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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I HATE SCHOOL!! it's just the beginning of the school year, my senior year in High school, and I HAVE ALL A+'s BUT I'M SO BORED HALF OF THE TIME!!! how do you guys not sleep in class. I mean high school, all I do, is check out the boys and girls of the skool to see who's hotter. That's really all I do... like i'm so smart, that I got straight A's already, what else am I supposed to do I EVEN HAVE COLLEGE CLASSES!! and this is why I hate school, cause they have simple and easy classes, and I hate EASY things!!

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Okay first tone down the Caps lock and the bold. No need to scream your frustration. Also how I solved this problem was fairly simple. I either slept or read a book in highschool. 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

School started on the 16th of August, I have read 25 books, over and over, and I can't sleep when i'm already awake, not only that, I have nightmares everytime I sleep, I don't need them to see me freak the freak out of options!~

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

If you're so smart pull a great Gatsby.

Run away from home.

Become a mult millionare from human trafficking and bootlegging.

Find a love.

Have that love betray you because she's a dirty hoe.

Get shot by another dirty hoes husband.

Get remembered for throwing awsome ragers and being smart.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

*cough cough* I'm in treatment

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Gatsby found love before getting rich.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago


"like i'm so smart, that I got straight A's already," 

Your life seems so hard, I cried while reading this. Poor you.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

It's not hard it's boringg

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

It's hard for me to believe you have straight A's when you used hardly any proper spelling or grammar, as well as a concerning amount of capital letters and exclamation points.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

My school, does there work in French, not English, unless it's actually English class

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

It's all bold and big-sized, so your whole post sounds like this in my head and I don't know what you said at all.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Ok well I can't watch youtube so IDK what it is


Skool Sucks

7 years ago

You only have college classes? Why stop there? Do you want to try for a postgraduate degree whilst you're at it? Learn to play the violin? The harp? The piano? Oh, remember to take grades in those, too. That can take years and years, and trust me, I know.

What kind of subjects did you straight A's in? Was the English language one of them? How about forum etiquette? Maybe you could learn a few more languages. In fact, try Quenya from Lord of the Rings. Ten different cases of nouns, so you'll busy for a long, long time. Write a novel. Create fictional characters in your head and force them to murder each other. Make a series of scripts and sell them for money. If people don't take you seriously then, oh my, you must be doing something wrong.

Are you still bored?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

.... well I took a criminology class, math class, physics,and social arts,those are the only classes I have left to graduate, I know the piano, guitar, cello, the banjo, (surprisingly) the clarinet, trumpet, and saxophone (MY FAV) I took drama, I took a photography class on the side, which I thought was fun. I'm taking chorus, even though I sound like a dying walrus...

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Weren't you the girl that said she was in a mental asylum for beating someone's skull in?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Hahaha yes.. I am getting better, that's why I have more privileges, I can go to normal school, which literally happens to be 2 blocks away, and I have a part time job, i'm leaving in December!!!

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
I will forever be amazed at older CYStian's memory capabilities.

How the fuck do you recall things irrelevant people said in the past?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I'm honestly laughing so hard I'm crying.

1. If you're a senior, maybe write like one?
2. College classes? Learn to knit or learn Ancient Norse. Have fun.
3. Tap the Caps Lock key so you can learn to speak correctly.
4. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic with your spelling or you're foreign but please.
5. My eyes. They are bleeding.
6. Go learn to skateboard. Learn trigonometry. Write some stories. Chew all of the pens in your house. Whittle a man out of an almond. The possibilities are endless.

tl;dr: text/write your age, and have some hobbies.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

*remembers Gemini's one of the smartest too*

Which classes are you taking exactly..?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I'm taking Comp and Gramm. 3 (In French), Calculus, Physics 2, and those are literally all the classes I have in school, and i'm taking Development writing which is a French class too. Then introduction of philosophy, college calculus

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

That's all the school has? Well, that's rather boring.

Small school?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Very small school, my grade only will have 250 grads.... so yeah... small school.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

250 seniors?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Well, most of them are sophomores who are graduating early, say 105 of them aren't actually seniors. But that's just because our school gives us the choice to do all year schooling, that's why some of them are graduating early. 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

If you're bored because everything you're doing is easy, do something you find hard.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I'm trying too

Skool Sucks

7 years ago


Skool Sucks

7 years ago


Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Just take a spare or smth.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Perterbation theory. WKB approximations. Regularization using the zeta function. I'd say if you're so smart start with Quantum Theory by David Bohm and if that's too easy for you find some books on QCD/QED (quantum chromo/electro dynamics). PM me when you understand the mathematics behind those and then I'll consider you smart enough to give you some good shit that doesn't have to do with mathematics. GLHF

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Okay deal but so you know i'm very busy rn on something else, but sure

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
you have 2 years to correspond or I'll consider you a bitch niggy failure.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

If the shit you're doing is easy then why are you busy?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
busy complaining probably

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Actually no, I work, till 2:00 am to 9pm in like 20 mins... 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

How many days a week?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I mainly work the week days, but on days i'm usually have nothing to do, I call in for a few extra shifts.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Spend the weekdays reading then x'D

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
19 hours a day so absolutely not every day else they break a lot of employment laws.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Yeah I know that, but I was curious as to how many exactly. 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Not unless you work at a police station you don't, or the FBI they work on cases for 24 or + hours, or the dark web... 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Firefighters have to do a 24hr shift, I believe. As well as nurses (in other states from me. Mandatory overtime is illegal in Cali).

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
do you work in any of those institutions/virtual domains?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I am a nurse, though I was looking for an actual doctor position, but they told me since i'm still in school, I cannot, until I graduate.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

life science

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I used to be a mortician, boy was that fun. Well not the smell of a dead body, but you know!~

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Oooh the WKB approximation :O I love this challenge already. 

*nerd happiness* Quantum Theory :3 

Also, may I suggest that @UndeadLover should read The Feynman Lectures on Physics, particularly volume 3 as that is the one that deals with the Quantum Theory. Another good ones, since it explains everything rather well and has examples is Quantum Mechanics, concepts and applications, by Nouredine.

Also, of course the classic; Modern Quantum Mechanics.

I also know quite a few good books on Quantum Computation, Quantum Field Theories, Matter Physics etc that you may like if you find that you liked these books.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Should at least skim over volumes 1 and 2 as a precursor to volume 3 but I agree with Seto that volume 3 would make the most contextual sense.

Interested in mathematical physics, Seto? I never pinned you as one for quantum theory.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

I love it x'D

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
I love physics in general, quantum theory is just a passing interest (though a very in-depth interest). My math prof gave me a few books to read on it since he has a degree in mathematical physics so this is right up his alley. He says when I'm caught up on all that he may or may not give me a lecture on renormalization xD

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Physics is very fun :) It's not my main interest, but I did love it (was in AP physics in school)

Which books did he give you?

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Quantum Theory by David Bohm, Renormalization by John Collins, Aspects of Symmetry: Selected Erice Lectures by Sidney Coleman, Quantum Chromodynamics: An Introduction to the Theory of Quarks and Gluons by Francisco Yndurain, and Quantum Chromodynamics: Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects by B. L. Loffe and others.

Of course when I say "give" I mean he let me borrow them to read. He wouldn't give me good books just to have lol

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Ooooh those are nice :O

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Since this is CYS, I recommend you to write a story. While at school, you can think about what you want to write, then write it down when you get the chanse. You could also try to just listen to the teacher, because even if you know a lot there might still be something you missed. And at least here, some teachers give bonus points to the students that are paying atention and participate. If you already know a lot about a subject, learn to be patient.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Chance, sorry. Thank you for reminding me.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
your welcome

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Your? Are you sure? ;)

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

You'd think someone who was in a mental institution for nearly killing someone would be a lot more interesting.

Seriously, write a story about your darkest thoughts and how every time you close your eyes to sleep you just see blood and the world in ruin.

Write about how you constantly have this urge to do harm to others for no other reason than to feel something because every day life is just a pointless drudge of utter meaningless actions in the scheme of the greater universe which in itself is just an uncaring void of utter hopelessness.

About how even if you act on your twisted and wonderful violent thoughts it still won't matter because you'll just be prolonging the inevitable of ultimately dying and then becoming a feast for the worms that will eventually shit you out because that's pretty much what existence is anyway. Shit.

Or continue to bitch about school like a boring person. That's fine too.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Oh the joy it brings me to read your posts once more EndMaster. The dark carnival of horrors you call a mind is such a unique and delicious part of the internet. 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago
Doesn't everyone have those thoughs and urges though? Anyone can write about any of that. It takes skill and finesse to write about the mundane and banal things in life which are so rarely written about outside of niche historical records and middle-aged female diaries.

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Can everyone involved in this thread who isn't Endmaster or me just fucking kill themselves? Thanks 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Psssssh! Here comes another person who thinks that they're too GOOD for everyone else. I honestly doubt that you have straight A's because of the concerning amount of exclamation points and the alarming amount of caps. Yeesh. Just take another instrument or watch hentai in your basement while wearing an animal costume. That's what I do. If you aren't being challenged enough, try to code a video game or write a book. And in the future UndeadLover, don't brag to others what your grades are because I will assure you, they will tease you and try to prove you wrong. 

Have a good day. 

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Skool Sucks

7 years ago

Ford, I'm feeling worried for you now.