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War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Well here we are. Winter Solstice. The longest, darkest night of the year. A few hours ago, there was a Great Convergence as the planets aligned, in a way the world hasn't seen in 800 years. All of this of course was a powerful omen, and here we have the results: I've finally made this new outpost thread. The war with Intfiction marches on! Now I haven't been completely idle in this time. I've been over on the IFDB, slowly uploading games. In this thread I'll introduce you guys to that site, because we really need your help over there in rating and reviewing. Every time you leave a comment on a game, a link to it shows up on their front page, so even a few quick sentences can boost the visibility and get people clicking. If you don't even feel like reading the rest of this (Ford), all you have to do for now is make an account at, apply one of the dark mode styles to make the place bearable to the eyes, and then go to the listing for the ChooseYourStory games and start rating. Four out of five stars would be a rough equivalent to our 6/8 I suppose, so just work it out from there. And if you see good reviews from each other, be sure to give them a like. I've been making a point to keep exactly one CYS game visible on the front page at all times, for a very simple reason: just being reminded of our very existence triggers some of these IFers. These people went off the deep end with ratings bombings, spying, and harassment campaigns over multiple Discord servers, something they were even able to get at least one Intfiction mod in on with them. And since as of last week their half assed trolls were still popping up on our forum, we know we still have their attention. Here is what you'll see when you arrive, disgusting, right? But look to the right and scroll down just a little for your salvation: Pick a custom display style to save your vision. I like the first one, Midnight. Oh, and if you'll scroll down to the bottom of the home page, you'll see a list of links. The recommendations I get have been universally awful or the result of a clearly broken algorithm, but maybe you'll have better luck. Listed with the polls however, you'll find a recent one asking about ChooseYourStory games from the guy who wrote that Eternal review. It is woefully sparse right now. I hope you guys can do something about that. (But the game will need to be added to the archive if it hasn't been already.) And you know what, I'm gonna pause here, so as not to confuse or bore anyone. All you need to do right now is get an account made if you haven't already, and start rating games. Report back when you've done that and we'll continue. I'm sorry, but I just don't trust your attention sp

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Glory to CYStia. Truly incredible how everyone else who likes clicking in their reading on the Internet is the most histrionic dork imaginable 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
The thing I find funny is that we still have had zero direct contact with these multiple people Hanon claimed were reporting us and no idea what set them off. But we do know that they had to voluntarily come here and enter our Discord to see it before slinking off again to whine to the mods on another site. And that whatever it was they were mad enough to spam low ratings and make throwaway accounts to harass us and spy, but too cowardly to say why. Besides Hanon, MotherTAV is the only one we know of by name, and that's just because she lost control of her emotions and had to derail an intfiction thread randomly insulting me the same day she hit the CYS games on the IFDB. I'd give her credit for being the only one with balls, except she deleted her account the moment we finally noticed the ratings. And also she hates her balls and rejected, possibly removed them, or either way definitely would not want to have them acknowledged.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Let's see if I got this right.

Account. Check.
Dark mode. Check.
Ratings. Check.
Liked Reviews. Check
Poll suggestion. Check.

What else am I required of?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

You need your:

Subject. check.
Location. check.
Desire. check.
Vengeance. check.
Hatred. check.
Anger. check.
Murder. check.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Optionally, they'll also need:

Knives. CHECK
Dagger. CHECK
Chains. CHECK
Locks. CHECK
Laser Beams CHECK
Bodybag CHECK

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
You're the good child, I knew you were already way ahead of the curve on this one.

You could always do a couple more reviews. Eventually I'd like to see all of us on the Top 100 reviewer list, because that appears to be laughably easy given the low rate of activity for most of the year. Very few players bother to look at anything outside of the IFComp.

For extra credit, pick out a non CYS game at random to check out and do a quick comment on it. There are some that are great and many that are so, so bad, but either way it's good to familiarize yourself with the natives and their customs in preparation for them becoming our subjects.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Oh, and it shouldn't need to be said, but obviously don't give good ratings to Kiel and Seth's games. They've both been taken down anyhow.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
And everyone in the Discord is being a lazy POS as usual when it comes to actually doing something instead of just shitposting about it.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

You heard the queen, better start doing as she says before she gets mad.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 12/23/2020 8:58:55 AM

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Nice one, reviews are always welcome. But you were already good, I can't even get most of the rest of them to make an account. They're being shown up by Peng the Tiny Noob Child and everybody's favorite minor character benholman.

At least this has been far more successful than my traditional 'vote in the IFComp' campaign.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Eh, I was just laying awake in bed, not doing anything anyway. Might as well have been productive and contribute more.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Appreciate it!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

IFDB Upload Guide

4 years ago
All right, so you want to review a game (pfft, sure) that's not already in the listing? Well in that case you can simply add it yourself. (Unless you consider yourself incapable of basic html, in which case, just ask in the thread for someone else to do it.) From the home page, click 'Add a Game Listing' on the right (helpfully highlighted for you in the image in the OP) and you'll get this: If you get a hideous white screen that scorches out your eye sockets instead, leaving them lightly smoking and dripping globs of thick, tar-like ichor down your cheeks, that's on you for not applying a dark mode style as suggested in the OP. Now you may have noticed you're looking at a couple of cluttered screens full of boxes to fill in. This is where people get confused, so let me break this down. hint: most of the boxes are useless 1-2: Obvious. 3: Ignore. 4: If there is art on the description page, upload the art. You'll need it saved to your device, which is slightly annoying to do if the art happens to be uploaded to the site instead of imgur. (@Killa_Robot please make images uploaded to the site know what kind of file they are) 5: They try to trick you here by requiring backwards Euro dates. Just remember the day goes first, then the month. 6-9: Ignore. Put 'Free' in 7 I guess, if you want. 10: The game description goes here. I just copy and paste whatever the author wrote, but modify lightly if there's stuff that would only make sense to us. 11-12: Ignore. 13: Obvious. 14-15: Ignore. All the links you've been seeing to Baf's are broken anyway btw, that site is long gone. 16: Just paste the URL, no special formatting needed. 17: I always stick another link here so that it's available immediately to the right as people who use the archive are used to. The website URL in #16 requires them to scroll to the bottom. Formatting looks like this: Note the backwards slashes surrounding 'story' which are completely bass ackward and an affront to God and man. It's only necessary to do this in that Download Notes box, because a normal link will break. It has something to do with the site verifying it extra hard? Who knows. It's a pretty old site (2007, pretty ancient by most of the internet's standards although CYS had of course been around for years by then..) and the guy that owns the IFDB and can do code things dropped off the face of the Earth years ago. Most of the content in the archive is free by the way, so you might like to browse around sometimes. The only reason I mention it next to the link there is because most of the other interactive novel type dealies that are closest to what we do come from our ancestral enemies on the other CYOA site, and of course are not free at all. Anyhow, if any of this seems too annoying or daunting it's fine to not worry about it, I only put this here in case you really really want to add something or maybe put up your own game. But just be aware that whenever a game is added, it's exactly the same issue as the New Storygame listing here. Too much activity will quickly push them out of view on the main listing. This deprives them of their little moment in the spotlight that's the best chance to draw in curious clickers, and does the same to other games from unaffiliated IFers too. (Who are actually continually much more starved for any feedback at all than most of the people here.) Being chill and doing this with a slow pace is the best and will lead to maximum exposure over time. Comments and reviews whenever you feel like it though, of course I'm not going to discourage those. Just remember to use spoiler bars as they all take those pretty seriously.

IFDB Upload Guide

4 years ago
You also could make an account over at the Intfiction forums, but be aware they've added a new rule recently in which they've sworn to police the entire internet for mean words, pretty much solely as an excuse to purge CYS users and Hispanics from their ranks. If nothing else, they could trick you into confessing you don't suck at writing, and then get you for the crime of ableism. Intfiction is honestly extremely dead most of the year aside from the brief period surrounding the major competitions, but you go exploring without a party, be on your guard for the following people with power: Hanon Ondricek: Self described leader of some kind of shadowy group trying to exclude members from IF. Beware his slow sneak attack and disingenuous word vomit. Dan Fabulich: Created CoG, birthed Jason fully formed from his prolapsed man-womb. Beward his moralistic lecture beam. Mathbrush: Has written 2097 full length reviews in five years. That's...that's really all there is to say about that. Beware his apology attack and infinite free time. If he knocks on your door, do NOT consult Love Sick for guidance. That would be illegal. lol actually, j/k. Besides Hanon, all the Intfiction mods are this selection of fanooks that no one has ever heard of and who never seem to do anything. Why they don't get some actually relevant community members in there, I don't know. Anyway, you're bound to encounter Mathbrush on the IFDB anyway since he basically lives there. He's a little sensitive about some a lot of things but try to behave. Keep in mind we're already winning against the specific Intfiction people who get triggered by us, simply by existing and continuing to be awesome. What you do on the IFDB should mainly be looked at as a way to attract new people to the site that Hanon doesn't want them to see.

IFDB Upload Guide

4 years ago
Oh yeah and if you upload a game, add some tags afterwards. ChooseYourStory and CYOA are the most important, so at least do those plus whatever the broad genre is, like fantasy or sci fi or whatever. Sexual Content and Violence are polite to add if needed, and I guess Sexual Assault if we're talking about games from our popular School Shooting Nazi Rape-Murder Shit and Piss Donkey Show Fetish category.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Well this is an interesting twist. Mathbrush uploaded and reviewed The Walmart Game and liked it.

And there's a blind guy over there named Zape that uploaded several CYS games, although they're all pretty old and some are subpar. 4/8s and the like.

Bit of an issue though since they just jump straight to the storygame viewer and skip past the description page and any other info. I edited the link for a Day in Hell and I guess I'll do the rest later. Kind of hate to touch someone else's upload, but I guess on a wiki that's just how it's done.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Sooo, had kind of a wrench thrown into things by this mysterious Zape guy (not to be confused with Zake) just randomly uploading everything he comes across, including things that are toeing the line of being unpublished. The ChooseYourStory listing is much messier now and full of random shit instead of putting our best face forward as originally planned.

But that's the disgustingly democratic wiki format for you, and not the end of the world though as the site has a way to make user created lists. I'll just put together one for the actually good games after I upload a few obvious oversights today that I'd been saving for later. But no point in doing things at a slow measured pace now.

Although of course, it's rather sad and tragic that some random that doesn't even have an account is spending far more time on CYS games than almost the entirety of the Discord population.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I feel that I ought to upload a bunch of things to make it more confusing, but I'll save that for later.

For now, I've just transferred my ratings from here to there for the stories who's names I recognised. I might've missed a few, but hey, better than nothing.

Anyhow, I can now confirm that rating games there is easy. Since you don't read the stories there, it means you can rate (and review) straight from the story page. Very quick and easy, can recommend doing it, in fact, everyone should do it! Yes.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Homie you got an open italics bracket on your profile

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Oh while everyone is still contributing to the war effort (You are contributing right?) here's some side quests:

This is the list of my own contributions to the battlefront for ease of accessibility to rate: Link!

Also there's currently some poll going on over at IFDB about which is the best CYS story: Link!

You can vote on the current ones listed or add another one you think is the best.

Carry on brave CYStians and remember I'm always watching!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Great crusaders that have contributed to the cause so far have been marked for ascension.

The wretched slothful that have not yet heard the call will be cast down with the sodomites.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Our sodomites actually made accounts like over a month ago, what's everyone else's problem?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

At last this near forgotten IF classic has the proper review and rating it has always deserved.


War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Joined the crusade and rated a few games 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 12/30/2020 4:19:29 AM

The best games from CYS are on IFDB at this point.
Register on IFDB
Rate games you recognize

I can count the number of ratings for any individual game on my fingers, so it actually helps to take the 10 minutes out of your life it requires to make an account, poke a game you like and rate it. The best stuff on CYS deserves preservation and it'll help with exposure for the site, so it's considered a good thing. If you can't commit a rating on behalf of CYS, what chance do your New Year's resolutions even have?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Commendation for brevity, I'll probably split this off into the new thread at some point when this one gets too unwieldy. Also vote on the best CYS games or add new ones to the poll. Still a pretty weird and random assortment there missing most of the best games.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
The spirit! I’ll get on to it right away!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Well looks like CYS is getting a good foot hold in the IFDB. So far looks like Eternal has the most ratings at 14 as far as CYS stories.

While there are many games on there with more ratings than that, I'm starting to notice how many more games on there which haven't been rated nearly as much. (37 pages in the list is where I found Eternal, right on top of course)

Not all of these are old obscure ones either. Some of these I thought were supposed to be pretty well received or by the "big names" in the IF community. Even looking at the more well known CoG stories, they don't have much in the way of reviews/ratings either. Hell didn't even see the famous Samurai rape one or Tin Star. (Didn't see any of Suicidal Sammy's stories there at all. Lol)

A lot of the ones with hundreds of ratings have been in the database for awhile and/or are pretty well known (Old infocom games for example).

It really is just Mathbrush mainly rating everything at this point.

Anyway, glad my profile finally got reviewed and put through. I've also noticed that almost ALL other authors there have boring ass unfun profiles.

Y'know, not like this one.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Just a piece of Info I wanted to share.

You get Frequent Fiction Points over at the ifdb for writing reviews and such. There's a section of people with the top 100 ffp's. As of now, the number to beat in order to get ranked is ~1900.

This is in fact insanely easy, me, who's only done 4 reviews and a handful of ratings, already has ~700.

So, let's go get that "top reviewer" on our profiles!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I just wrote another review on there, but I guess I'll need to hunt down where these FFP are because there's so many links I have no idea where half of this shit is even going to or even means.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see it in my "Page" which listed everything you've done. I got 550 so far.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Might as well point out the location.

This is on the right side of the home screen:

And this is on the top right of the "Your Page":

Good luck, all!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Eventually I'd like to see all of us on the Top 100 reviewer list, because that appears to be laughably easy given the low rate of activity for most of the year.

I really need to start curbing my tendency to ramble, nobody ever read my posts. But yeah, you really do just need a handful to be ranked. I think it calculates activity in a variety of ways, not just by number of reviews. Pretty sure voting up each other's comments also helps with this.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
No no, that's the reason I wrote this.

Your words are never ignored, Mizal :)

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Mathbrush reviewed End's most wholesome and neglected game:

This game probably recreates my childhood experiences of reading CYOA books more than any other.

The chooseyourstory format is adapted more to CYOA books. Most Twine and Choicescript games have shorter text and more frequent choices that frequently meet back up later because it allows you to reuse a lot of text and code. Making a game where every branch goes somewhere different is usually too tedious to code, although some people have done it (like the game Animalia or Porpentine's Myriad).

But a lot of chooseyourstory games seem to get over the problem of needing to write a lot of text by just writing a lot of text, ending up with games with hundreds of thousands of words.

This game is meant for kids, I'd say between 10 and 13 or 14. You are sucked into a fantasy world where you meet strange wizards and adventurers.

There are few choices in this game but a ton of text in each one, and each choice branches a lot. Some are dead ends, but the engine lets you go back and retrace your steps quickly, which the game seems to encourage. This makes the small number of choices make sense, since each replay goes quickly, like paging through an old CYOA book.

I enjoyed it overall, and it gave me some ideas for my own writing.

He's been really helpful answering some questions about the workings of the IFDB for me recently, and now that he's done a properly glowing review of an Endmaster game he's actually more of a CYStian than most of the rest of you.

I really love the bolded bit though. Yes, on CYS we take an unusual approach to storytelling, where we tell the story. Makes us very unique in the community of games that you read.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Yep, I just posted a thanks message back to him on his profile. I'm guessing that's where it goes because I'm still trying to figure out the layout of the place sometimes.

EDIT: Just added 4 more reviews.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I've been trying to have a somewhat involved conversation with him, and it was not designed for that at ALL. The comment system really was designed to just post A Comment (Singular) and it shows. I'd message him on the intfiction forum, but well you know. I mean I could turn on the VPN and make an alt over there at some point if the IFDB system got annoying enough, but it's principle now.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
We need the rest of Bill's games up there. It's only Giri Minor, Grass Planet, Creatures of the Snow and Blow Your House Down so far. I'll get them tonight I guess if no one is patriotic enough to help, but I'll be pretty busy today. If only any of us had one fraction of the drive and free time of that Zape guy who has listed dozens and dozens of games at random, including Aman's Mustache even though that one can't possibly make sense to anybody over there.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Hup Hup, I got it!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Motherfuckin Zape is absolutely reading this thread, and I see you two had to fight for custody of Bill's games listings. You can still add the images and fix his description formatting though Peng. I notice he collapses the paragraphs together sometimes, since the importance of the blank line between then always eludes people with screen readers.

Anyway, the annoying part is done, the rest of you guys just go rate them now.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Raised from hell, I was re-animated to do one thing and one thing only: bring glory to cystia and all of its outposts.

I rest now knowing I have performed my duty. All the stories now have another rating.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
This is why it's awesome being ruled by a Necromancer.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Now THIS is pod racing!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Ogre and myself have already made it into the Top 100 Reviewers section.

The Crusade continues!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
As soon as I finish not finishing my contest story I'm coming after you guys.

I find leaving comments there is actually refreshingly straightforward, you just talk a little about the game as a whole without worrying about the minutia.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Gonna try and get some reviews out after work and break into the Top 100 too.

Since writing obviously will not happen.

Just posting this so you guys can make fun of me when I reinstall Darkest Dungeon instead.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 1/9/2021 1:28:11 PM

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
This is just hurtful and cruel, don't you know I have a condition?

That one in the background may still be classified. Possibly for a long time, given we're waiting on Killa...

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
@Cupcakitty__13 Since I see you have an IFDB account, why not participate in the patriotic site activity this thread was created for and rate some CYS games? Or even list your own game, which is perfectly decent and much better than the garbage Twine thing you played. Also...are you particularly attacked to your other Cupcakitty accounts here? I see you have like four of them, was there a problem with the password or what?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Endmaster has done a ton of reviews of classic IF games, and he and Ogre are just hurtling up the top 100 list, it's very inspirational to watch.

Endmaster's profile

Ogre's profile

If you have an account and just click the 'Yes this was helpful' on a good review, it gives them a few points and you'll be helping them clamber over the corpses of the various folks on the list that haven't even bothered to log in in forever. (And of course while you're at it, go to the pages of any CYS games you recognize and click the stars to the right. )

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Ogre and myself are already both currently moved up to page 3 of the reviewer list. Pretty sure we'll both be in the top 50 reviewers at some point soon. (I think Ogre might already be there by the time I finish posting this)

It's sort of like that old 80s arcade game Gauntlet where we're just bashing through monsters to get to the next level.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
How interesting, I have discovered a simple to trigger and yet extremely abusable bug in how new reviews are displayed on the main page of the IFDB.

I wonder if anyone is aware of this? But alas, Hanon blocked my ability to communicate when he decided on behalf of the entire IF community that contributions from CYS are unwanted, so I have no way to even ask anyone.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
What’s the exploit, pray tell?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Is it a grapefruit?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Page 2 of the reviewer list and in the top 50 reviewers now.

(And finally ahead of Ogre!)

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I've been doing some stuff on there since I have an account now.

Where's the forums at on there? 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

The forum is a different site, no need to even go there. It's boring and when it's not being boring (99% of the time) it's full of faggotry.

The IFDB site is the important one to rate and such.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Alright, I'll stick to that side of the interface, then. 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
The only CYS people using that forum got banned for making fun of somebody's slimegirl fetish. In our own Discord, which one of the mods snuck into to screenshot. They're actually far worse than CoG, and far less relevant since they only dust the place off in the fall when the IFComp is going anyway.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Making fun of slimes? 


War on Interfiction

4 years ago
How are my points calculated?
Points are awarded as follows:

+100 points for each review you write.
+5 points for each "Helpful" vote for one of your reviews, and -5 for each "Unhelpful" vote, but the total score for an individual review can never go above 200 or below zero.
+25 points for each Recommended List you've created that includes at least five games.
+10 points for each game rating you enter without a review.
+1 point for each Helpful or Unhelpful vote you enter for someone else's review.

Top 20 here I come.

(Got a 100 points earlier for clicking through a 50 word "game" made with Twine and saying it sucked. Off to a good start.)

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
There's 4 of those twine craps

400 free points plus the bonus helpfuls, and the 10 points you rate, and the helpful votes you cast.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I'm going to review them later, but for now I just rated.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Alright I actually reviewed the four terrible twine stories. Now I demand that people go rate up my reviews as being helpful.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I'm being so oppressed over there, I've got two stalkers that follow me around downvoting everything now and not enough loyal CYStians voting me up.

Although can't complain too much as I've really only written like two proper reviews and a handful of short comments, and I notice I've somehow gotten over 2000 points and surpassed at least one of the Intfiction mods in the rankings. (Maybe he's the newest admirer.)

The tedious act of listing dozens of games and filling in all that info on a site not really designed for mobile is of course worth nothing there. But good thing I guess or Zape would have shot up the list above all of us.

Here of course, we reward hard work and hundreds of points have been handed out. But not to most of you, because you're lazy.

Hell I've still got that $600 set aside for two dozen commission arts for MHD, and no one has claimed any of it yet.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
There's hundreds of Twine things just like those, that's primarily the sort of thing Twine is used for. They write like 300 words, then split it up into fifteen sentences you have to click through one at a time, and call it interactive fiction. And the rest of the community is cucked enough to just take it.

Crazy how Morgan would preach about how this was the pinnacle of IF and better than CYS games, but I guess, well that was just Morgan for you. Twine does seem useful to get into for people who are into text games but hate to write and hate to read though. Good there's something out there for everyone.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Posted a review of AI Dungeon. Didn't hold back on being a narcissistic asshole. (Don't worry I still included you guys too, so remember to vote how helpful it is!)


War on Interfiction

4 years ago

5 new reviews up.

80 Days, Out There, Reigns, Fallen London and Sunless Sea

I'll probably be doing the 4 Sorcery! books next on the list.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
These were way more interesting than the interesting facts thread.

I'm going to check out Out There soon.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Yeah you should get some enjoyment out of Out There. I remember first hearing about it since folks were comparing it to FTL, but honestly, it's pretty different and I played Out There, a lot more than FTL which I liked the concept of, but got too frustrated with.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
There is a catfight on the Intfiction forum between two mad hoes in a thread about porn games and content filtering. One has already been flagged, you will have to be to be quick as I won't be available for further screenshots if more posts are made. Just scroll down to near the bottom.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Mad ho reporting in. It might amuse you folks to know this thread is still being argued over and it seems that same porn game is going to be the catalyst that turns the Interactive Fiction Database into the Interactive Fiction Curated Child Friendly Safespace.

Dan Fabulich and jcompton are slugging it out but I'm not sure what the point is, Fabulich owns the IFDB now and has already made up his mind.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Eyes are watching, but your report is appreciated.

I'd say it is a strange direction to take. Options for users to choose how to interact with the site isn't bad, but that's not what this is about. Anyway, I won't ramble about it here.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I fully support the idea of making search results customizable with filters for people who feel they need that, it's something that should've been made a standard feature years ago. But they've now moved to wanting to block certain types of games from the public eye altogether and it really sounds like there are influential people wanting to go WAY beyond the scope of obvious AIF games. If you didn't know, there's already too much gatekeeping in the IF community. Only games released at specific times for the established comps have any hope of being noticed at all, and you have to play to the clear preference of that audience because it's the only show in town. I'm writing an interactive novel in Twine which may have literally no audience, that's discouraging enough without the removal of any chance of even accidental discovery from random players because mature content has to be hidden away like it's something shameful.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I personally do not need any IF community but CYS. Absolute freedom here :) 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Is this the expression you all have sitting at your keyboards every day?

Maybe I could get used to it...

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I was with you until Twine.

I was only sort of vaguely paying attention through secondhand reports before, but it does indeed appear to have gotten hilarious over there, and it's not just Dan and the other guy. I took some more screenshots just in case.

Fwiw I also think it's pretty lol to just send children unsupervised to wherever and then insist that puts the moral responsibility on random strangers to guard their innocence. IMW is being a cunt, and you seem to have actually made Mathbrush angry, that's rare.

But as funny as it is watching everyone flip out and tie themselves in knots over what really didn't have to be an issue, this just goes to show why every site should stone the fetish games at the gates. The internet truly has no limits to how disgusting it can be, and these things only give a foothold and podium to those inclined to Think of the Children.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
The IF community has never been for children, I really don't understand it. But since they're pretending that it is now, I'd love to see how they'd handle it if real life kids started invading the forum and the IFComp and spamming up the IFDB.

I can understand a community wanting to keep itself free of AIF, but blocking everything "mature" is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. With the listing of profanity, murder, and sex as the things that good IF citizens do not consider "fun", even your standard noir mystery game may be considered too much for IFDB mods to stomach now.

I haven't even gone back there since imw's post, I just gave up in disgust. Funny how this topic has everyone showing their true colors. This entire thing is just a way to exercise the new mod powers over a community that was self policing just fine until now.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
We have lots of kids here as a matter of fact.

I think we're only ones who take the time to encourage kids who are interested in writing as long as they can restrain their autism on the forum. Strangely, people from the wider IF community like to sneer at us for how young some of our users are. Just one more reason the debate going on in that thread has been strange, kids being interested in IF has pretty obviously never been seen as a desirable thing before.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Lazi, good news! I've been informed the paperwork went through and we're adopting you. Please get into the van quietly and do not struggle.

The Twine will have to go, but it'll be fine, we have zip ties.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I suppose I'll accept being adopted as long as I don't have to write anything, or read anything.

Honestly I'm probably just going back to ignoring the entire IF community, everything was great for years when I was just playing the games. I only started browsing the intfiction board out of boredom in the last few months and both times I've tried to post there I just got attacked. I've really be struggling with depression lately as it is and I don't need that kind of pressure.

Twine works for what I want to do, it's not ideal but it's what I'm using. But the majority of people who are into IF and especially Twine just don't like to read very much, funny as it sounds for a community centered around text games. That's something I only realized later.

My "game" (really more of an interactive novel) is about a diverse group of girls in a prince's harem having to deal with a kind of vampire or succubus among them. She's based off the Greek Lamia, and feeding off the life force of infants, but the prince is smitten with her and any moves against her could have disastrous personal consequences for you and the other girls, while doing nothing may put the entire kingdom in her grasp.

If that sounds of interest to anyone maybe I'll swing by here again when it's finished.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Nobody here ever reads or writes things, so you're good either way. But not caring about the intfiction board seems smart, there's almost never anything worth reading over there outside of IFComp reviews.

If you need help sticking to your resolutions, maybe you can get yourself banned for a thousand years over there by posting over here.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Awhh! That sucks! Don't worry. Those IntFiction guys are all smelly doodie heads! We'll look after you. ^_^

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I like how the sensitive poppet going on about censorship in defense of women attacked the only other female in the thread. Lol

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Yeah I noticed that too, lol. There was a guy before that who said basically the exact same thing about it being a common fetish, but she was fine with that.

I hope she never learns about furries. Or weebs. AKA "most of the internet."

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Well looks like they've both been deleted. Intfiction mods once again silencing female voices, smh.

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago
I reviewed that sub par porn game they were fighting over, please rate up because I know other people will be rating down.

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago

Well that made me lol. This is the kind of law that they're always advocating for in incel forums because women are all sluts and whores who want to be brutally fucked by every man they pass on the street (despite the fact that no woman has or will ever fuck them.)

Must be really bad for the work place environment though. The women can never get to work on time or get any work done because they're too busy being fucked, and presumably the men are also late and never get any work done because they're too busy doing all the fucking... And the cleanup! That poor, poor cleaning crew, having to clean up a never ending stream of jizz. And presumably, if the cleaner's a lady, she'll constantly have to pause her work while she's getting fucked, and then clean up all the mess from the aforementioned fucking. Not a very practical law if I do say so myself.

As for the woman who feels sick and violated... It says EXACTLY what the game is in the description. I must say I am always baffled by people who read the description for games like this and think to themselves, "OMG, this is fucking sick! The game sounds traumatising and vomit enducing and just the act of reading it will probably give me PTSD... ... ... I'm going to read it!"

I like to think she also spends her free time on the pornhub comment section, complaining that "Teen Whore gets Brutal Gangbang from BBDs" is highly objectifying to women, as well as a negative representation of the African American community. ^_^

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago
If you say this makes you sick, it's just code for hating the Japanese.

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago

And incels. ^_^

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago

Here's some fun incel posts I've found regarding the "Sexual Service Act"

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago
I'm pretty sure the incel community is just trolls all the way down, but sometimes I wonder...

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago

The second post is definitely someone trolling (Probably Ford) because quite frankly incels don't actually have the balls to actually rape anyone, they just bitch in their basements. At worst they do what Elliot Roger did and STILL fail in losing their viginity.

The other two could very well be for real though.

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago

I just posted my review of the story. Everyone go rate it as helpful before its incel fans rate it down!

clik bcuz PORN

4 years ago

Very helpful. Love SICK was a better fetish smut game and it didn't even have any sex. ^_^

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

"I feel sick and violated and I'm shaking"

I feel like the only appropriate reaction would be :joy:

I don't understand how these people can go outside without collapsing into a fetal ball because they saw some graffiti or something.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Posted 4 new reviews for the Sorcery! series.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

There are pretty enjoyable apps made according to the books on the app store. First one is basically the same, second one is expanded a little bit, but the third and fourth get some incredibly fun game elements. I definitely recommend anybody that enjoyed the books to check the games out.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 1/28/2021 4:30:23 AM

11 new reviews on the Fighting Fantasy series. Naturally I just copy/pasted everything I wrote here. Well not exactly, I had to clean it up for the easily triggered IFaggots over there, but it's done. Currently in the Top 25 Reviewers, got at least a couple more people to step over before I get on the 1st page of the list.

Easy link to rate all my FF reviews as helpful

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Rated them all up, they're great reviews.

Crazy how so many FF books weren't even listed until you did it yourself, those were so many people's first exposure to IF.

I had that app library thingy that had the FF books for $1.99 a pop, but I ended up uninstalling it just because it was pretty badly designed. Couldn't figure out why there was so much lag and so many loading screens for reading text on a screen.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Posted two new reviews since it looks like the "old guard" is getting more active again over there.

Need to make sure to not fall behind after making it so far ahead.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Hey all of you that have accounts. I made a VERY SPECIAL REVIEW on a story, so go rate it as helpful (And rate any others that you missed of mine as helpful too)


War on Interfiction

4 years ago
That was hilarious, and it sounds like another of those cases where your review of something is more entertaining than the product itself.

Please do yourself a favor and play something actually good next. I still think you might like Varicella.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Gotta love how I'm getting mass down voted for this one despite the fact it's one of the more thorough reviews I've done AND I was actually asked to review this one because nobody else had the balls on IFDB to actually do it.

And that's not an attack on Math, since I know this one really wouldn't be his thing to read, but there must have been some other genuine Stiffy lovers on there given that some of them rated the story itself highly and none of them bothered to review it.

People really like their gay furry alien sex porn I guess.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Four new reviews posted on IFDB

Citadel of Chaos, City of Thieves, Deathtrap Dungeon and Trial of Champions.

Easy to find through this link (And others you might have missed)


War on Interfiction

4 years ago
If anyone is wondering, IFDB is down today for some maintenance stuff that will lead to pretty major updates, a new server, and some badly needed active moderation again.

This has been posted about in the Intfiction board over a fairly long period, but no one there cared to sticky it and no one cared enough to respond so the relevant threads just kinda dropped like rocks.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I'm reasonably sure no one was wondering... But thanks, anyway!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

It's only worth wondering about when I put up new reviews on there anyway.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Posted 6 new reviews on IFDB on the Gamebook Adventure series. I'll do the other six in the series eventually, but for now go rate these as helpful.

Helpful link!

Also, finally on the front page of the reviewer list, the top 10 is within sight.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Obviously the people have spoken.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Sounds like the war is over and CYS has won

War on Interfiction

4 years ago


Yeah, we won regardless of what happens at this point.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago


War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Hahahaha. Wow.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
And what the hell is a "gooey game"? I don't like the way that sounds at all.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Slime girl degeneracy that they all seem to love over there. Lol.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Damn I'm still laughing. So this was never about The Children or the porn games at all.

I did think that was an odd stance for Dan to take seeing how CoG has that whole Heart's Choice line now where he makes money peddling other people's werewolf sex games. He will obviously want those appearing front and center.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
It's really been good of End taking pity and doing reviews of all those non CYS things, it's like those other games never get any attention at all. I guess that must mean they're just not very good or else (I assume) their communities would be more interested.

Does anyone on the IFTF committee besides Mathbrush like interactive fiction too I wonder? I don't think I've noticed any of them around.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
There's actually a text game contest for kids that just started, with the games to be hosted on itch.

Note the rules: parser only (because too many kids are playing CYOAs now and they just can't have that)

And no more than two sentences may appear on the screen at a time, because these games are being written for retarded children they actively look down on and despise. There are lots of kids who like reading and may like to explore IF games at their own pace, but they are not the target here. I'm not really sure who is, because a kid who likes reading doesn't need this kind of handholding, and a kid that isn't already open to the idea isn't going to be suddenly convinced that it's fun because their socially awkward prematurely balding boomer uncle makes them sit on their lap and type >GET LAMP.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

"Brevity is the order of the day".

I would consider a paragraph as brevity, but two sentences is a ridiculous guideline. Even if you use some meaty cumulative sentences that's probably not enough.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Six more new reviews are up for books 7-12 of the GA series. Go rate my reviews as helpful.

Helpful link!

Go ahead and rate 1-6 helpful too if you haven't do so already.

Just 4 steps away from the top 10.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Went through and upvoted them all 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
S-sometimes I write reviews too.... *shy*

...and it has become intensely annoying to me how the site resets my rating everytime I go to do that. Every time I'm forced to click it an additional time I feel like I might as well be living in a third world country, jeez.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Quality reviews!

For those who are lazy, rating reviews isn't that hard, since you can just filter to see all reviews of a user on one page Like This.

Then just hit ctrl+F and search 'was this review' and you'll be able to see the reviews (and which you've rated helped already, it'll say 'Previously Voted as ...'). On phone's it'd be different.

Anyway, reading the reviews is a great way to experience these works you might otherwise never experience.

P.S. Here's the link for Mizal's reviews.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Thanks, but End's are always entertaining so I'd recommend reading those first of all. Reminds me of how good his Fighting Fantasy and movie review threads here used to be.

Checking the front page for reviews just to see who's hanging around over there can be interesting too. It doesn't usually move all that fast, and you can witness things like these serious IF people all contemplating the deep symbolism of something called Horny Game.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Just put up four new reviews on the front page. (Untold, A Dark Room, Infinite Universe and ZDay Survival Simulator)

You lot know what to do.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Took those faggots at CoG long enough. Though considering I never actually harassed anyone off site (or on site), the reasoning is about as sound as the reasoning for why I got banned at the IF forums. Meaning not at all.

What's more amusing is the semi-EXTERMINATUS approach Dan Fagubitch took with the IFDB account, since just about everything of mine is stripped off there. Reviews, ratings AND stories.

Well not quite stories.


At first I thought I got the EXTERMINATUS treatment, but it turns out everything is just heavily restricted on my stories. (No ratings) Couldn't completely get rid of me I guess. Lol.

Oh I figured it was going to happen soon, since I'd been keeping up on the IFDB changes with Dan droning on about his usual faggy "rules of conduct". I just wanted to see how far in the reviewer points I'd get before the nuke dropped. (Hence why I was taking screen shots)

Got to Top 9th reviewer, which isn't bad considering it only took me 101 days. I think the last time I actually looked at it, I was at 14740 or so. I had 4 more reviews I was getting ready to upload in a few days, which probably would have put me at 8th place, maybe 7th after I got all the helpful review votes.

So what does all this mean?

Nothing to me honestly.

I saved all the reviews (so did Mizal, who they also banned for who knows what reason), so I didn't lose anything as far as that was concerned. I was planning on listing the GA book reviews in the Reading Room at some point anyway without being censored.

As far as my stories being listed on there, I went over a decade of my stories not being listed on the IFDB at all. So them being heavily restricted after only a few months doesn't mean much. Certainly not doing it for publicity. Lol. Hell, I didn't even upload them, Zape did.

All this really does is confirm how hilariously bitch made the entire IF community is. Considering NOBODY came over to speak to me about anything and just made up whatever trumped up "charges" they have already decided, I continue to chalk them all up as a bunch of cowardly faggots with Dan being the queen of them all.

He's just still fucking upset that when he still had the balls to approach me several years ago demanding that I take down the Mean Girls Locker Room thread, I didn't do it. No, CYS isn't going to be another CoG colony, you mealy mouthed imperialistic faggot. CYS isn't getting horsefucked like what happened to the IF forums (And now IFDB) where you come in and start dictating rules to us. Go back to sucking Jason's cock, this place stands free.

In any case being considered enough of a boogyman to get banned at two sites in one day, I'll also chalk up as a win. Again, figured it was happening, you don't get to be a mustache twirling villain worrying about stuff like this.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Dan, that is that guy's name? Well him and that Jason guy or whatever, they both exude so much small dick, feminine bitch energy. The worst thing a man can be is some sneaky little bitch. It's fucking embarrassing. At least here we're straightforward and direct when it comes to metaphorically old yellering people.

But even when that happens, people are given so much leeway to improve, or show some value. There are no faggy cringe restrictions, or censoring, or 200 year bans here. That's why their forums and community are fucking dry and boring. It's like fictional dystopian police states that one could perhaps find in a CYOA.

This is why CYS remains number one for me. But I find it annoying when people like you and mizal are treated so poorly by bitches like those. It's like they're lacking in self awareness of the fact that the two of you are doing them a favor, and not the other way around, by even offering their gay sites the invaluable knowledge that you both have in this whole Interactive Story thing.

The women act like the men in these places, while the men act like women with clit dicks. Absolutely no balls, but a whole lot of fucking cringe. I never knew how you and mizal handled trying to be cordial with these lame cunts, tbh.

Their loss, and our continued gain at the end of the day. :) If this means you and mizal will have your time freed up ever so slightly to give more of it to everyone here, of course.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Really unsure what the whole "Off Site Harassment" thingy refers to, since you've been lolling at CoG for years now and they never saw fit to ban you. (And apparently thought it would be fun to send some spies in a Briar mask to stalk you in the CYS discord, only to get banned without any useful info because... You know... Like I'd ever fucking be on the discord for more than 3 seconds at a time.)

I guess in the end they figured, "Why bother actually waiting for a genuine reason to ban End when we could just ban End anyway and give a vague reason with no evidence to back it up?"

For me the weirdest part is that for some reason they decided to hide the ratings on your games... What the fuck is the point in that? Are they worried that people would find the ratings offensive? :p

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

That's mainly so I don't pop up on the top 100 IFDB. (or in the search in general)

All my stories are now kept in the "Forbidden Tome" section of IFDB (Ooooh scary!)

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Well yeah, I know that's the real reason. I'd just like to hear their bullshit excuse reason. Like, I guess they can make up some random excuse for banning you because "Won't somebody please think of the children?" but what the fuck is the excuse behind hiding ratings on your games? Makes no sense.

That said, I don't think people expect any proper reasoning anymore. At this point they might as well just start putting "This user is suspended. Reason: We don't like them."

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Oh I'm sure the "official" reason is I was telling people here to go upvote my stories and reviews, as well as some sort of "off site harassment" that they love to accuse me of.

Fagubitch and the rest of those IFaggots started pretty quickly rewriting a bunch of code of conduct rules, never mind the fact that it wasn't like the people who did rate my stories highly weren't going to do it anyway. If they didn't like the story, obviously they wouldn't rate it high. Duh. It's not like I can actually force people to do anything, though apparently they all think I have that magical ability.

It's also not my fault that the IF community hasn't been doing shit for YEARS. Literally the only guy over there reviewing and rating with any frequency was Mathbrush. Really wasn't until we came over that they all got suddenly very busy. "OH NOES WE CAN'T LET THIS HORRIBLE PERSON RISE UP AND DISRUPT THE STATUS QUO!"

So the fact that they'd just delete perfectly good reviews is pretty telling, though hardly surprising.

But yeah I'd agree, it would have been at least more honest to say "Banned because we don't like them."

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
When your CoG ban got mentioned to me last night I have to admit I cackled IRL, even though if I'd put years into a community like that I'd probably have taken it hard myself.

But it was so out of the blue and yet so, so overdue. Why not years ago instead of immediately after he laid all his cards on the table with that other post about how he was thinking about banning you because it was 'unfair' all the CYS games were in the top 100. When it only took like a dozen ratings (if even that) to get a game there. What enormous numbers, just blowing away all the IFDB had ever seen in its last thirteen years!

He could've at least *tried* not to look like a sullen toddler in need of a nap.

Just a little less sloth and utter apathy from their end would've made this such a non issue, too. CYS users are being punished for actually enjoying IF.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Also, fun that it happened IMMEDIATELY after impersonating a CYS member in the discord, spying to try to get an excuse to ban End, not finding a reason to ban End, getting kicked off the discord because I clarified with Miz that I wasn't there. (People can interact outside of discord, shockingly) and then just deciding... Fuck it, we don't need a reason to ban End. Let's just ban him anyway! (And Mizal for good measure, because fuck it, why not?)

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
That's exactly how the intfiction ban went down, not that that one mattered. When all else failed, they made up an entirely new rule to ban a guy with seven whole posts.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

LMFAO! So they couldn't find a reason to ban him, so they made up a new rule specifically to ban him?

... And all IFDB users are equal, but some IFDB users are more equal than others. ^_^

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
We'll just make our own database, with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the database!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
This is the lowest low you can debase yourself into. I got more respect for the crackwhore on the streetcorner chasing her high than the slimy fucks at IFDB chasing their sick sense of self wankery. Fuck.

Hell, you're being punished for being too successful. Their small and easily bruised egos (can you even call the maggotshit they are filled with an ego?) just can't stand someone who actually put in the effort and made comments that stood far above the standard, mumblings someone KO'd by Francis Ngannou could mutter.

Goddamn, they're not even fit to be the pub's pissing wall. Their whole site is a fake.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Been pretty busy today so I missed all this, I'll have to catch up in a bit. But this means Dan deleted over fifty thousand words of reviews just out of spite. I think at the point they're burning their crops and starving their own authors, it means we won the war.

I've been into the IF community for almost twenty years now, extremely sad seeing the big archive that used to belong up everyone now in the hands of someone who doesn't actually care about interactive fiction at all except when the work of others is lining his pockets, but I guess it's not surprising. Greed and petty internet power tripping ruins everything. Just took him less time than even I expected to start pissing all over everything.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

On the next episode of CoG ruins everything: Dan and Jason put in a massive offer to Alex P to buy the rights to CYS. Ban all the mods, delete all the games and official turn CYS into a Warrior Cats fanfiction website. ^_^

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Oh, new season previews! Hooray!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I still think it's funny that Hanon or whatever other Intfiction mod that was from the first time still keeps impersonating you to try and get in the Discord. He needs at least a cameo in the new season.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I need like a special Discord password that I have to say every time I enter the discord to clarify that it's actually me... Not that I'm ever in the discord anyway. Basically, if it's not 3 in the morning and I'm having another insomnia induced crazy rant, auto ban me, :p

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Upon closer inspection, you actually can still access my stories slightly easier than I thought. They're still hidden, but I actually found how to access them through here:

Link to Forbidden Tomes!

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Hah, it's all visible if you jusst add it to a list, once you open said list up, there's a similar selection about hidden results, then boom.

Funny how terrible of a job they did

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I remember Anchorhead! Damn, that shit is old school! ^_^

Really though, it's pretty surprising how few ratings even the top rated games on the site have.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Anchorhead is (rightly) considered the best IF game of all time. There's a 20th anniversary edition available on Steam that has some illustrations, extra scenes and improved writing overall, I'd recommend it to any fans of the original.

I actually came across a thread on intfiction that was just Dan whining about the simple and very well clued opening puzzles being too hard and expressing great frustration that there was a big setting to explore and lots of freedom. Even if I'd known nothing else about the man that alone would show he had the imagination and testicular fortitude of a tapeworm.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Lol. Yeah, what a pussy!

(Says the girl who figured Anchorhead out all by herself and totally, definitely, 100% didn't use a walkthrough for the whole thing.) ... >.>

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

... And reading that back, I feel I should clarify that it was me and not Mizal who totally, definitely didn't use a walkthrough to get through Anchorhead (even the easy parts)

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
But yeah, I know Endmaster is a literal god among men that none can hope to measure up to, but in this case getting into the top 10 didn't take *that* much effort. They had a thirteen year head start on him, and still it was mostly just a matter of stepping over their corpses while they lay there like limp dead fish. Anyone here could crack the Top 25 with minimal effort.

End's reviews really went above and beyond but that level of effort isn't even necessary, almost none of the games can even hope to get a half a dozen ratings, let alone any feedback at all.

IF has become this really weird off-putting hobby where (on other sites) nobody involved seems to actually enjoy it, it's all about pseudo-intellectual posturing and self promotion.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
And yes, in case you were wondering, if someone posts a review of one of your games, that review does not show up on the main page. I think the review still gave me points, but I'm not completely sure. Oh, but if you go to the "see the full list" page, you do get another one of those "some of this is hidden" messages. How silly.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
No worries, I'm sure the rest of the IFDB and all the games and reviews written by everyone will be available again soon in exchange for a simple monthly subscription fee once Dan sets it up.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

... Welp, after all this fuckery, I am expecting a damn good update to the History of CYStia. ^_^

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
lmao I just realized. Sexual Service Act: The one that started it all, still there for any child to view, Dan approved. Imagination, a wholesome children's game. Hidden because it's dangerous.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Honestly I'm waiting for when they start calling me "He who must not be named" and when I start appearing in a mirror by saying my true name three times at midnight.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

if we're getting purged, I decided to leave them with some good old fashioned CYStian kink shaming. That link is incredibly NSFW 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Already deleted lol, and they've restricted his account.

No questions, move along citizen.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I am not an IFID number! I am a free man! 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Anyway, I'm proud of you guys, you all kept to the high road with scrupulously good and productive behavior while visiting these other sites, even when these same people have been coming here for months in their weak attempts to troll and spy and raid our servers. (Scrupuloualy good behavior for ten years in End's case.)

Good deeds never go unpunished though so whatever. Their actions seem bizarrely counterproductive, but then I'm not a greed fueled twat seeking to take all the world of interactive fiction into my soulless grasping claws and drain the world of joy and creativity one community at a time so what do I know.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Imagine not being able to take light criticism in the form of words on a screen.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
So at this point it's confirmed they've thrown any semblance of following their own rules out the window, they're just doing whatever, silencing anyone who questions it and and dragging the bodies to the dumpster out back. Random bannings and deletions aren't even limited to CYStians if you look at the GitHub, it's happened to multiple people without explanation or consequence and at least one that was investigated was confirmed to be for no discernible reason. No response from Dan and co. but a bunch of vague shrugging. Really, everyone might as well just idly fuck with them for entertainment at this point, however you each feel moved and if you happen to personally get anything out of that. I'm washing my hands of the whole place, not sure what else is left to do if it's now policy that using the site as intended is not allowed, and writing thousands and thousands of words of excellent reviews is going to be punished.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

The funny thing is that they haven't even changed their Code of Conduct. Like, End did literally nothing bad during his entire time on IFDB, because even though he shit down the throats of their top reviewers with his persistent reviewing, he did so in the most respectful and legitimate manner possible. They should be proud that their site got so much activity.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

What's GitHub?

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Don't forget you have to describe this for Zape.

I actually feel bad for him, he put a ton of work into listing so many of our games, and now they're just going to end up removing them all.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Interesting community here. If they're going to keep deleting accounts you folks should consider getting NordVPN, they're the best on the market and one of the most affordable. They have subscriptions that come out to less than $4 a month and frequently have deals going on. I use it for everything.

Not a bot lol. But you should know you're not the only authors unhappy about the changes taking place. Fabulich is slimy and the IFTF "team" is a farce. He's completely taken over everything to mold it to his vision, which does not include any thought for the legitimate authors and players. This never should've been allowed to happen and it's going to be a hard lesson that's going to shatter the community.

The IFComp now belongs to him too, so I hope no one had plans to enter it.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
That's a pretty old blog post, looks like they've been in control of it a few years now. I'm not sure what Dan's involvement was at that point (any time anybody asked about the IFTF until the last month or so the answer was always 'who?') but the comp this coming year should be interesting now that they've gotten some teeth.

I agree with you that the future doesn't look so hot for what I've always thought of as the mainstream IF community, but they've already long been unrecognizeable from the late 90s/early 2000s era that produced some of the best games and most thought provoking discussions and design from people that were genuinely enthusiastic about this stuff, so whatever. It is what it is, and they let this happen to themselves. For all the disgruntlement there about those no good CYOAs, they've just lain down once again and let their identity be taken over.

Anybody can still write and play and discuss IF anywhere else though, it's a uniquely flexible medium. He may want it all but he simply can't have it.

This does make me want to go back and look more into some stuff I heard of an author having his game removed from the IFComp for basically the reason of "the organizers did not like him", not sure what year it was though.

In the IFComp's case though, they do that often enough and eventually they won't be able to milk the audience they've decimated for donation money.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Lol. Can't say I'm surprised. Fagulich always been like this.

In any case, the majority of IF Community allowed him to come in and horsefuck their site by rewriting the rules and everything else (or at the very least stood by and did nothing), so I guess they're happy being the big bitches they are.

Unfortunate for the IF folks that were against all this though since I know that place was their home.

Happily, I turned him away from CYS a long time ago when he tried coming here telling me to take down threads. So we'll continue on as usual.

In any case, we only bothered to pay much attention to the IF forums in the first place because Mizal and my accounts were getting banned over there suddenly for no reason (I had a whopping 7 posts over there over the course of like 5 years). Along with someone mass uploading CYS stories on the IFDB (I don't think many of our members even knew about the place before recently).

With the IFDB, it was more of a case of "Okay, a bunch of our stories are listed there now, well I guess we can contribute" so we started doing reviews over there. I had a lot of knowledge of some of the old games and was surprised there weren't certain IFs up there, so I uploaded and did reviews of those as well. Wrote 80 legit reviews, never told anyone to go rate anyone's stories down or whatever, so we were all cordial.

However like I said before, I figured I was going to get banned on some trumped up reason Dan was going to make up since he doesn't like me (REALLY doesn't like me, lol), so the results were hardly surprising.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

Please tell me the annual Spring Thing contest is still sacred? >.<

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

the one man crusade continues, even though I'm shadowbanned lmao 

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
I like how absolutely nothing in that review violates any rules even remotely.

It'd be useful if they created some kind of list of games that aren't allowed to be criticized, I imagine for anyone still bothering to try and use the site it gets annoying navigating around the invisible mine fields that lead to instant deletions. It's like they're playing Calvinball over there.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Yeah, I already can't find that review, even with the "Bad words" option on

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
looks like they fixed some things. This one is back now and so is my old Eternal review they'd hidden. There's a link that says some search results were hidden you can click to find Eternal again. I'm not sure why they bothered because it's not going to annoy anyone any less, but, I never saw the point of using that site in the first place to be completely honest. We have way more people coming here than I've ever seen over there. And our forum isn't full of old faggots getting their one inch virgin dicks hard showing everyone a thing or two about what happens to people who like a game. Awhile back I did find a game called Sugarlawn that seemed okay when I was trying to learn parser games, I'm playing it again now but I'm never going to review it because fuck that site. I can't understand how they can run a place like that but get mad if people use it.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
Sugarlawn was pretty good.

There's a lot of other great IF games out there, parser and otherwise (something I've been futilely trying to convince people of for years) and the IFComp, SpringThing, and Ectocomp are still worth checking out and voting on (ditto) but basically yeah, at this point the ones actually running that community are so far up their own ass and far removed from any relateable human experience there's zero common ground and no reason to involve ourselves.

You guys...well mostly Endmaster...gave the IFDB a desperately needed shot in the arm and prevented the post IFComp die off. But we were taking all the jobs that none of them wanted, so they had to build a wall.

I expect the whole place will just die again other than Mathbrush, and in the short term become so choked with faggotry that every review will start off with cringe apologies for being a cis white male (there's literally one doing exactly that right now).

What a terrible place, I'm so glad I left.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago

I noticed Endmaster's reviews were missing immediately of course. They'd been a constant presence on the front page and always entertaining to read and it had made checking that site part of my routine. 

Not happy at all at this turn of events. The IFTF are book burners posing as enlightened and tolerant intellectuals, so the hypocrisy somehow makes it worse. There is no justification for deleting reviews.

I've got that V:tM game still waiting on me to play it, but it might end up being the last Choice of Games purchase I ever make. I don't know...I have so much free time to read now and I love the games, and I know one person boycotting for personal reasons isn't going to impact any wallets in the scheme of things, but I find everything about that company just so distasteful right now.       

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
That's always the dilemma. Many of the authors deserve support, but you have directly benefit the moist, bug-eyed goblinoids they've got acting as their keepers to do so.

But ultimately it's just a few bucks either way so if it's something you like to do, don't deprive yourself out of morals. We couldn't buy anything from most companies if we worried too much about things like that.

War on Interfiction

4 years ago
lol i went and looked at that other forum It is not poggers at all.

War on Interfiction

3 years ago

Finally got through this whole saga. It's kind of funny, all they're doing is driving out an entire community of people who love IF and would have been contributing and supporting authors and discovering new games maybe for years to come. What was the point?

I'd been putting off making an account until I was done with some other things, but all for the best now. Because some people I've never interacted with already decided I'm not enjoying text games correctly, so my opinions aren't valid and I can't be allowed to express them.  

War on Interfiction

3 years ago

Even more amusing since they're all worried about getting more youth to take an interest in IFs in the future and most of them are more attracted to this place given how many classrooms we get at least a couple times a year.

War on Interfiction

one year ago


Always interesting to see what pops up during a Google search...

Ah yes, our name once again is infamous.

While not surprised by someone going by the name "pinkunz" being a faggot, it is hilarious that he actually counted out how many times I said the word within one post. (I probably could have said more than 33 times, but you never want to overuse a word)

Lol "Something weird" he says as he's literally talking with a faggot ass Mormon who had to censor the fucking "naughty words" on shit as tame as "Leather Goddess of Phobos."

Speaking of Fagbrush, the HATE Archive isn't a documentation of us so much as it's a documentation of you cowardly fucktards that are always deleting shit whenever someone gets their panties in a twist. (Which is quite often)

And here we come to Fagon O, who as usual is changing up the narrative and basically being a mealy mouthed cowardly gaping hole.

First off, while documented in this very thread and others, none of us actually downvoted ANYbody's shitty games. Which is more that can be said for you faggots who were downvoting all of ours. You faggots started all this anyway, so shouldn't be surprising that you played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.

"Zerg rush" Lol.

There were like maybe 10 of us at most and honestly I was doing all the fucking heavy lifting with writing GENUINE reviews, along with actually adding more games to the database. What, I shouldn't get credit for that? Goddamn right I'm going have my people support me. Not like I'm going to wait around for you fucktards to do anything since you weren't doing shit with the database and just circle jerked each other UNTIL I started fucking up the status quo over there and you had to beg Dan Fagubitch to help you out. Lol.

In any case, hardly a fucking "horde", and it is hardly our fucking fault that YOU sorry fucks don't have a motivated community that rate your own goddamn shit. Fuck, the only one over there that's doing anything is Fagbrush, and that's because he's a goddamn autist that obsessively reviews everything...without actually playing most shit.

I could go on, but it's all been said before earlier in this thread when this all originally went down. Still, it's hilarious to see that they all still like telling lies about us over there.

War on Interfiction

one year ago
Surprised/not surprised to see this. Hanon always makes such a point to come off as "reasonable" in conversations, but that post of his is just a big load of weasely lies. It was the author of some IFComp game that was directing downvotes of all our games first of all, which Mathbrush was willing to say at the time was a major violation of the rules. Same person was behind the raids on our Discord server at the time too.

I guess he feels the "political" thing to do is cover for his overlord Dan Fabulich manually deleting over a hundred legitimate, mostly positive reviews of IF that wasn't even from this site, and then coding in a feature to block your games from the listing. Because he just had that much of an axe to grind and it was weird and cringe by any measure.

Interesting that in this narrative only your games were too "mature", worth noting that they didn't and still don't mind all the fetish porn that Twine authors get off to. There's a reason I've requested all the perverts head over intfiction's way and leave us alone lol.

We still have you ~80 reviews of C64 games and classic gamebooks in a Google doc anyway, I'd love to hear them try to explain what was wrong with even one of them in any situation where they couldn't just lie.

It still continues to be funny that less than 10 people displaying an interest in IF was somehow considered enough to tip the balance of the WHOLE database and send them into a panic.

War on Interfiction

one year ago
Smh you were doing them a service by reviewing their games. Your reviews were all thoughtful and provided more interest than most of the games in that database normally get in years.

War on Interfiction

one year ago
Yeah, it's the Internet. Lying liars gonna lie.

At the time this happened, there was ONE whole person active on that site. ONE. I believe End pointed the site out and said we should see if we could help them gain some activity. I did join over there and added a ton of stories from this site. I assumed that was kind if the purpose of a site that had "database" in their name. And sure, I voted for some of the stories from this site that I liked because I wanted to show those stories had value and let them be highlighted in the DATABASE.

And no, I didn't "downvote" anyone. I read stories, wrote reviews about them, and gave them ratings. Again, assuming that was the entire purpose of the site! No, I didn't get "rewards" on this site for hating on anyone, and no one told me what stories to rank, add to the database, or even read. Idiots

War on Interfiction

one year ago
That was me that pointed it out, I was trying to get some peeps here into parser IF. For a couple of years I'd been trying to get some of you guys to check out the IFComp games because a lot of them are really well done and fun. And they banned my ten year old IFDB account over it. :) And also my account that I made like three posts a year with during the IFComp period, and hadn't logged into in months at the time Hanon banned me without giving any notice.

War on Interfiction

one year ago

In all my time on IFDB, I didn't downvote anything. In fact, I even read some of the non-CYS stories and left, as you said, GENUINE reviews. I did add CYS stories to the archive, but they were banger contributions, all worth a read. These guys are so pretentious and haughty (while simultaneously being invertebrate slugs who cry to mods that someone is more active than them LOL) that they treat interactive fiction like politics: lying, demonizing others, and trying to cancel the opposition when all else fails. They would rather have a dead website than a website with Endmaster on it. Guess we stay winning.

War on Interfiction

one year ago

Mormons are gay 

War on Interfiction

one year ago

Really? If they're gay then they're really, really bad at it. Dudes have like 6 wives and 30 children each.

War on Interfiction

one year ago

You can be gay and have children.

You can also be literally straight but spiritually gay, as in the case of Mormons, engineers, paralegals, and the United Kingdom. 

War on Interfiction

one year ago

That's me! ^_^

War on Interfiction

one year ago

I am still unbanned on that site, I will not reveal myself out of spite. All I did was review shit that I cared to read, just like End but without 1/10th of the dedication. I left when he was banned. Hanon was so scared that his years of careful spergwork to live at the tippy top of the site's shitty leaderboard were about to be outdone by a dude with regular-person levels of charisma who had actually contributed something of substance to the hobby, so he saw his opportunity to jump on the bandwagon as soon as one of us rubbed one of their goons the wrong way and ran one long and slanderous smear campaign that was just successful enough to get us all banned as an unspoken blanket policy.

It's one thing to add thousands of imaginary rapes to Eternal because your Mormonous Eunuch Brain physically rejects any scene with sexual themes as vague as flirtation and you just scroll past every dialogue assuming that the worst is happening in every case, it's another thing to slanderously announce to the world that we used to have an entire school shooting genre based on a willful misinterpretation of a thread you did not even read, but of all these things, of ALL the slander Hanon has levelled against us, the casual comparison to is the most vile one that I'll not stand for.

War on Interfiction

one year ago

He really got triggered that we can stir up the motivation to do more than draw crappy character art and masterbate while begging for peanuts from the Lord of the Cucks.


War on Interfiction

one year ago
Power corrupts. Especially for nerds with no friends.