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Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Time for another poll! As we all know, writing requires time, comittment, effort, and research.  But sometimes finding information for the sake of a story can take us to unholy and strange places.  Earlier today, I needed to find out if a snake would scream if lit on fire, for a scene in one of my stories.  So delving into the googles I found quite a few answers, the only definite one some random anecdote on a forum. 

What's the weirdest thing YOU have ever had to research for a story?


Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago
The price of socks in 1914 I think. I had zero information on prices on the dawn of ww1, and needed to know how much would a cabinetmaker earn. Took some random things like food, clothes etc and searched for data. Along with WWI-era english slang.

I remember searching for something weirder, alas I can't recall what exactly.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I'm writing a CYOA about bees so I ended up having to look up how queen bees are made.

Several hours of writing later my imagination got the better of me and I found myself typing a paragraph on a queen bee flying into an unsuspecting woman's vagina to deliver royal jelly... every night for 9 months.

I never thought super hero backstories would be so hard!

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago
You're gonna do great here.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

What the fuck did I just read. Pretty sure I saw your profile a while ago....but what the fuck.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Not every super being can have a G rated spider bite like Spiderman can!

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I mean...they can, you just chose to have something weird as fuck.  All it takes is one radioactive bee sting....not.....body cavity bee crawling.

Are the bees at least gonna abduct the child and use it as a pawn?  

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

But a radioactive bee sting isn’t realistic, ya know? It needs to be as realistic as possible. But that can mean pretty weird. 

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

There is nothing realistic about bees shoving jellies up coochie holes either.  Not sure how a radioactive bee sting or some shit is so far fetched to you though.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Idk but it sounds more realistic. 

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

no one that reads super hero stories cares about realism, you're just reaching for an excuse to have strange bee fetish story

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Hey hey hey I’m not the one writing the story, if you’re mad talk to @Pure_Lure

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Well, you did decide to argue in defense of it, but you might be on the verge of switching sides.

So join me, young one.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I would love to join the Dark Side

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Good, good, be my page, for I am Sir Corgi the knight.  

Swear your servitude to me.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I so swear. 

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I was not originally part of this, but I swear my undying servitude to you.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Oh wow, awesome.  I wasn't even talking to you yet Billy but welcome aboard. 

A warm welcome to you as well X!  In time, in service to me and the great lords and lands of CYStia, you may find yourself ascended to squirehood, and perhaps some day knights!

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago


Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Hoop de day

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago
Just wondering, how big is your army?

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I actually found the story on another thread, and holy shit is it weird...

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Yes, it sure is strange.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

If there's anything I've learned from lurking on here and reading the popular stories is that a lot of readers enjoy the more messed up details of a story. While I don't plan on adding in anything too edgy like genocide or sexual assault I think a little spice here and there will keep people reading.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago
A bee crawling into a woman's vagina is sexual assault though, isn't it? So you already failed. It's also weird af.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Depends on whether the woman consented

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

No, she's asleep every time. She doesn't have any idea bees are even in her bedroom until the night she gives birth.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Hmm, I guess it counts as sexual assault? I was going to say the woman can't feel it at all, but then I'm sure you'd bring up date drugs. So I'll have to lower that bar further.

But yeah, weird is what I'm going for.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Bees don’t abide to human laws

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

See, a mutant with three genitals skull fucking people could be fine, but its not meant as some strange perverse fetish.  Adding insects going up genitals just seems strange, like there is no reason for it!

I wouldn't read this story like "oh yes, beeginas, how spicy"

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I would

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Actually no, probably not

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago


Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago
I remember @Steve24833 spent a long time researching how various insects reproduce for his rat story. Then regaled us with stories of some of the more disgusting types and some truly vile sample rat/insect person sex scenes.

Somewhere in there he got his first ban from the IRC by tricking Axiom into clicking on a picture of an erect human penis covered with worms while she was at work.

Good times.

I'll have to think of the weirdest thing I ever looked up for a story. Most recent would have to be a bunch of searching I did on whether pig bladders could be used as primitive oxygen tanks.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Prophecy is actually one of my favorite story games on here just because you can have weird anal sex with an underage bug as a rat.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I'm disgusted, yet intrigued. Guess I'll have to read this one and pick up some bug facts.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Weird but cool

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

The strangest research I have done for the benefit of my stories?

In order to realistically sketch out the merfolk race I use in my stories, I had to rearrange the human body in favor of adding gills and more amphibian-like features. To do this, I had to study a whole variety of organs, both human and non-. It actually got concerning when I took a double take; generally speaking, anyone with files and folders full of grotesque humanoid figures and organs would be considered insane.

On the bright side, I passed biology that year with an A average angel.


Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

I can only hope this will lead you down the path of the mad scientist some day.

Poll: Weird, Weird, Research

5 years ago

Oddly I don’t think I’ve ever had to research anything too strange.