonder if i can get my Spidget Finner stuck in my hair?"

Me: "How long can I balance this on my toe???"

seriously the stupid things kids do with them is crazy...

*Cough* Me *Cough*

also who made this forum about autism wheels and why? I believe they are very self explanatory, you spin them... Easy