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2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 5/24/2019 12:50:51 PM

I was once told I routinely stir up “2 minutes hate” over here by a CoGite, specifically that faggot Havenstone. I would have responded, but around that time they found my words dangerous enough to keep me from PMing anyone, so I guess if he ever wants an answer, guess he’ll have to post over here. (Especially since I'm banned there now!)

Anyway, you ever wanted HATE in one compact little thread? Well here you go!

Enjoy the various HATE of the past and surely the ones to come in the future! Now organized for easier access to all your favorite HATE!

CoG Faggotry: Unsurprisingly the most entries. (And probably a redundant statement)

Genderless Robots: Arguably the first major thread of its kind. Or at least the one that drew the attention of one of the founders to come speak to me in a PM. Worth it.

Genderless Robots

Mean girls’ locker room: Truly a masterpiece in getting a closer look at the perpetually triggered! This of course got me banned from the discord and the PM abilities on the main site taken away, but again, worth it.

Mean Girls' Locker Room

To Hell with CoG: Honestly I’d been saying this for years, but some people are slower than others and this ex-member defected during the shit they started pulling with Briar.

To Hell with CoG

Jason Hill is a Kiel: Even with a disturbance in the CYS time continuum, the cuntery of Jason and his minions was exposed just like a certain mentally disturbed mod was here until he was finally flushed away. (I’m talking about Pedo Mod Kiel for you slow folks)

Jason Hill is a Kiel

Plagiarism FTW!: More CoG fuckery of course. This time they proved to be supporters of plagiarism on top of just being megafaggots. Great company practices!

Plagiarism FTW!

The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost: What was supposed to just be a regular announcement thread turned into yet another example of Jason being a petty bitch, spinning lies and generally sticking his fingers in his ears going “Lalalala I can’t hear you!” like a fucking infant.

UPDATE: Alex himself posted his permission to let Briar publish under CoG, eliminating ALL fucking excuses for her story to NOT be allowed.

The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost

Why I don't write for Hosted Games: The talented writer BriarRose explains in great detail about why she isn't going deal with the CoG fucktards anymore.

Why I don't write for Hosted Games

Just Another Day in HELL/Just Another Banning LOL: A twofer! Great examples of even when CoGites try to "rebel" against their Overfaggot Jason's faggotry, they're still a bunch of faggots that can't get it right.

Just Another Day in HELL

Just Another Banning LOL

Sammy's Suicidal Saga: The Sad Saga of Suicidal Sammy and his desperate need for attention before he ropes.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

I Need $2000: Hilarity ensues when MeltdownPenguin's laptop melts down harder than she does and she's forced to beg for money rather than, y'know, GETTING A FUCKING JOB.

I Need $2000

Triple Agent Gower: An odd spin off from the SSS thread where some CoGites jumped in bitching about Sammy and strangely Gower on top of it, and then mistakenly believing that that makes us all friends. They were wrong. Very wrong.

Triple Agent Gower

Another Loose CoG: Hey this wasn't us THIS time. Some disgruntled CoGite came over here, started bitching about getting banned over there and hilarity ensued!

Another Loose CoG

Fight The Fascist IFaggotry!: Hey not us again! Some group even faggier than CoG were bitching about how a bunch of their members and authors are actually bigots! It's one big fag fight that we all can laugh at!

UPDATE: The trannys bitching about CoG, started bitching about us as well with hilarious results!

MEGA UPDATE: Multiple Tumblrinas sparking minor rebellions over CoG's hypocritical practices (that we've pointed out for years) mass migrations of them going to Twine instead and COG busily trying to silence alphabet people everywhere!

Fight The Fascist IFaggotry!

Revelations at the CoG Ranch: Continuing to prove themselves incompetent at public relations, once again CoG clumsily tries to silence dissent at their "official" Reddit outpost which apparently is distinct from the Hosted Games one because they still hold on to the outdated notion of "separate, but equal."

Revelations at the CoG Ranch

CoG Cleaning up its revolting community: The further adventures of CoG's inept handling of public relations. Jason acting like a fucktard as he digs a deeper hole and the CoGite rebels screeching loudly about a bunch of shit. Not much more to be said, just enjoy the trainwreck!

CoG Cleaning up its revolting community

Sam Ursu's Big Adventure: An ex-CoGite by the name of Sam (Not that faggot Suicidal Sammy) came by to make a more permanent home here after his adventures in Jason's Faggot Kingdom didn't go as planned. Started out as the typical grumbles at first, but then proved to be amusing enough to fill two threads.

Sam Ursu's Big Adventure Part 1

Sam Ursu's Big Adventure Part 2

Obligatory CoG Rant: Yet another refugee from CoG who was tired of their bullshit and traveled to the land of freedom. This one's name is Lux and far be it from us to prevent her from exercising her freedom of speech here.

UPDATE: Lux has long since shed her CoGite slave name and now goes by her new based CYStian name Iris.

Obligatory CoG Rant

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!: Yet another Cogite rebellion brought on by Jason himself. This one has the amusing touch of being lead by the infamously triggered Meltdown Penguins though. It's something to do with Jason's use of crypto currency for unsavory purposes. Something like that anyway. The important thing though is the faggots are tearing each other apart. Only time will tell if the tears of tumblrinas will finally drown CoG's corrupt kingdom. Either way, it's all entertainment to us!

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

Bonus thread where a real crypto scammer contacted me around the same time and I helpfully directed him to CoG since Jason seemed to be all into such fucktardery!

Crypto comes to CYS!

CYS is not your personal army AKA Minotaur is Gay (Here's why.): We're still getting the CoGite refugees fleeing from Jason's madness. ClaimedMinotaur had some big plans to take down CoG which would have been fine, but then he seemed to think he could start going around demanding things. He soon learned that there are worse fates than getting banned for 1000 years, but the important thing is he learned some things along the way. (Well maybe)

UPDATE: Faggot never did follow up like he claimed he would, proving once again these CoGites have no fucking staying power.

Minotaur is Gay (Here's why)

Shit CoGites Say: With CoG continuing to spliter into several fifedoms and factions, there's really no way to keep up with all of it even if one really wanted to (especially since all of us got better shit to do) but sometimes various lols of this ongoing fracture come across our doorstep, so this is more of a catch all thread about their silly shit.

Shit CoGites Say

CoG Staff pissing off their base AGAIN: Same old story, CoG mods crushing dissenting views and holding up the ones that match their own to the point of pissing off more of their fans and driving away more authors!

CoG Staff pissing off their base AGAIN

Hey Gang, it's time again!: A good old fashioned CoG bashing thread where hilarity ensues. This one was on Reddit and our archives were linked to it by JESUS himself. A certified hood classic!

Hey Gang. It's time again!

CoG Still Sucks AIDS Dick. News at 11: Title is pretty self explanatory. CoG's fairly boring nowadays, but every now and then it's good to reminder of exactly why they still suck AIDS dick!

CoG Still Sucks AIDS Dick. News at 11

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining: Another one so soon after the News! This time a CoGite came to visit and scold everyone about white supremacy only to realize he jumped to fucking conclusions because he was a retarded faggot! (Then the thread just shifted to unrelated yet still amusing topics)

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Other IF Faggotry: Just as much as CoG, but even less relevant

Interactive FRICTION: Here's examples of faggotry from fucktards from yet another lesser IF community.

SPECIAL UPDATE: IFer tears overflowed so much that they whined to the admins who declared WAR by banning Mizal and myself for 1000 years! As a result we have established a sizable outpost on the IFDB and I have personally climbed the ranks as one of the top reviewers on the site. WINNING!

Interactive FRICTION

War on Interfiction: A complete account of the CYStian victory over the IFaggots who were losing so badly, they had to call in their CoGite masters to help them out! Banned from CoG and the IFDB in the same day! WINNING!

UPDATE: These faggots are still talking shit about us as usual. Specifically those faggots HanonO and Mathbrush. Generally trying to twist the truth about what really happened, but that's why we archive this stuff.

War on Interfiction

Free publicity (and infamy!): Faggots are always whining about us about some fucking thing, and as usual a lot of them can be found on Reddit. It's one also dedicated to IFs so the faggotry is on overload in that thread going on about avoiding Mordor. As a bonus Jason makes an appearance, probably checking on dissenting CoGites in the place so he can ban them on the CoG forums.

UPDATE: Good thing we record everything here, since this Reddit went dark during that hilarious protest that did absolute shit because Redditors are a bunch of hopeless addicts.

Free publicity (and infamy!)

CYS Faggotry: Because we don't discriminate around here

A Bantastic Thread: This is an old fashioned CYStian casting out of faggots that started whining and bitching. They also allowed themselves to be infiltrated increasing the amount of chaos and hilarity as MEGA faggot Saika got progressively more triggered!

A Bantastic Thread

Pedo Mod Kiel Farren: Probably the final and most complete account of Pedo Mod Kiel's downfall (and Con Mod Seth). Also special appearance by Kiel's screeching apologist Soundstorm who showed up in this thread to say more stupid shit, as if we didn't have enough of that the first time she was around.

UPDATE: Entirely possible that Soundstorm was yet another "different personality alt" of Kiel's the entire time.

Pedo Mod Kiel Farren

Why is Spazzler A Faggot?/Why is Elizabeth a Trolling Faggot?: Another twofer for you. The Spazzler one wouldn't even be worth mentioning if he hadn't come back to bitch and moan at us two years after his last retarded post here.

Even then it probably wouldn't be worth posting in the archives, however as fortune would have it, we then had another faggot by the name of Elizabeth who started bitching at us in the same thread several months later and generally acting so much like a mong, she got her own thread which was probably more entertaining than the original Spazzboy one.

Why is Spazzler A Faggot?

Why is Elizabeth a Trolling Faggot?

Flutter Leaving the Site Series: This is a bit of an odd one since it might be an ongoing series. The downfall of the member Fluttershy. It's really a long decline of a single brony's mental state which might be sad if he hadn't already been a brony to begin with and hadn't started believing that Malk was a Dark Triad Satanist that is corrupting everything he touches.

Despite continuing to state he no longer wants to be associated with this evil place, he can't seem to stay away!

UPDATE: This retarded faggot ended up deleting all his stories (Which was in the double digits) and then came back wanting to get them back claiming he wasn't insane anymore.

Then he continued to still rant like the mentally ill brony he is. Can't make this shit up folks.

Enjoy the ongoing saga!

UPDATE: He's finally dead now or at least until the next alt.

The story I am writing is a doozy (Prologue)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 3

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 5

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 7

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
The sheer density of hate is orgasmic

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Actually as a guilty pleasure I do enjoy a good hate thread from time to time (I just do the smart thing and don't post) so it'd be interesting to see some of the biggest member melt-down threads in one place :) It'd be fun to make a kind of CYOA archive

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Remember how we would joke about the way Kiel collected teen boys on Skype, and then it turned out he was actually a pedo, and also insane?

It kinda does remind me of how we used to joke about COG driving all reasonable people out of their community with their overbearing forum censorship, and then one of the company's actual owners turned out to be so petty and twisted he was willing to make a spectacle of himself being a giant bitch in public, frantically delete any opposition while telling blatant, easily disproven lies, and then make it actual company policy to support a plagiarist, all over an author failing to fall down in worship him in a thread?

Moral of the story: Whatever you believe about a person you dislike, the truth is so much worse!

Meanwhile, let's take a look at the authors who do fellate Jason on demand, how are they doing?

Well, you remember our old pal MeltingPenguins right? She makes it get actual job to go following the COG mods around enthusiastically +1-ing everything they say and chiding others for their lack of loyalty. Even when banned from the COG discord for being too insufferable even for THEM, she soldiered on, making her own server where she posts SJW rants and calls that Mizal of CYS a 'cisgendered white male dudebro who hates Germans and women'. (As accurate and factually correct as any other belief she's ever had, wow!)

MeltdownPenguin selflessly does these things for 12 hours a day (literally, inside sources say that's how long she spends in her Discord and on the forum) at the expense of everything else in her life, including employment (no job at 34 years of age...), writing and networking (her WIP is still just a WIP and her Patreon still only brings in five dollars a month after two years), and she's even soon to make the ultimate sacrifice: her very computer, a fact she handwrings about endlessly instead of going out and contributing to society in some marginal way that will enable her to get the money to keep having one.

So obviously all is going well there! Stay tuned for the inspiring sight of this true believer in Jason and COG posting her unhinged SJW rants from the public computer of the library she'll soon be sleeping behind! Although somehow I do still think Briar was right to choose another route.....

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Lol I like how she assumed your gender.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Anyway, somehow I have a feeling Danny Boy won't be returning to moralize at End again considering the shady shit and outrageous behavior he now endorses by his failure to rein in his staff or his business partner.

Us sitting here on our own forum with our friends pointing and laughing at idiots being idiots now kind of pales in comparison to actual unethical business practices and insane mistreatment of the authors they depend on to support them.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Just remembered the Genderless Bigots incident is how I discovered this site. Good times.

EDIT: Genderless Robots. Fucking Laguz must've tainted me after my last rage rant to xox or whatever noun.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Genderless Bigots sounds like the better title.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

I see Jason and Haverstone wrote a bunch of words about responsibility of the community in Briar's thread, no toxicity, blah blah fucking blah.

Honestly I can't be bothered to read through Jason's bullshit mainly because:

1. We already know he's spewing the same bullshit he's done before. He's spindoctoring and double speaking so much he's probably having a hard time keeping the lies straight in between deleting shit and changing thread titles.

2. He's got zero credibility at this point.

3. Hey, he wasn't bothered to go back and check something Briar brought up so why should I bother with checking either?

However, I always love the analogy he always brings up about the coffee shop and I'll point this bit out and break it down.

I don’t see the current norms changing. The current norms are not to “just delete” things from regular, established users that are in good standing. If you’re a new user and you post your WIP and it or its description is grossly offensive, I don’t see much of a reason to give you a warning. To go back to the coffeeshop metaphor, that’s like walking in an taking a dump on the floor and being expected to be given a warning that that’s inappropriate. Now, it may very well be a part of that user’s culture to take a dump on the floor of coffeeshops–or they could just be trolling–but this isn’t a place where that’s acceptable; it’s on the user to observe and learn the norms of this forum.

The problem with this analogy is given how CoG is run, it's current culture is for the managment staff to treat its employees like second class citizen-wage slaves and take dumps in the coffee, serve them to the customers and then throw out the customers when they rightfully complain.

And to address this amusing little bit from Haverstone:

I’d say a lot of that is on us forum members (and in this particular case the CYSers… though as omnidirectional vitriol-spewing is a foundational part of their forum culture I don’t think we can expect too much help on this one).

When people who have less than half the story start speculating destructively about what they don’t know, why is that on CoG and not on them? Jason’s written extensively about how negative conjecture breaks forums and asked us to refrain from it.

“What steps will be taken to nip rumors in the bud?” is a great question, but it’s also one where we need to keep our expectations of CoG reasonable and take responsibility ourselves. We’re the front line of defense against rumors. We need to be the ones to say, "Slow your role and don’t get riled up without knowing the facts.”

This is perhaps especially true of forum members who chat on Discord as well as here. I’m not on the CoG Discord, and I’m sure most of what goes on there is great…but it does also seem to have fed most of the uglier panics and pile-ons that have recently spilled over onto this forum (and occasionally onto CYS).

Yeah fuck that bullshit pro-CoG staff propaganda.

From what I've seen, CoG fucking quells ANY sort of dissenting opinion with so much enthusiasm even the most "progressive" CoGites that normally support the staff with blind loyalty are starting to get pissed about it.

And no, this isn't a fucking "rumor mill" This is actually happening, you've got genuinely pissed off CoGites that were previously loyal. And it's more than you think.

Jason and his supporters have brought this on themselves with their inept form of mananging, so no this isn't the fucking responsibility of the fucking CoG community and it REALLY isn't the responsibility of the CYS community (Not sure why we were even brought into it, because we aren't even connected to you lot, but hey gotta have a villain right?) to be "responsible" for their behavior when it's the staff that was fucking up to begin with.

Sort your own fucking mess out, stop being corrupt douchebags THEN maybe you'll have less "rumor mills" and "negative conjecture" supposedly going around.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

You are a legend.


2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

And your post didn't even get flagged because I know how important it was that you specifically called me a legend.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

The most important thing I did all day. 

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

I understand why they would want to think you are some sort of villain out to get them.  It sure would make me feel important to have a legend like you raising his undead troll army to spread hatred in my precious forum.  Anyway, that post is gold, and thank you especially for pointing out that this is no rumor mill here.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Anyone expressing genuine concerns has now been dismissed as just making arguments 'in ignorance, bad faith, or delusion' and wasting his time according to the Word of Jason. This discussion will no longer be indulged and everyone should get back to work. That's right Havenstone you whipped little bitch, stop backseat modding like you think you're important and put those fingers to work making money for your daddy. (don't worry kids, just having fun here, Havenstone likes it when I talk to him this way. I gave him $7 once and now his ass belongs to me. he's into some weird shit I'm sorry to report.)

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

  After reading through those posts and emails and whatnot, I can deduce that either a) Jason is using his dick to type for him or b) he is truly making a genuine effort, but he just can't read. Most likely an adorable combination of the two. He should really stop being such an idiot as it is both bad for his site and his keyboard.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

"The Resistance" Lol.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

What do they even do in that discord? And I like how this individual is supposedly anti-CoG but is still planning on having a story published by them. Seems kind of paradoxical to claim to be against a company while actively giving it more money.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Everything about "the resistance" from the beginning was like, lol okay boys enjoy your roleplays, whenever you can over the sound of Sammy yelling random insults in the background followed by weeks of deafening silence, anyhow. They have no plan.

'Don't reward the bad company with time or money' is the only thing that would have even the slightest effect and of the like, two people willing to do that, one is on CYS now and the other they chased off by all being creepy nice guys at her.

The "Resistance" even at its peak was too afraid to say anything supportive of Avery or PoF even here on our forum under different names because oh no what if they were found out somehow. All while Gower just openly posts here all the time lol.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

That's pretty much exactly what I expected to be honest. I'm in the category of "Don't reward the bad company with time or money", both because of the company and staff's actions and the decrease in quality of their games. 

Thank you for the explanation. 

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
France would be proud.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Doubt it, the CoGite rebel from France was defending his shota/lolicon collection which got him banned when we were still in there. When most of us left they let that degenerate back in.

Just yesterday he was defending his collection in MeltdownPenguin's discord and miraculously she didn't ban him.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Poor Jason is having such a hard time with his transfolk population telling them to shut up while at the same time trying to appear "progressive"

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
My sides are in fucking orbit right now

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
That didn't take long.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
It's funny because Jason was flat out calling out his own site members by name to accuse them of being transphobes, and then he turns around and shuts down Laguz instead.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Oh yeah, that was more bullshit by Jason

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
"If you don't like that-and I understand why you wouldn't-no one's forcing you to be here." "That said, I personally appreciate the work that you're doing." Jason, buddy, you can't politely tell someone to leave your site then pretend to give a shit about them in the very next sentence. This is the sort of shit a sociopath does to keep people in line. Like shit, at least be honest that you don't give two shits about him or the rest of your site, that's what our admins and mods do and we love them just fine! Anyway, Laguz may be a faggot furry, but at least he's not a Jason.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Wait, is that our Will? Lmao.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Lol, no but it would be amusing if it had been him.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Jason deleted that in like an instant. That was some fast screenshotting, nice.

Laguz is on a role today. Too bad he had to be a degenerate pagan furry because now I almost want to like the guy. And Jason will likely be adding a couple zeros to the previous two year ban.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Jason once again being a flip flopping faggot. Lol

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
I feel like something that would be useful to CoG would be for the other mods to build Jason a fake version of the site with all admin buttons and everything, then secretly switch it out with the real one whenever he logs in. That way he gets to throw tantrums and say embarassing things to his heart's content without any customers knowing.

Kind of like what the Republicans should have done with Trump's Twitter years ago.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
The Temptation Of Chris (circa 2019)

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Uh oh! Better get the transfolk back on my side, I pissed them off and I need to look progressive again!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
I made a single joke about not being attracted to anybody because I'm unfeeling asexual and got banned for two weeks. This is epic.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

A True Patriot has fallen.

LOL Fucking Faggo from the "Rebel Cogite" Discord got suspended!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Maybe Jason doesn't like my anime pfp. Or the fact that I'm from CYS. Or the fact that I was trying to make a joke and he interpreted it as a thoughcrime.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Your social credits were zeroed.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
You MUST be sexually attracted to anything that is demanded of you! If you can't get it up for someone, anyone at all, that's offensive and you will be shot.

Interesting though that CoG official policy is apparently that ace isn't a real sexuality.That's at least one problem that CYS will never have, lol.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
What is "sealioning"?

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
"Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility." According to greatest Wikipedia that does no wrong.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Honestly it's become a dumb meme and lazy way of arguing when someone disagrees with a point and the other side doesn't want to bother defending said point. 

It's a favorite of the "progressive" types on the internet to accuse folks of doing. Same thing with that stupid xcd stick figure comic about Freedom of Speech.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Thank you End and Chris. I am not in tune with the lingo the kids use these days.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Just accept any claim anyone makes without question, it's a fine way to resolve disagreements. Facts are subjective anyway and sources are for cucks.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Bloody hell, I missed a shit storm... So, to sum up, it's now against the rules of CoG to have a say in who you do or don't want to fuck? >.<

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

You edited your post about incels.

Anyway, shitstorm over there AGAIN and the thread had to be locked. Lol.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
I do enjoy xkcd for the most part.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Oh it has some funny stuff.

That particular strip with the freedom of speech bit is one of those that gets thrown around far too much on the internet though, particularly in a lot of debates/arguments. (Including a lot on CoG, along with that Sealion comic)

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

JasonCCPhill dabbing on virgin Hong CoGers

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Oh and here's some whining about this whole shitshow from the "infamous CoGite rebels."

Fucking Lol.

Y'know MAYBE if these pussies had actually DONE something meaningful during the whole Briar thing instead of cowering in their Discord, they MIGHT have been able to actually make a fucking shift in the forum culture over there.

But nope, Tevin insisted on just sexually harassing every female that walked in the discord. Sammy chose to start a retarded fight with us that he couldn't finish and Ganno got triggered over me supposedly not being "civil" to him.

So what's happened? Tevin lives in fear of getting his story not published by CoG because he's still sucking Jason's cock. Sammy is bitching about one of the HG mods like a faggot because the samurai loli rape guy was edgier than he tries to be and thus is getting more positive attention. And Ganno got himself banned for his "civility."

Great job with the resistance fucktards. Lol

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
I can't believe the rebels that wanted to support Briar but were afraid to say so even anonymously on the internet have stalled out and lost their way like this. And after such a promising start........

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Okay, going to just add this part of the "argument" mainly because I find most of it to just be business as usual in that politics thread and Jason basically just banning anyone that disagrees with him.

So here's the highlight.


The main thing about this that I want to point out is the hilarious statement:

"It’s my job to use my privilege to defend the people who aren’t here to do so." - Jason

Straight White Man's Burden eh? Only you can defend the darkies and alphabet people! Kipling would certainly approve.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

I guess I'll add this one too, since this one is equally as amusing.


Hell no, he's not going to allow you to spread misinformation on that forum, only he's allowed to do that!

Also gotta love how as usual he never actually argued any of pirate's other points, he just said "Oh this isn't worth me engaging in." Pretty much the same tactic he did with Briar.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago


Pirate's banning will stand for 1000 years!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Good, he can publish a lot of storygames here in that time, and the thing he wrote for Gower's epilogue thread was fantastic.

Happy to keep him, even though disappointingly, Jason just invented the fascist part and it turns out Pirate is just some hippy weeb.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

This sounds less like he was banned for being disruptive and more like a personal revenge quest from a very irresponsible and immature admin. Any way we can rescue the poor bloke?

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

He's already here.

We tend to take in those that are victims of CoG fascist oppression.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Jason is all about the petty personal revenge.

Pirate already joined CYS and wrote this beautiful capstone to an epic that brings tears to grown men's eyes, he's a strong independent Brit with a stiff upper lip and a prettyboy anime avatar who don't no CoG.

Also, he could just turn on a VPN and disagree with Jason again any time he feels like.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Jason is the most petty creature you can find all around. I don't know what's more sad, him or the followers that buy all his bullshit.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Well apparently this is what the CoGite rebels and Suicidal Sammy are reduced to. Can't even troll properly. Generally when you rating bomb something you give it less stars, not more. Lol.

Of course it's possible it's an unrelated group of idiots, (Though Comrade Da Communist, I'm fairly certain is Tevin or one of his people) but they're obviously still faggots either way.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
I think that's Cpt. Booze.

Gower said they were most likely trying to trigger some function the Google store has that kicks in when a game gets spammed with 5 star ratings from a bot.

.....but that's probably giving them too much credit.

I did have to lol at 'some orc chick' though.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

I think Metal Alchemist is the shota/loli enthusiast. I know he didn't like CoG for banning him either.

Agreed that them calling Mary an orc chick was mildly amusing.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Dragomer I think was his name, if I'm thinking of the same guy. The French one, right? Not to be confused with the French Canadians.

You can't just say 'shota enthusiast' when referring to that bunch, you have to narrow it down.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

Well this turned out to be a nice Thanksgiving bit of amusement.

Long story short since this isn't really worth its own thread, MeltdownPenguin was bitching about some author she doesn't like asking for money on their patreon, nevermind the fact she was recently begging for 2000 dollars on the forums for a fucking laptop.

Anyway this happened



2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Pot, meet Kettle.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Today I'm thankful that I'm not an unemployed German crybabby or a guy that writes about furry superheroes. Isolate those two on an island and just let them fuck already.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Oh this gave me a nice chuckle to go along with my morning coffee.
I bet she had a meltdown in their discord about it, did anyone manage to witness it?

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Yes, but I can't reveal their identity here.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

5 years ago
Yeah, new season of CoG has been pretty boring, might as well watch the reruns.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

4 years ago

Don't be late on the HATE update!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

Bumped just in case our viewers out there want to watch some of our best reruns!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

Updated the archives.

Oh and in case anyone wants a good laugh. Here's Fagubitch attempting to tell me how to admin the site, back in 2018.

Yeah, this isn't the IFaggotry Forums, and you aren't going to rewrite the rules here like you did over there and horse fuck the place.

Hence why he's still held a grudge against me ever since. Lol

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
It may seem weird that he thought he could go to another forum and tell the mods how to run it, until you remember that's exactly what he did on Intfiction and they rolled right over.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
I'm glad the current mods aren't influenced by horseshit like "feelings" or "offended people"

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
"If only the mods at CYS could stop saying faggot and go back to controlling a large harem of teenage boys with bad furry roleplay and suicide threats."

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

What a colossal pussy. What really creates bad will is trying to boss around people that you have no sway over, lmao.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

A well administrated site shouldn't require someone to make an account before they can even see the "Off-Topic" threads of the forum. It also shouldn't require new members to receive moderator approval on their posts until they reach an certain rank. If a site is well run it shouldn't need to put ever increasing restrictions on the community to maintain order. If people are complaining enough that the administrators decide they need to implement such heavy restrictions, it's because there is an issue with how things are being managed.  

And there wasn't anything "silly" about the way they treated Avery. That message from Dan is only a month before his co-worker decided to be a complete cunt to her, a person who was nothing but kind to them, in the "Being Better Internet Citizens" thread. Also, if you ever reach the point in your life where you go to another forum to send a message to someone and start it off with, "It is with a heavy heart that I reach out to you about the "Mean Girls' Locker Room" thread", then there is most likely a point in your life where something went wrong. 

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
I was just saying last night how that "heavy heart" phrasing still makes me laugh.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
And yeah, going by the Tumblr Uprising and now the reddit and the discontent across various Discords, it seems like things are starting to break down over there, and it's all the consequences of stuff they should've sorted out years ago. Tinstar was right that they never seemed to have any clear vision, and the strategy such as it is has always been to silence dissent and shut down anyone with honest reason for complaints. The way Jason treated Avery by putting her in a stockade, labeling her a "Bad Forum Citizen" for disagreeing with him and not letting her or anyone else respond, followed by his entire smear campaign against her story is just one example.

Weirdly Dan didn't seem to have any issue with THAT. But then Jason was his roommate for years and it may be their relationship is more of a personal one than anything related to sensible business practice.

But when these various little rebellions form simply out of people not being allowed any healthy way to express contrary opinions, you just know their only excuse is going to be 'well shit I can't believe one of those finally got a following, I wonder what someone else did wrong'.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

Hey, you're back! ^_^

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

It's a pleasure to see you again. I hope you've been doing wonderfully. 

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

I have! And you too! ^_^

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
Well, looks like I have a lot of history to read up on!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
That was an....interesting read. Kinda wish I didn't read it now honestly.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
Which one? You couldn't have possibly read all of those in an hour. But Avery's Why I don't Write for Hosted Games and related are probably the most relevant though since that's when it really went from memeing to 'holy shit, CoG actually REALLY IS a shitty company run by terrible people'.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

Based on his reaction I'm assuming he read Kiel's nightmarish activities, or else he's just a faggot

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
I ended up reading just a little bit of the CoG and the Kiel stuff, though I haven't read Avery's thread yet so I'll check that out now. That Kiel guy has issues though, man needs some therapy...or jail time.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
Hmm, if Kiel's vault of horrors is linked now I guess I'll have to put more info in there, an updated timeline or maybe a character study of "Kiel's kitten" Seto.

Some samplings of actual PMs perhaps once I have time to get on the computer and mark out some names.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

The Hate archive has been updated!

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
I used the term omnidirectional vitriol today at work, and I thought my super was going to slip a cog. Thanks for that.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
To Jason & Dan of Choice of Games, with love from CYS ^v^


2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
Oh my God, how have I never heard this song before, this thing is beautiful! A masterpiece! ^_^

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
Aww, what a sweet love song! I guess that means we can all be bestest friends now? :3

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
This is disturbingly catchy.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
I have searched jungles and climbed mountains searching high and low for scraps of knowledge from the fabled ancient library of the CYS D'rama Llama, and here it was right under my nose all along.

What a convenient thread, this will all make for some good one handed reading alone in the hotel room tonight.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

Yep, that pin feature we have is really handy now.


2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
I'm wondering if a couple of these shouldn't be pruned, thread might be a little intimidating to new archive divers at this point, and some of the later ones aren't very exciting in comparison to the classics.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

The CYS threads are staying because those were major historical events of the site and I don't feel like having to dig them up again when we want to watch reruns for a cheap laugh.

All the CoG and IF related ones have to stay. It's important to keep a record of their long list of faggotry.

Guess I could prune the Nanofago one. That one didn't generate as much lols as it seemed like it might.

The BGG one I could prune as well. That place has basically become tumblr and there's just too much to list nowadays from there. I guess it could be ressurected if HOO and crew ever show up regularly over here.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago
That last Kiel one has pretty much no content. I guess I could curate a few of his messages though or include a big sum up of that era collecting everything we know in one place. Kind of dislike digging around in the inbox, but whatever, it's Kiel.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

3 years ago

Okay, I'll get rid of that one too. I guess if you really want to dig up stuff, you could put it in the other Kiel thread since it's a more comprehensive history of the degeneracy.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago

There really isn't a point to make an entire thread for this, so I'll just place this here.

So back in 2014 there was the IF Spring Thing that CYS entered. During this glorious crusade, a guy over there going by Marshal Tenner Winter (MTW) tried to claim we were cheating while he was cheating himself. (Some of you were here when that happened) Anyway he got busted and thrown out, while CYS soundly beat the chicken soup out of the IFaggots thanks to Briar/Avery winning. (And Killa came in third)

MTW attempted to troll the site a bit by calling us all names and oddly claiming that I was fucking Briar in the ass, like somehow that was supposed to be insulting. (Briar in fact just responded with an amusing post saying that winning the contest, gaining 600 dollars AND getting fucked in the ass by End Master, made it her best day ever)

Anyway he wasn't too pleased with IFaggots either for obvious reasons. I guess at some point he just started getting into it more with them until he got banned as they morphed into the mega faggots they are today. He apparently had a blog ranting about a lot of them. Funny shit, and pretty accurate in the scheme of things about the greater state of how things go over there.

Unfortunately that blog has been taken down so most of it is gone. However, we still have a sliver of the glittering gem of hatred and thus for archiving purposes we place it here so it may not be lost to time.

Most of these folks he's bitching about are I guess the major IF "heavy hitters", but I can honestly say I never heard of any of them until Mizal explained who they were awhile back. You lot probably won't know them either, but does it matter? Insulting one IFaggot is pretty much interchangeable over there!


2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago
What a shame he chose his enemies so poorly back in 2014, because this is all gold.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago
Oh, yeah! I remember that guy! From what I recall he bragged about how he was going to get all the CYS entries banned from the Spring Thing comp for talking about the other games and what we thought of them (which was apparently not allowed, but I guess we must've all skimmed over that part of the small print.) At the same time he was getting all of his friends to volunteer as judges for the Spring Thing so that they could all give his game the highest ratings, while low rating all of the other games... Or something like that. Kinda sad because from what I heard the game itself was actually decent and stood a fair chance of winning if he hadn't cheated... Not that I'm complaining! I got $600 and an ass fucking out of it! ^_^

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago
Ahahaha, all this schizopost is missing is a link to a patreon

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago

Well this old one wasn't in the archives, but fortunately it was found elsewhere. Finally placing it where it belongs.

Probably the only useful thing Shouja ever did when he was here.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago

You dare to use my own spells against me, Potter?

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

2 years ago

Bumped for great hatred (Somehow it got unpinned)

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

one year ago

Just a recent minor bit from someone that posted in the same CoG reddit thread that Elizabeth (Dull Demon) did when she bitched about us.

Along with the usual tired incorrect labels, the fact that a redditor is calling anyone "no-life" is hilarious. A quick look at his profile shows he just circle jerks on "commie" related reddits. (Which as we all know is the very definition of failure)

In any case, that IHateMig guy seems alright.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

11 months ago

The HATE Archives have been restored to all their glory. Even added a thread that should have been in there to begin with.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

4 months ago

Didn't expect to update this anytime soon seeing as CoG's a fairly dead gay horse at this point, let alone twice in a row, but sometimes you just need to beat them again to make sure.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

25 days ago

Finally cleaned this up a bit so it's not just a bunch of ugly looking link addresses. Also added some updates in the text and of course the ongoing Fluttershy saga.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

25 days ago

Hold up... You spell it "bronie"? As in "brownie"? No! That can't be right! Surely it's "brony" as in "pony"

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

25 days ago

I've seen it spelled both ways and I've usually written it both ways interchangably.

But for you, I'll change it to brony.

2 Minutes Hate: Now with omnidirectional vitriol!

25 days ago

Yey! ^_^