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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


5 years ago

Damn,this site has a lot more going for it other than the games itself.Even though I’m a dated and active user(frequently as a guest),I’d just play the games and blip off the radar.

Upon some digging though,there’s quite some shit went down in the sites history.

So I was wondering if anyone would give me the brief run through of ‘Times when shit hit the fan’. Thanks!


5 years ago

Not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but EndMaster wrote a history of CYS. Check it out here —>


5 years ago

Helpful! But not exactly what I was going for.

I wanted the Controversial content.


5 years ago


5 years ago

I made this thread right after reading this.So yeah,something along the lines of this.


5 years ago
Everything to do with Kiel's downfall and overthrow and further downward spiral was pretty much the most dramatic thing that happened here, otherwise there's just been the casual slaughter of children, furries, and people with avatars like yours over the last five years.


5 years ago

To Roast Or Not To Roast,That Is The Question.

Well,it's time isn't it,The tables are going to turn and soon,you shall see the downfall of people with profile picture like yours,the gruesome disembowelment of average rate CYStians at the bloodied hands of this Anime Profile Pic Man.

Needless beef aside,I gotta admit I though there's be more and am slightly disappointed.But it is what it is .


5 years ago


5 years ago

That was horrifying to read. Please continue.


5 years ago
No thanks, you don’t know how hard that was for me.


5 years ago

I’ve attempted that before. It hurts to look at. 


5 years ago

Well,I gotta admit.You indeed seem autistic a little there,get it checked as soon as possible.

Best Wishes From - An Actual Mentally Sane Man.

But seriously I don't get where this comment is coming from.I'm on an iphone and things are pretty easy to read.


5 years ago
The RTE isn’t working for me at the moment, and I don’t have a clue how to do the html shit, but here’s a link saying that you’re supposed to put spaces after punction, and just spacing in general.

I thought that most kids were taught this before going into 1st grade, but apparently whatever school you went to really dropped the ball, either that or you mom literally dropped you.


5 years ago

Well studying in a sub par school, with teachers resembling hairy cock snots, it does that to you. However, I shall not be ignorant and take the advise to heart. And what's up with being dropped on the head part, it's like the most retarded insult as I doubt anyone can survive that, and even if they do, they end up like you !


5 years ago
Is English a second language? Or are you just that stupid? You say that you’re of above average intellect, but I’m starting to think otherwise. Nice ‘no u’ comment btw


5 years ago

This was a funny banning thread from a year ago.


5 years ago

That's a pretty good one.Keep it coming!


5 years ago

This one’s funny, if not a little random.


5 years ago
I like this one better:


This was broken off from one of my threads, where I called her Bee Bitch, and she starts being a crybaby before realizing that she’s on thin ice:

I don’t know why they aren’t showing up as actual links lol, I have RTE turned on, but nothing’s popping up.


5 years ago

The threads with Purr_Lurr were funny.


5 years ago
She didn’t get banned did she? I’ve heard that she was on Ford’s discord, but I’m not on that one, so I don’t know.


5 years ago

No. I don’t think she got banned, just docked like 600 points.


5 years ago

Gee Thanks! But seriously, this is some great stuff!


4 years ago
Oh, the Bantastic thread was already posted. I'd just come to drop the link in here since Cricket had somehow never seen it. Idiot noobs, panic and infighting among the weebs, Saika never posting even once to just say 'lol fuck off' like a rational person, and proof that EbonVasilis was pretty awesome once despite his rapid fade into obscurity, all in one convenient thread. Thread is also a treasure trove of quotes for the custom CAH deck.


4 years ago

So there's an "I hate CYS" discord as well as an "I hate CoG" discord? cheeky


4 years ago
I still enjoy going back and reading this one sometimes.


4 years ago

Thanks for the link, Your Highness.


4 years ago

End's gray knight mode on was a rare sight to see. A pretty great thread to say the least.


4 years ago

That was a fun read. Thank you for sharing. I especially enjoyed where she brought up being shot at as though that has anything to do with, well, anything.

And maybe I just haven't been around long enough but you seem like a very nice person to me. At the very least you have left that impression on me. 


4 years ago
I've actually mellowed out a lot (weird how ultimate unquestioned internet power can do that...) I was much more of a bitch back then. Everyone was. I went and dug up the original thread that triggered Breezy, and we genuinely did all have a good time poking this 14 year old with sticks. (Thread was not split, that is the original OP) The site is as just as against small retarded children today as it was back then, if not even more so, but it was in a transitionary period. The consensus was that we wanted quality standards, but there wasn't yet much of a way to enforce them. A storygame could be crapped out by an eight year old who demanded NICE COMMENTS ONLY every 90 minutes and often was. Telling the kids the site wasn't right for them just meant they got an attitude, and with the mod situation then it wasn't as simple as just banning the persistent ones or deleting the stories (unless they were specifically about Warrior Cats) so being mean bullies to drive off the unsuitable was all we had. Breezy and anyone else complaining pretty clearly never read any of the comments on all the wolf and cat stories lol. Although iirc in her time here she was posting short stories about graphic anal rape on the same board where precious little innocents like Spirit roamed. Seemed a little at odds with her stated goal of protecting the children because of natural mom instincts or whatever. nnmelsx's moralizing is also funny in hindsight considering his reputation here as a man you should immediately call the police on if you ever see him in the presence of a child IRL.


4 years ago
Oh and my ultimate internet power now shows me that there were five other accounts from the same IP as this one, all with some variation of 'Paw' in the name.


4 years ago

Awh, link doesn't work. sad


4 years ago
Fixed. Not sure what it was trying to do there.


4 years ago

... Well, this thread made me happy. Funny thing is, you weren't even being mean, that was just common sense.

"Should I make a storygame?"


"Why not?"

"Because you felt the need to ask whether or not you should write a storygame on a website made for writing fucking storygames."


4 years ago

Well you seem to have found a happy medium between eviscerating trolls and illiterate children, and being kind to the semi literate and somewhat promising new users. 

At the risk of embarrassing myself further, I just want to say thank you for being a good moderator. I feel like a lot of the time the only recognition good mods get for their hard work is from the people they punish. So I just wanted say thank you for at the very least making my experience here a far more enjoyable one and I think you are doing a great job. Which probably doesn't mean a whole lot coming from a person who is pretty much a forgettable lurker haha.

And now I will return to lurking.



4 years ago
This was really sweet and I think it's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me. Thanks Turnip, I appreciate this.

You're officially in the 'in' crowd now, you ever want anyone banned just tell me okay and I'll make it happen, it'll be our little secret.


4 years ago

Yeah, he's adorable! He was wasted on CoG, so I stole him. ^_^


4 years ago

That won't be necessary haha. I just figure that it would be nice to hear that somebody see's and appreciates the hard work you do around here. 

But I really shouldn't take up any more thread space. Sorry. 


4 years ago
Good thing I'm not among the many clamoring for to be Mizal's favorite minion, or I might be very jealous right now.
Not only should you probably watch your back, but you should take care to not let yourself fall into retardry like so many others before you.


4 years ago

Damn Mizal, you're so micro-aggressive, upsetting those poor inadvertant trolls with your negative opines. Unsolicited opinions are an act of violence, you know. angry


4 years ago
For some people the "wrong" opinion is an act of violence.


4 years ago
"I feel like I've learned important lessons about how to express my opinions though. Instead of being 'negative', I'm going to say fuck a lot more, use at least three times as many exclamation points, praise myself wherever I can fit it in in a semi-natural way and call people names a whole bunch in between repeatedly telling them how much they disgust me." I was joking at the time but turns out I really did go on to do all these things, and it worked out great! Hell, it got me made an admin.


4 years ago

Also bring up random bad things that happened to you in the past that have nothing to do with what you're discussing in an effort to gain sympathy. ^_^


4 years ago

Well here’s a thread listing most of the links to recent (and not so recent) CoG drama.

Here’s a list of some other shit.

EatTheCake Hates Mexicans

Some Fucktard Fan

Dumb Ass Class of 2018


4 years ago

That class one is pretty funny.


4 years ago
I forgot about that class project. Probably the most entertaining one. Sadly, also the last one that we tried to help give feedback on stories.


4 years ago
I remember reading that class project one immediately after I joined the site. Forgot about parts like the quote in End's profile and when the kid goes on about his 20k education though.
Also, Stories for School is a thing made for classrooms. The link to it is on the Infinite Story homepage.


4 years ago

So, apparently the 20k a year school couldn't afford to teach their kids spelling and grammar, because they blew their budget on the, "How to explain to peasants that you're so much better than them because your mummy and daddy are rich" classes... Money well spent! ^_^


4 years ago

"There’s a certain point where you need to stand back and realize that all you’re doing is butchering kids on a public forum"

I always enjoy whenever someone tries to appeal to some misguided sense of "maturity."

Most of the time when people do dumb shit like that, I just imagine that I've paralyzed them and I'm taking pictures of their broken body to send to their loved ones while they're bleeding out on the floor and helplessly crying "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Do I need a reason? Granted I do have a legitimate one, but honestly I'd still have fun doing this without it."


4 years ago
Wholesome people like mizal, Sabley, and myself only butcher tasty things to eat.