I havn't logged on in a while cause I usually don't use my computer at home. And I am getting use to working 5 days in a row again. Kinda weird when you get use to two days on then two days off. Also, this site got blocked at work, which is a crying shame.
I don't think that second person is bad writing. And dumb as a post heroes and blank slate characters are a form for exactly what I said: to bring the reader in (any reader). It's just that most authors apparently suck at doing it well and therefore it is considered bad writing. Additionally, if you have ever played video games, you have the silent protagonist. Mario has been this on many occasions, especially in Super Mario RPG. And that game was awesome, he just acted out what he needed to say and then there was the one to explain everything that he was saying if he needed to talk. Crono in Chrono Trigger was a silent protagonist and that game turned out to be the best RPG of all time in many peoples eyes. It's definitely one of my favorites.
To further this 'unique' perspective: I have started reading Endmaster's Eternal and ........I hate it. I deplore it because of the slight issues it has. Some of it is just personal preference. It appears to be a crapsack universe but we are told that it is more than shown (as least as far as chapter two, BTW I am not going to count the main character's preferred deranged actions solely toward this). Mainly because the hero never seems to hit up the local tavern. He sits his but next to the Emperor and kisses it all day long. The protagonist is VERY unlikable (too unlikable, making me feel that I would not make ANY of those options). That could be the point, but he must be the only one that is programed because every other character so far, laughs at him for being so gosh darn brainwashed. I'm beginning to think he is the only one that is. Once again, that could be the point. But somehow, I don't think so. The Empire is supposed to be crumbling. The grammar may not be wrong, but the writting lacks something, a spark maybe. The characters develop way too fast, there is no time for the main character to learn what humor is for instance. Its subtle things like that. The magic is not consistently described. In the first chapter, the main character could cast on the drop of a dime, but later on during the caravan attack, he suddenly has to focus, and think about it. The writing is on consistent and it is very jarring. The universe, characters, world-building, and magic are underdeveloped, and it shows.
I will finish reading and have a better review. Those above are just my initial impressions.
As far as reading other second person sources? I have read a few. Overall, the second person does offer itself to be the more superior style for this. The only good one so far on here is Dungeon Stompage! But I will start keeping a list for this thread if any of you would like. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step!