I was once told I routinely stir up “2 minutes hate” over here by a CoGite, specifically that faggot Havenstone. I would have responded, but around that time they found my words dangerous enough to keep me from PMing anyone, so I guess if he ever wants an answer, guess he’ll have to post over here. (Especially since I'm banned there now!)
Anyway, you ever wanted HATE in one compact little thread? Well here you go!
Enjoy the various HATE of the past and surely the ones to come in the future! Now organized for easier access to all your favorite HATE!
CoG Faggotry: Unsurprisingly the most entries. (And probably a redundant statement)
Genderless Robots: Arguably the first major thread of its kind. Or at least the one that drew the attention of one of the founders to come speak to me in a PM. Worth it.
Genderless Robots
Mean girls’ locker room: Truly a masterpiece in getting a closer look at the perpetually triggered! This of course got me banned from the discord and the PM abilities on the main site taken away, but again, worth it.
Mean Girls' Locker Room
To Hell with CoG: Honestly I’d been saying this for years, but some people are slower than others and this ex-member defected during the shit they started pulling with Briar.
To Hell with CoG
Jason Hill is a Kiel: Even with a disturbance in the CYS time continuum, the cuntery of Jason and his minions was exposed just like a certain mentally disturbed mod was here until he was finally flushed away. (I’m talking about Pedo Mod Kiel for you slow folks)
Jason Hill is a Kiel
Plagiarism FTW!: More CoG fuckery of course. This time they proved to be supporters of plagiarism on top of just being megafaggots. Great company practices!
Plagiarism FTW!
The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost: What was supposed to just be a regular announcement thread turned into yet another example of Jason being a petty bitch, spinning lies and generally sticking his fingers in his ears going “Lalalala I can’t hear you!” like a fucking infant.
UPDATE: Alex himself posted his permission to let Briar publish under CoG, eliminating ALL fucking excuses for her story to NOT be allowed.
The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost
Why I don't write for Hosted Games: The talented writer BriarRose explains in great detail about why she isn't going deal with the CoG fucktards anymore.
Why I don't write for Hosted Games
Just Another Day in HELL/Just Another Banning LOL: A twofer! Great examples of even when CoGites try to "rebel" against their Overfaggot Jason's faggotry, they're still a bunch of faggots that can't get it right.
Just Another Day in HELL
Just Another Banning LOL
Sammy's Suicidal Saga: The Sad Saga of Suicidal Sammy and his desperate need for attention before he ropes.
Sammy's Suicidal Saga
I Need $2000: Hilarity ensues when MeltdownPenguin's laptop melts down harder than she does and she's forced to beg for money rather than, y'know, GETTING A FUCKING JOB.
I Need $2000
Triple Agent Gower: An odd spin off from the SSS thread where some CoGites jumped in bitching about Sammy and strangely Gower on top of it, and then mistakenly believing that that makes us all friends. They were wrong. Very wrong.
Triple Agent Gower
Another Loose CoG: Hey this wasn't us THIS time. Some disgruntled CoGite came over here, started bitching about getting banned over there and hilarity ensued!
Another Loose CoG
Fight The Fascist IFaggotry!: Hey not us again! Some group even faggier than CoG were bitching about how a bunch of their members and authors are actually bigots! It's one big fag fight that we all can laugh at!
UPDATE: The trannys bitching about CoG, started bitching about us as well with hilarious results!
MEGA UPDATE: Multiple Tumblrinas sparking minor rebellions over CoG's hypocritical practices (that we've pointed out for years) mass migrations of them going to Twine instead and COG busily trying to silence alphabet people everywhere!
Fight The Fascist IFaggotry!
Revelations at the CoG Ranch: Continuing to prove themselves incompetent at public relations, once again CoG clumsily tries to silence dissent at their "official" Reddit outpost which apparently is distinct from the Hosted Games one because they still hold on to the outdated notion of "separate, but equal."
Revelations at the CoG Ranch
CoG Cleaning up its revolting community: The further adventures of CoG's inept handling of public relations. Jason acting like a fucktard as he digs a deeper hole and the CoGite rebels screeching loudly about a bunch of shit. Not much more to be said, just enjoy the trainwreck!
CoG Cleaning up its revolting community
Sam Ursu's Big Adventure: An ex-CoGite by the name of Sam (Not that faggot Suicidal Sammy) came by to make a more permanent home here after his adventures in Jason's Faggot Kingdom didn't go as planned. Started out as the typical grumbles at first, but then proved to be amusing enough to fill two threads.
Sam Ursu's Big Adventure Part 1
Sam Ursu's Big Adventure Part 2
Obligatory CoG Rant: Yet another refugee from CoG who was tired of their bullshit and traveled to the land of freedom. This one's name is Lux and far be it from us to prevent her from exercising her freedom of speech here.
UPDATE: Lux has long since shed her CoGite slave name and now goes by her new based CYStian name Iris.
Obligatory CoG Rant
CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!: Yet another Cogite rebellion brought on by Jason himself. This one has the amusing touch of being lead by the infamously triggered Meltdown Penguins though. It's something to do with Jason's use of crypto currency for unsavory purposes. Something like that anyway. The important thing though is the faggots are tearing each other apart. Only time will tell if the tears of tumblrinas will finally drown CoG's corrupt kingdom. Either way, it's all entertainment to us!
CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!
Bonus thread where a real crypto scammer contacted me around the same time and I helpfully directed him to CoG since Jason seemed to be all into such fucktardery!
Crypto comes to CYS!
CYS is not your personal army AKA Minotaur is Gay (Here's why.): We're still getting the CoGite refugees fleeing from Jason's madness. ClaimedMinotaur had some big plans to take down CoG which would have been fine, but then he seemed to think he could start going around demanding things. He soon learned that there are worse fates than getting banned for 1000 years, but the important thing is he learned some things along the way. (Well maybe)
UPDATE: Faggot never did follow up like he claimed he would, proving once again these CoGites have no fucking staying power.
Minotaur is Gay (Here's why)
Shit CoGites Say: With CoG continuing to spliter into several fifedoms and factions, there's really no way to keep up with all of it even if one really wanted to (especially since all of us got better shit to do) but sometimes various lols of this ongoing fracture come across our doorstep, so this is more of a catch all thread about their silly shit.
Shit CoGites Say
CoG Staff pissing off their base AGAIN: Same old story, CoG mods crushing dissenting views and holding up the ones that match their own to the point of pissing off more of their fans and driving away more authors!
CoG Staff pissing off their base AGAIN
Hey Gang, it's time again!: A good old fashioned CoG bashing thread where hilarity ensues. This one was on Reddit and our archives were linked to it by JESUS himself. A certified hood classic!
Hey Gang. It's time again!
CoG Still Sucks AIDS Dick. News at 11: Title is pretty self explanatory. CoG's fairly boring nowadays, but every now and then it's good to reminder of exactly why they still suck AIDS dick!
CoG Still Sucks AIDS Dick. News at 11
Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining: Another one so soon after the News! This time a CoGite came to visit and scold everyone about white supremacy only to realize he jumped to fucking conclusions because he was a retarded faggot! (Then the thread just shifted to unrelated yet still amusing topics)
Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining
Other IF Faggotry: Just as much as CoG, but even less relevant
Interactive FRICTION: Here's examples of faggotry from fucktards from yet another lesser IF community.
SPECIAL UPDATE: IFer tears overflowed so much that they whined to the admins who declared WAR by banning Mizal and myself for 1000 years! As a result we have established a sizable outpost on the IFDB and I have personally climbed the ranks as one of the top reviewers on the site. WINNING!
Interactive FRICTION
War on Interfiction: A complete account of the CYStian victory over the IFaggots who were losing so badly, they had to call in their CoGite masters to help them out! Banned from CoG and the IFDB in the same day! WINNING!
UPDATE: These faggots are still talking shit about us as usual. Specifically those faggots HanonO and Mathbrush. Generally trying to twist the truth about what really happened, but that's why we archive this stuff.
War on Interfiction
Free publicity (and infamy!): Faggots are always whining about us about some fucking thing, and as usual a lot of them can be found on Reddit. It's one also dedicated to IFs so the faggotry is on overload in that thread going on about avoiding Mordor. As a bonus Jason makes an appearance, probably checking on dissenting CoGites in the place so he can ban them on the CoG forums.
UPDATE: Good thing we record everything here, since this Reddit went dark during that hilarious protest that did absolute shit because Redditors are a bunch of hopeless addicts.
Free publicity (and infamy!)
CYS Faggotry: Because we don't discriminate around here
A Bantastic Thread: This is an old fashioned CYStian casting out of faggots that started whining and bitching. They also allowed themselves to be infiltrated increasing the amount of chaos and hilarity as MEGA faggot Saika got progressively more triggered!
A Bantastic Thread
Pedo Mod Kiel Farren: Probably the final and most complete account of Pedo Mod Kiel's downfall (and Con Mod Seth). Also special appearance by Kiel's screeching apologist Soundstorm who showed up in this thread to say more stupid shit, as if we didn't have enough of that the first time she was around.
UPDATE: Entirely possible that Soundstorm was yet another "different personality alt" of Kiel's the entire time.
Pedo Mod Kiel Farren
Why is Spazzler A Faggot?/Why is Elizabeth a Trolling Faggot?: Another twofer for you. The Spazzler one wouldn't even be worth mentioning if he hadn't come back to bitch and moan at us two years after his last retarded post here.
Even then it probably wouldn't be worth posting in the archives, however as fortune would have it, we then had another faggot by the name of Elizabeth who started bitching at us in the same thread several months later and generally acting so much like a mong, she got her own thread which was probably more entertaining than the original Spazzboy one.
Why is Spazzler A Faggot?
Why is Elizabeth a Trolling Faggot?
Flutter Leaving the Site Series: This is a bit of an odd one since it might be an ongoing series. The downfall of the member Fluttershy. It's really a long decline of a single brony's mental state which might be sad if he hadn't already been a brony to begin with and hadn't started believing that Malk was a Dark Triad Satanist that is corrupting everything he touches.
Despite continuing to state he no longer wants to be associated with this evil place, he can't seem to stay away!
UPDATE: This retarded faggot ended up deleting all his stories (Which was in the double digits) and then came back wanting to get them back claiming he wasn't insane anymore.
Then he continued to still rant like the mentally ill brony he is. Can't make this shit up folks.
Enjoy the ongoing saga!
UPDATE: He's finally dead now or at least until the next alt.
The story I am writing is a doozy (Prologue)
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 3
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 5
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 7
Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter