
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 8/19/2019: Good idea.

Description for variables

6 years ago
I would personally find it very useful if there were a description box option for each variable when you go to edit it in the variables section of a story. It's a little difficult to keep track of what each one does sometimes when you have a lot, (even with the name of the variable as a hint), especially when you're coming back to a project left untouched for a while.

Description for variables

6 years ago
This would be great.

If I'm using a lot of variables I usually keep an orphaned page in the editor with a list and what they do, but that's not really ideal.

But as long as we're fantasizing here I'd love to have each variable page list all the places it's referenced as well.