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Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

Everything was on fire. Figuratively speaking.

Our game was 20 minutes from the build limit and all uva sudden, every random problem under the sun decided to pop up for no other reason than Unity, What In The Goddam Shit. I had done my part. It was time to wait. My dearest darling programming slave was typing away so fast that I was sure his freakishly long fingers were going to disconnect and fly off into space. Weird image.

Also everything was on fire on twitter.

This image? This image right here? Do you feel it now, Mr.Krabs? Don't you feel threatened, offended, outraged? The japanime waifu is pointing a real gun with a real hand at your real head!! She's gonna tie you to the radiater and pistol whip your dog!

Basically the entire fetish obsessed degenrate dumpster fire of the internet is spamming smug anime girl Satchiko's at one another because a Mortal Kombat furry is sort of more or less about to not really be taken to court for @ing a Brit Terf lady on twitter with a trans waifu from a zombie idol show. This is the timeline we live in.

The particular gent pictured above is a pro alpha gaym3r, I think at Mortal Kombat or some terrible fighting game like that. He was first famous for coming our of nowhere, blazing through the competition, winning, and then immediately tweeting "I'm gay". Even if I'm staunchly not into the fetishes of the furry and fuzzy, he honestly seems like a pretty chill dude.

Black, gay and a furry. That guy has been dealt some serious cards.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand the incredibly generic looking humanized bread basket above is British Parliament member, Joanna Cherry. I think she's pro Brexit, but please don't quote me on that. She looks like the kinda lady who I'd be terrified to serve at a restaurant. A big ol' lesbiab. Big ol' Terf. Huhuhu.

Apparently, Bread Basket-sama tweeted some not very nice Terfy things-- To which our Darling In The Fursuit responded with that now legendary image of Lily the Loli, Trans Waifu With A Gun. Normally, I'd think that was mildly hilarious and move on with my life. But no. Nonononononoonoooooo, it gets better. 


this is the timeline we live in. this is he world we experience. this is our reality. now that we know we are being punished, we must discover our sin.

This abuse. This abuse! God forbid! A thousand dirty yiffers took up arms to rally against She Who Hath Terfed, and now she's complaining to twitter about abuse. In all honesty, it makes me think f MattPats shitty Sans Is Ness pissing session -- If you're on the internet, prepare to be shit on. Prepare to be told to fuck off. Prepare to have an army of strange fetishists spam tweet you badly drawn catboy porn scrawled in mspaint with the comic sans words UR A FAGOT barely obscuring the naughty regions. To be honest, that sounds like an incredible experience but as she is a lebian of the UltraCarb variety, I guess that doesn't suit her fancy.

I didn't come here to preach anti-Terf sentiment and beg you all to become trans, aromantic komaeda-kin demi-girls. I came here to show you a silly twitter anime meme started by a man dressed like dog getting taken to the court of the goddam law. Also Terfs are terrible. But this? This moment in internet history? Absolutely scintillating. I'm gonna go draw mspaint fanart to commemorate this Godly moment.

Our game is not on fire. Actually, there is a scene where the room is on fire, but the actual game is okay. I;m really happy with it. It was only when we all got home that my dear friend, with all the best intentions sent us a screenshot of the end scene after play testing: 

Congraddulations! You won!



Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

What? wtf. Are you talking about Sonicfox? He can fuck 5 terf simultaneously with his hands tied behind his back, while winning the mortal kombat championship tournament.

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

You have the autism.

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

... Nani the fuck? frown

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

"Gay furry" is pretty much a pleonasm; let's be real.

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago
I don't know what any of this is about, and I'm pretty sure if I did it would mean I had the autism.

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

Apparently it's some unholy alliance of furfags and tranny pedos harassing a bulldyke TERF. And I guess anime faggots are also somehow in involved because of course they are.

So basically don't root for any of them and just hope they all kill each other.

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

I've had an easier time understanding autistics than this. I think it's about a bunch of internet degenerates trolling some sort of lesbian politician. That's about as much as I can understand. I don't know if the antagonist got trolled more than I did just for reading this. It was put together pretty well if the goal is to troll the reader.

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago


Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

The fuck?

Gay Furry Enlists Trap Loli To Abuse Feminist

5 years ago

We all know that out there, in this beautiful world of degenerate scum; there is this breed of snowflakes and faggots who get so triggered for even the slightest bit of joking around. So I’m frankly not surprised, this lady here complained to Twitter.