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Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

With our diverse and massive population, we are able to not only kick ass at the Olympic games, but also in supreme gluttony.

This is of course, labeled under sports, whether or not it should count as one is hard to say, but one thing is for sure: This man loves himself some wieners. 

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

I still shake my head at the fact that competitive eating is considered a "sport."

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

I agree with you. I am always thinking why?!

P.S. I also think that it is wrong that they encourage this by recording it as a record. But, maybe that’s just me.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
We're #1!

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

These people just straight up puke this shit up afterwards, right? There's no way the body could break that down.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

I think it's a gamble. They either die choking, become ridiculously obese (like those people from TV shows that need surgery to avoid dying), gain a good deal of money from winning, or everything at the same time, though not necessarily on the same order.

I can't say anything, though. I eat things so quickly i wonder if i actually chew something (no duwang intended).

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

"Jaws" does this every year.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
Isn't it usually skinny people that are the best at this? That's what they said on the King of the Hill episode.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
See the bit about purging. Apparently there's some 'exercise' they also do that's just swallowing whole grapes to expand their stomachs.

I imagine it would be pretty hard to enjoy food in a normal way if you crammed down such huge quantities all the time. Even the extremely obese don't really enjoy it after a point, they're just addicts.

What I wonder about is what pushes people to get into professional binge eating in the first place.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
Trust me you don't want to get me started talking about 600lb Life and disgusting narcissistic gluttons blaming everything but themselves for their problems in general. I will require my own subforum.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

Well, looking at the top competitive eaters, they don't seem to be fat at all, so no, it seems pretty unlikely they'll become obese. Choking also doesn't seem particularly likely, because of all the health officials they'd have on hand. If anything, this seems like by far one of the safest sports people do. I mean, it might be terrible for them overall, but not in the ways you mentioned, and hell, given the risks of other sports, it's definitely not the worst.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
So do you reckon your copious experience sucking dick would prepare you pretty well for swallowing hotdogs? 74 in ten minutes is a record I'm sure you beat many times in Greece.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

I'd say it'd help, but most of the work would be in actually keeping that shit down. If you're hungry, even not trying to go fast you can really wolf some shit down. It's only after you get full shit starts going wrong. Anyhow, should your faux asexuality ever fade, feel free to ask for tips.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
Okay, apparently they actually do do this and call it 'vacating'.

Good to know we've made binging and purging a serious professional sport. Although as megafats become the norm we'll eventually invent a better fathlete who can do away with the second part and then hopefully Yellowstone will blow simultaneously with worldwide nuclear war because we humanity will really need a hard reset at that point.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago
I think perhaps what amazes me the most about this isn't the 22,000 calories that can easily be "vacated" as you point out, but the 54,000 grams of sodium! A good bit of that just has to be absorbed before it can vacate, and I can't imagine that's good for anyone. But hey, if there's a "sport," then there has to be a league...

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

I've always assumed they must puke it up afterwards.  I don't see how their bodies could cope, otherwise.

Americans Do It Again

6 years ago

A demonstration of the science behind these true American heroes.